src/caves/core.clj @ 458886294f3c

Add scrolling
author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 08 Jul 2012 21:55:31 -0400
parents b08b5fd0f3e8
children d621976b4a1b
(ns caves.core
  (:use [ :only [random-world smooth-world]])
  (:require [lanterna.screen :as s]))

; Constants -------------------------------------------------------------------
(def screen-size [80 24])

; Data Structures -------------------------------------------------------------
(defrecord UI [kind])
(defrecord Game [world uis input])

; Utility Functions -----------------------------------------------------------
(defn clear-screen [screen]
  (let [[cols rows] screen-size
        blank (apply str (repeat cols \space))]
    (doseq [row (range rows)]
      (s/put-string screen 0 row blank))))

; Drawing ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmulti draw-ui
  (fn [ui game screen]
    (:kind ui)))

(defmethod draw-ui :start [ui game screen]
  (s/put-string screen 0 0 "Welcome to the Caves of Clojure!")
  (s/put-string screen 0 1 "Press any key to continue.")
  (s/put-string screen 0 2 "")
  (s/put-string screen 0 3 "Once in the game, you can use enter to win,")
  (s/put-string screen 0 4 "and backspace to lose."))

(defmethod draw-ui :win [ui game screen]
  (s/put-string screen 0 0 "Congratulations, you win!")
  (s/put-string screen 0 1 "Press escape to exit, anything else to restart."))

(defmethod draw-ui :lose [ui game screen]
  (s/put-string screen 0 0 "Sorry, better luck next time.")
  (s/put-string screen 0 1 "Press escape to exit, anything else to restart."))

(defn get-viewport-coords [game vcols vrows]
  (let [location (:location game)
        [center-x center-y] location

        tiles (:tiles (:world game))

        map-rows (count tiles)
        map-cols (count (first tiles))

        start-x (max 0 (- center-x (int (/ vcols 2))))
        start-y (max 0 (- center-y (int (/ vrows 2))))

        end-x (+ start-x vcols)
        end-x (min end-x map-cols)

        end-y (+ start-y vrows)
        end-y (min end-y map-rows)

        start-x (- end-x vcols)
        start-y (- end-y vrows)]
    [start-x start-y end-x end-y]))

(defmethod draw-ui :play [ui game screen]
  (let [world (:world game)
        tiles (:tiles world)
        [cols rows] screen-size
        vcols cols
        vrows (dec rows)
        [start-x start-y end-x end-y] (get-viewport-coords game vcols vrows)]
    (doseq [[vrow-idx mrow-idx] (map vector
                                     (range 0 vrows)
                                     (range start-y end-y))
            :let [row-tiles (subvec (tiles mrow-idx) start-x end-x)]]
      (doseq [vcol-idx (range vcols)
              :let [{:keys [glyph color]} (row-tiles vcol-idx)]]
        (s/put-string screen vcol-idx vrow-idx glyph {:fg color})))
    (let [crosshair-x (int (/ vcols 2))
          crosshair-y (int (/ vrows 2))]
      (s/put-string screen crosshair-x crosshair-y "X" {:fg :red})
      (s/move-cursor screen crosshair-x crosshair-y))))

(defn draw-game [game screen]
  (clear-screen screen)
  (doseq [ui (:uis game)]
    (draw-ui ui game screen))
  (s/redraw screen))

; Input -----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmulti process-input
  (fn [game input]
    (:kind (last (:uis game)))))

(defmethod process-input :start [game input]
  (-> game
    (assoc :world (random-world))
    (assoc :uis [(new UI :play)])))

(defn move [[x y] [dx dy]]
  [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)])

(defmethod process-input :play [game input]
  (case input
    :enter     (assoc game :uis [(new UI :win)])
    :backspace (assoc game :uis [(new UI :win)])
    \q         (assoc game :uis [])

    \s (assoc game :world (smooth-world (:world game)))

    \h (update-in game [:location] move [-1 0])
    \j (update-in game [:location] move [0 1])
    \k (update-in game [:location] move [0 -1])
    \l (update-in game [:location] move [1 0])

    \H (update-in game [:location] move [-5 0])
    \J (update-in game [:location] move [0 5])
    \K (update-in game [:location] move [0 -5])
    \L (update-in game [:location] move [5 0])


(defmethod process-input :win [game input]
  (if (= input :escape)
    (assoc game :uis [])
    (assoc game :uis [(new UI :start)])))

(defmethod process-input :lose [game input]
  (if (= input :escape)
    (assoc game :uis [])
    (assoc game :uis [(new UI :start)])))

(defn get-input [game screen]
  (assoc game :input (s/get-key-blocking screen)))

; Main ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn run-game [game screen]
  (loop [{:keys [input uis] :as game} game]
    (when-not (empty? uis)
      (draw-game game screen)
      (if (nil? input)
        (recur (get-input game screen))
        (recur (process-input (dissoc game :input) input))))))

(defn new-game []
  (assoc (new Game nil [(new UI :start)] nil)
         :location [40 20]))

(defn main
  ([screen-type] (main screen-type false))
  ([screen-type block?]
   (letfn [(go []
             (let [screen (s/get-screen screen-type)]
               (s/in-screen screen
                            (run-game (new-game) screen))))]
     (if block?
       (future (go))))))

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [args (set args)
        screen-type (cond
                      (args ":swing") :swing
                      (args ":text")  :text
                      :else           :auto)]
    (main screen-type true)))