src/caves/coords.clj @ 35acf92fe597

author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 11 Jul 2012 12:43:30 -0400
parents (none)
children a208f6298145
(ns caves.coords)

(defn offset-coords
  "Offset the starting coordinate by the given amount, returning the result coordinate."
  [[x y] [dx dy]]
  [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)])

(defn dir-to-offset
  "Convert a direction to the offset for moving 1 in that direction."
  (case dir
    :w  [-1 0]
    :e  [1 0]
    :n  [0 -1]
    :s  [0 1]
    :nw [-1 -1]
    :ne [1 -1]
    :sw [-1 1]
    :se [1 1]))

(defn destination-coords
  "Take an origin's coords and a direction and return the destination's coords."
  [origin dir]
  (offset-coords origin (dir-to-offset dir)))