Commit Log

commit description author date
0329a2650981 Implement batch mode, CLI args, minor cleanups Steve Losh 2022-06-21
002aae48b9ff Fix the makefile bullshit Steve Losh 2022-03-09
cb2e07924093 Give up on building with ECL Steve Losh 2022-03-09
024e32992c58 Merge Steve Losh 2022-03-09
652d3e91c0f9 Improve `doc`, add byte functions. Steve Losh 2022-03-09
c15cbbfc3d37 Add bits/hex/code-char/char-code and characters Steve Losh 2020-10-06
33ec50895f68 Add 1in Steve Losh 2020-08-07
c5a16c723abb Clean up, remove webshit Steve Losh 2020-02-29
c2a0734fb39e Update build process Steve Losh 2020-02-28
bbdee48c28dc Update URLs Steve Losh 2020-01-15
599ff99ab690 Update URLs Steve Losh 2019-12-23
baa69c3267fc Update adopt ui Steve Losh 2019-04-02
674260595163 Update build process Steve Losh 2018-12-24
6385b2a6b82a Fix exit code Steve Losh 2018-12-19
a08b75bd86ad Add a UI Steve Losh 2018-12-19
37133d1e538a Add ref Steve Losh 2018-11-14
70497b31cb24 Give the JSON commands better names Steve Losh 2018-11-14
bb5224a1a209 Fix hash table pretty printing in CCL Steve Losh 2018-11-14
04099eeb54c0 Dammit ECL Steve Losh 2018-11-10
ef33bdcca28e Start adding arbitrary data Steve Losh 2018-11-10
597bba1ad599 Set up some basic help infrastructure Steve Losh 2018-03-18
81e3e4a719c0 Add bin scripts Steve Losh 2018-03-18
498989a23d4d Initial commit Steve Losh 2018-03-18