--- a/src/base.lisp Sun Dec 23 23:41:05 2018 -0500
+++ b/src/base.lisp Tue Apr 02 06:16:58 2019 -0400
@@ -406,68 +406,88 @@
Documentation about the command-line options to the CACL binary follows. ~
For information about how to use CACL itself type help when running in interactive mode.")
-(adopt:define-interface *ui*
- (:name "cacl"
+(defparameter *o-help*
+ (adopt:make-option 'help
+ :help "display help and exit"
+ :long "help"
+ :short #\h
+ :reduce (constantly t)))
+(defparameter *o-rcfile*
+ (adopt:make-option 'rcfile
+ :help "path to the custom initialization file (default ~/.caclrc)"
+ :long "rcfile"
+ :parameter "PATH"
+ :initial-value "~/.caclrc"
+ :reduce #'adopt:newest))
+(defparameter *o-no-rcfile*
+ (adopt:make-option 'no-rcfile
+ :result-key 'rcfile
+ :help "disable loading of any rcfile"
+ :long "no-rcfile"
+ :reduce (constantly nil)))
+(defparameter *o-interactive*
+ (adopt:make-option 'interactive
+ :result-key 'mode
+ :help "run in interactive mode (the default)"
+ :long "interactive"
+ :short #\i
+ :initial-value 'interactive
+ :reduce (constantly 'interactive)))
+(defparameter *o-batch*
+ (adopt:make-option 'batch
+ :result-key 'mode
+ :help "run in batch processing mode"
+ :long "batch"
+ :short #\b
+ :reduce (constantly 'batch)))
+(defparameter *o-inform*
+ (adopt:make-option 'inform
+ :help "print informational message at startup (the default)"
+ :long "inform"
+ :initial-value t
+ :reduce (constantly t)))
+(defparameter *o-no-inform*
+ (adopt:make-option 'no-inform
+ :result-key 'inform
+ :help "suppress printing of informational message at startup"
+ :long "no-inform"
+ :reduce (constantly nil)))
+ (defparameter *ui*
+ (adopt:make-interface
+ :name "cacl"
:usage "[OPTIONS]"
:summary "A TUI RPN calculator written and customizable in Common Lisp."
- :documentation *documentation*)
- ((help)
- :documentation "display help and exit"
- :long "help"
- :short #\h
- :reduce (constantly t))
- ((rcfile)
- :documentation "path to the custom initialization file (default ~/.caclrc)"
- :long "rcfile"
- :parameter "PATH"
- :initial-value "~/.caclrc"
- :reduce #'adopt:newest)
- ((rcfile no-rcfile)
- :documentation "disable loading of any rcfile"
- :long "no-rcfile"
- :reduce (constantly nil))
- ((interactive mode)
- :documentation "run in interactive mode (the default)"
- :long "interactive"
- :short #\i
- :initial-value 'interactive
- :reduce (constantly 'interactive))
- ((batch mode)
- :documentation "run in batch processing mode"
- :long "batch"
- :short #\b
- :reduce (constantly 'batch))
- ((inform)
- :documentation "print informational message at startup (the default)"
- :long "inform"
- :initial-value t
- :reduce (constantly t))
- ((no-inform inform)
- :documentation "suppress printing of informational message at startup"
- :long "no-inform"
- :reduce (constantly nil)))
+ :help *documentation*
+ :contents
+ (list *o-help*
+ *o-rcfile*
+ *o-no-rcfile*
+ *o-interactive*
+ *o-batch*
+ *o-inform*
+ *o-no-inform*)))
-(defun toplevel ()
- ;; ccl clobbers the pprint dispatch table when dumping an image, no idea why
- (set-pprint-dispatch 'hash-table 'losh:pretty-print-hash-table)
- (multiple-value-bind (arguments options) (adopt:parse-options *ui*)
- (when (gethash 'help options)
- (adopt:print-usage *ui*)
- (adopt:exit 0))
- (when (gethash 'inform options)
- (print-version))
- (when-let ((rc (gethash 'rcfile options)))
- (load rc :if-does-not-exist nil))
- (when arguments
- (cerror "Ignore them" "Unrecognized command-line arguments: ~S" arguments))
- (run)))
+ (defun toplevel ()
+ ;; ccl clobbers the pprint dispatch table when dumping an image, no idea why
+ (set-pprint-dispatch 'hash-table 'losh:pretty-print-hash-table)
+ (multiple-value-bind (arguments options) (adopt:parse-options *ui*)
+ (when (gethash 'help options)
+ (adopt:print-help-and-exit *ui*))
+ (when (gethash 'inform options)
+ (print-version))
+ (when-let ((rc (gethash 'rcfile options)))
+ (load rc :if-does-not-exist nil))
+ (when arguments
+ (cerror "Ignore them" "Unrecognized command-line arguments: ~S" arguments))
+ (run)))