src/caves/entities/core.clj @ b894c3ffe436

what have I done?
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 14 Jul 2012 00:31:26 -0400
parents a208f6298145
children 180b5b981d92
(ns caves.entities.core)

(def ids (ref 0))

(defprotocol Entity
  (tick [this world]
        "Update the world to handle the passing of a tick for this entity."))

(defn get-id []
    (let [id @ids]
      (alter ids inc)

(defn make-fnmap [fns]
  (into {} (for [[label fntail] (map (juxt first rest) fns)]
             [(keyword label)
              `(fn ~@fntail)])))

(defn make-fnheads [fns]
  (map #(take 2 %) fns))

(defmacro defaspect [label & fns]
  (let [fnmap (make-fnmap fns)
        fnheads (make-fnheads fns)]
       (defprotocol ~label
       (def ~label
         (with-meta ~label {:defaults ~fnmap})))))

(defmacro add-aspect [entity aspect & fns]
  (let [fnmap (make-fnmap fns)]
    `(extend ~entity ~aspect (merge (:defaults (meta ~aspect))


    '(defaspect Mobile
                (move [world target]
                      (when (can-move? world target)
                        (println world)))
                (can-move? [world target]

    '(add-aspect Player Mobile))

    '(add-aspect EE Mobile
                 (can-move? [world target]
