
Improve `doc`, add byte functions.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 08 Mar 2022 21:18:22 -0500 (2022-03-09)
parents 33ec50895f68
children 024e32992c58
branches/tags (none)
files src/base.lisp src/math.lisp


--- a/src/base.lisp	Fri Aug 07 14:50:01 2020 -0400
+++ b/src/base.lisp	Tue Mar 08 21:18:22 2022 -0500
@@ -151,10 +151,15 @@
        (defmethod command ((symbol (eql ',symbol)))
          (,(if read-only 'with-read-only-args 'with-args) ,args
-           ,@declarations
-           ,@forms))
+          ,@declarations
+          ,@forms))
        (defmethod command-documentation ((symbol (eql ',symbol)))
-         ,(or documentation "No documentation provided"))
+         (format nil "~A ~:S~A" ',symbol ',args
+                 ,(if documentation
+                    (format nil "~2%~A" (string-right-trim
+                                          #(#\newline #\space)
+                                          documentation))
+                    "")))
        (pushnew ',symbol *commands*))))
 (defmacro define-command (symbol-or-symbols args &body body)
@@ -164,28 +169,23 @@
                 (for symbol :in (alexandria:ensure-list symbol-or-symbols))
                 (collect `(define-command% ,symbol ,args ,read-only ,@body))))))
-(defmacro define-simple-command
-    (symbols argument-count &optional (lisp-function (first symbols)))
-  (let ((args (alexandria:make-gensym-list argument-count "ARG")))
-    `(define-command ,symbols ,args
-       (push! (,lisp-function ,@args)))))
+(defmacro define-simple-command (symbols args &optional (lisp-function (first symbols)))
+  `(define-command ,symbols ,args
+     (push! (,lisp-function ,@args))))
 (defmacro define-constant-command (symbol value)
   `(define-command ,symbol ()
+     ,(format nil "Push ~A (~A)." symbol (eval value))
      (push! ,value)))
 ;;;; Commands/IO --------------------------------------------------------------
 (define-command pbc (&read-only x)
-  "Copy the top element of the stack to the system clipboard.
-  The item will remain on the stack.
-  "
+  "Copy `x` to the system clipboard.  It will remain on the stack."
   (pbcopy x))
 (define-command pbp ()
-  "Push the contents of the system clipboard onto the stack as a string."
+  "Push the contents of the system clipboard as a string."
   (push! (pbpaste)))
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
 (define-command (dup d) (x)
-  "Duplicate the top element of the stack."
+  "Duplicate `x`."
   (push! x x))
 (define-command pop ()
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
 (define-command (length len) (item)
+  "Pop `item` and push its length."
   (push! (length item)))
 (define-command (swap x) (x y)
@@ -246,7 +247,7 @@
 ;;;; Commands/System ----------------------------------------------------------
 (define-command doc (symbol)
   "Print the documentation for the symbol at the top of the stack."
-  (format t "~A: ~A~%" symbol (command-documentation symbol)))
+  (write-line (command-documentation symbol)))
 (define-command help ()
   "Print some basic help information."
@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@
 (defun print-stack (&optional (stack *stack*))
   (write-char #\()
   (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
-    (format t "~{~A~^ ~}" (reverse stack)))
+    (format t "~{~S~^ ~}" (reverse stack)))
   (write-char #\))
--- a/src/math.lisp	Fri Aug 07 14:50:01 2020 -0400
+++ b/src/math.lisp	Tue Mar 08 21:18:22 2022 -0500
@@ -18,40 +18,40 @@
 (define-constant-command pi pi)
 (define-constant-command tau tau)
-(define-simple-command (!) 1 factorial)
-(define-simple-command (*) 2)
-(define-simple-command (+) 2)
-(define-simple-command (-) 2)
-(define-simple-command (/) 2)
-(define-simple-command (abs) 1)
-(define-simple-command (acos) 1)
-(define-simple-command (asin) 1)
-(define-simple-command (atan) 1)
-(define-simple-command (atan2) 2 atan)
-(define-simple-command (ceiling ceil) 1)
-(define-simple-command (choose) 2 binomial-coefficient)
-(define-simple-command (cos) 1)
-(define-simple-command (cs) 1 -)
-(define-simple-command (cube) 1)
-(define-simple-command (denom) 1 denominator)
-(define-simple-command (expt ex) 2)
-(define-simple-command (floor) 1)
-(define-simple-command (gcd) 2)
-(define-simple-command (lcm) 2)
-(define-simple-command (mod) 2)
-(define-simple-command (numer) 1 numerator)
-(define-simple-command (rat) 1 rationalize)
-(define-simple-command (rec recip) 1 /)
-(define-simple-command (rem) 2)
-(define-simple-command (round) 1)
-(define-simple-command (sin) 1)
-(define-simple-command (sqrt) 1)
-(define-simple-command (square sq) 1)
-(define-simple-command (tan) 1)
-(define-simple-command (truncate trunc tr) 1 truncate)
+(define-simple-command (!) (x) factorial)
+(define-simple-command (*) (x y))
+(define-simple-command (+) (x y))
+(define-simple-command (-) (x y))
+(define-simple-command (/) (x y))
+(define-simple-command (abs) (x))
+(define-simple-command (acos) (x))
+(define-simple-command (asin) (x))
+(define-simple-command (atan) (y))
+(define-simple-command (atan2) (y x) atan)
+(define-simple-command (ceiling ceil) (x))
+(define-simple-command (choose) (n k) binomial-coefficient)
+(define-simple-command (cos) (x))
+(define-simple-command (cs) (x) -)
+(define-simple-command (cube) (x))
+(define-simple-command (denom) (x) denominator)
+(define-simple-command (expt ex) (base power))
+(define-simple-command (floor) (x))
+(define-simple-command (gcd) (x y))
+(define-simple-command (lcm) (x y))
+(define-simple-command (mod) (x modulus))
+(define-simple-command (numer) (n) numerator)
+(define-simple-command (rat) (x) rationalize)
+(define-simple-command (rec recip) (x) /)
+(define-simple-command (rem) (x divisor))
+(define-simple-command (round) (x))
+(define-simple-command (sin) (x))
+(define-simple-command (sqrt) (x))
+(define-simple-command (square sq) (x))
+(define-simple-command (tan) (x))
+(define-simple-command (truncate trunc tr) (x) truncate)
-(define-command (float fl) (x)
-  "Coerce the top of the stack to a DOUBLE-FLOAT."
+(define-command (float fl f) (x)
+  "Coerce the top of the stack to a `double-float`."
   (push! (coerce x 'double-float)))
 (define-command 1in (p)
@@ -61,9 +61,11 @@
 (define-command range (from below)
+  "Push an exclusive range of numbers.  The highest number will be at the top of the stack."
   (loop for x :from from :below below :do (push! x)))
 (define-command irange (from to)
+  "Push an inclusive range of numbers.  The highest number will be at the top of the stack."
   (loop for x :from from :to to :do (push! x)))
 (define-command base (n)
@@ -104,6 +106,32 @@
   "Pop the entire stack, multiply everything together, and push the result."
   (push! (product (pop-all!))))
-(define-command log (base number)
-  (push! (log number base)))
+(define-command log (base x)
+  (push! (log x base)))
+(define-command ln (x)
+  (push! (log x)))
+(define-command kb (bytes)
+  "Convert bytes to kilobytes."
+  (push! (coerce (/ bytes (expt 1024 1)) 'double-float)))
+(define-command mb (bytes)
+  "Convert bytes to megabytes."
+  (push! (coerce (/ bytes (expt 1024 2)) 'double-float)))
+(define-command gb (bytes)
+  "Convert bytes to gigabytes."
+  (push! (coerce (/ bytes (expt 1024 3)) 'double-float)))
+(define-command tb (bytes)
+  "Convert bytes to terabytes."
+  (push! (coerce (/ bytes (expt 1024 4)) 'double-float)))
+(define-command pb (bytes)
+  "Convert bytes to petabytes."
+  (push! (coerce (/ bytes (expt 1024 5)) 'double-float)))
+(define-command eb (bytes)
+  "Convert bytes to exabytes."
+  (push! (coerce (/ bytes (expt 1024 6)) 'double-float)))