Refactor, add pf, add units
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Wed, 05 Mar 2025 15:09:34 -0500 |
parents |
0329a2650981 |
children |
(none) |
(in-package :cacl)
;;;; Config -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *undo-limit* 30)
;;;; State --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar *running* nil)
(defvar *stack* nil)
(defvar *previous* nil)
(defvar *commands* nil)
;;;; Stack --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun push! (&rest objects)
(dolist (o objects)
(push (if (floatp o)
(coerce o 'double-float)
(defun pop! ()
(assert *stack* () "Cannot pop empty stack")
(pop *stack*))
(defun pop-all! ()
(prog1 (copy-list *stack*) (setf *stack* nil)))
(defmacro with-args (symbols &body body)
`(let (,@(iterate (for symbol :in (reverse symbols))
(collect `(,symbol (pop!)))))
(defmacro with-read-only-args (symbols &body body)
`(let (,@(iterate (for i :from 0)
(for symbol :in (reverse symbols))
(collect `(,symbol (nth ,i *stack*)))))
;;;; Undo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun save-stack ()
(unless (eql *stack* (car *previous*))
(push *stack* *previous*))
(setf *previous* (subseq *previous* 0 (min (1+ *undo-limit*)
(length *previous*)))))
(defun save-thunk (thunk)
(push thunk *previous*))
(defun undo ()
(assert (cdr *previous*) () "Cannot undo any further")
;; The first element in *previous* is the current stack, so remove it.
(pop *previous*)
(let ((top (car *previous*)))
(etypecase top
(list nil)
(function (funcall top)
(pop *previous*)))
(setf *stack* (car *previous*))))
;;;; Help ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun first-letter (command)
(let ((ch (aref (symbol-name command) 0)))
(if (alphanumericp ch)
(defun partition-commands (commands)
(mapcar (lambda (letter-and-commands)
(sort (second letter-and-commands) #'string<))
(sort (hash-table-contents (group-by #'first-letter commands))
#'char< :key #'first)))
(defun print-version ()
(format t "CACL v0.0.0 (~A)~%"
#+sbcl 'sbcl
#+ccl 'ccl
#+ecl 'ecl
#+abcl 'abcl))
(defun print-help ()
(format t "CACL is an RPN calculator written in Common Lisp.~@
The current stack is displayed above the prompt (the top is at the right).~@
Forms are read from standard input with the standard Common Lisp READ function.~@
This means you can put multiple things on one line if you want, like this:~@
~% 1 2 +~@
What happens when a form is read depends on the form:~@
* Numbers and characters are pushed onto the stack.~@
* Symbols run commands.~@
* Quoted forms are pushed onto the stack.~@
Type `commands` for a list of available commands.~@
To get help for a particular command, push its symbol onto the stack~@
and run the `doc` command:~@
~% 'float doc~@
(defun print-commands ()
~(~{~{~A~^ ~}~%~}~)~%"
(partition-commands *commands*)))
;;;; Commands -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defgeneric command (symbol))
(defmethod command ((symbol symbol))
(error "Unknown command ~S" symbol))
(defgeneric command-documentation (symbol))
(defmethod command-documentation (object)
(flet ((friendly-type (object)
(let ((type (type-of object)))
(if (consp type) (first type) type))))
(error "Cannot retrieve documentation for ~S ~S"
(friendly-type object) object)))
(defmethod command-documentation ((symbol symbol))
(error "Unknown command ~S" symbol))
(defmacro define-command% (symbol args read-only &body body)
(multiple-value-bind (forms declarations documentation)
(alexandria:parse-body body :documentation t)
(defmethod command ((symbol (eql ',symbol)))
(,(if read-only 'with-read-only-args 'with-args) ,args
(defmethod command-documentation ((symbol (eql ',symbol)))
(format nil "~A ~:S~A" ',symbol ',args
,(if documentation
(format nil "~2%~A" (string-right-trim
#(#\newline #\space)
(pushnew ',symbol *commands*))))
(defmacro define-command (symbol-or-symbols args &body body)
(let ((read-only (member '&read-only args))
(args (remove '&read-only args)))
`(progn ,@(iterate
(for symbol :in (alexandria:ensure-list symbol-or-symbols))
(collect `(define-command% ,symbol ,args ,read-only ,@body))))))
(defmacro define-simple-command (symbols args &optional (lisp-function (first symbols)))
`(define-command ,symbols ,args
(push! (,lisp-function ,@args))))
(defmacro define-constant-command (symbol value)
`(define-command ,symbol ()
,(format nil "Push ~A (~A)." symbol (eval value))
(push! ,value)))
;;;; Commands/IO --------------------------------------------------------------
(define-command pbc (&read-only x)
"Copy `x` to the system clipboard. It will remain on the stack."
(pbcopy x))
(define-command pbp ()
"Push the contents of the system clipboard as a string."
(push! (pbpaste)))
;;;; Commands/Stack -----------------------------------------------------------
(define-command (clear cl) ()
"Clear the entire stack."
(define-command (print p) (&read-only item)
"Print `item`. It will remain on the stack."
(princ (structural-string item))
(define-command (pprint pp) (&read-only item)
"Pretty print `item`. It will remain on the stack."
(pprint item)
(define-command (dup d) (x)
"Duplicate `x`."
(push! x x))
(define-command pop ()
"Pop the top element of the stack."
(define-command (length len) (item)
"Pop `item` and push its length."
(push! (length item)))
(define-command (swap x) (x y)
"Exchange the top two elements of the stack."
(push! y x))
(define-command (reverse rev) ()
"Reverse the stack."
(setf *stack* (reverse *stack*)))
(define-command (hist history) ()
(let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
(flet ((print-entry (e)
(typecase e
(list (print-stack :stack e))
(t (prin1 e) (terpri)))))
(mapc #'print-entry (reverse *previous*))))
(define-command count ()
"Push the length of the stack."
(push! (length *stack*)))
(define-command (undo un) ()
(throw :do-not-add-undo-state nil))
;;;; Commands/System ----------------------------------------------------------
(define-command doc (symbol)
"Print the documentation for the symbol at the top of the stack."
(write-line (command-documentation symbol)))
(define-command help ()
"Print some basic help information."
(define-command commands ()
"Print a list of available commands."
(define-command reload ()
"Reload the entire CACL system from Quicklisp."
(funcall (read-from-string "ql:quickload") :cacl))
(define-command (quit q) ()
"Quit CACL."
(setf *running* nil))
(define-command version ()
"Print the version and host Lisp."
(define-command nop ()
"Do nothing.")
;;;; Commands/Misc ------------------------------------------------------------
(define-command char-code (char)
(push! (char-code char)))
(define-command code-char (code)
(push! (code-char code)))
;;;; Special Forms ------------------------------------------------------------
(defgeneric special-form (symbol &rest body))
(defmacro define-special-form (symbol arguments &rest body)
(let ((args (gensym "ARGUMENTS")))
`(defmethod special-form ((symbol (eql ',symbol)) &rest ,args)
(destructuring-bind ,arguments ,args
(define-special-form quote (value)
(push! value))
;;;; REPL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro with-errors-handled (&body body)
(alexandria:with-gensyms (old-stack)
`(let ((,old-stack *stack*))
(handler-case (progn ,@body)
(error (e)
(format t "~A: ~A~%" (type-of e) e)
(setf *stack* ,old-stack))))))
(defun read-input (stream)
(let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
(line (read-line stream nil :eof nil)))
(if (eq :eof line)
(setf *running* nil)
(read-all-from-string line))))
(defun handle-input (input)
(catch :do-not-add-undo-state
(etypecase input
((or number string character) (push! input))
(symbol (command input))
(cons (apply 'special-form input)))
(defun handle-all-input (stream)
(mapc #'handle-input (read-input stream)))
(defun print-stack (&key (stack *stack*) (decorated t))
(when decorated
(write-char #\())
(let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
(format t "~{~S~^ ~}" (reverse stack)))
(when decorated
(write-char #\))
(defun print-prompt ()
(princ "? ")
(defun run (&key input (batch nil) (slurp nil))
(setf *running* t
*stack* nil
*previous* (list nil))
(let ((*package* (find-package :cacl)))
(when slurp
(iterate (while *running*)
(handle-all-input slurp))
(setf *running* t))
(iterate (while *running*)
(unless batch
(handle-all-input input)))
(when batch
(print-stack :decorated nil)))
;;;; Command Line -------------------------------------------------------------
(adopt:define-string *documentation*
"CACL is a TUI RPN calculator.~@
Documentation about the command-line options to the CACL binary follows. ~
For information about how to use CACL itself type help when running in interactive mode.")
(defparameter *o-help*
(adopt:make-option 'help
:help "display help and exit"
:long "help"
:short #\h
:reduce (constantly t)))
(defparameter *o-rcfile*
(adopt:make-option 'rcfile
:help "path to the custom initialization file (default ~/.caclrc)"
:long "rcfile"
:parameter "PATH"
:initial-value "~/.caclrc"
:reduce #'adopt:last))
(defparameter *o-no-rcfile*
(adopt:make-option 'no-rcfile
:result-key 'rcfile
:help "disable loading of any rcfile"
:long "no-rcfile"
:reduce (constantly nil)))
(defparameter *o-interactive*
(adopt:make-option 'interactive
:result-key 'batch
:help "run in interactive mode (the default)"
:long "interactive"
:short #\B
:initial-value nil
:reduce (constantly nil)))
(defparameter *o-batch*
(adopt:make-option 'batch
:result-key 'batch
:help "run in batch processing mode"
:long "batch"
:short #\b
:reduce (constantly t)))
(defparameter *o-no-inform*
(adopt:make-option 'no-inform
:result-key 'inform
:help "suppress printing of informational message at startup"
:long "no-inform"
:short #\i
:reduce (constantly nil)))
(defparameter *o-inform*
(adopt:make-option 'inform
:help "print informational message at startup (the default)"
:long "inform"
:initial-value t
:short #\I
:reduce (constantly t)))
(adopt:defparameters (*o-slurp* *o-no-slurp*)
(adopt:make-boolean-options 'slurp
:help "slurp input from stdin before continuing to a REPL"
:help-no "don't slurp input from stdin (the default)"
:long "slurp"
:short #\s))
(defparameter *ui*
:name "cacl"
:usage "[OPTIONS]"
:summary "A TUI RPN calculator written and customizable in Common Lisp."
:help *documentation*
(list *o-help*
(defun input-source (arguments)
(if (null arguments)
(make-string-input-stream (str:join #\space arguments))))
(defun toplevel ()
;; ccl clobbers the pprint dispatch table when dumping an image, no idea why
(set-pprint-dispatch 'hash-table 'losh:pretty-print-hash-table)
(adopt::quit-on-ctrl-c ()
(multiple-value-bind (arguments options) (adopt:parse-options *ui*)
(when (gethash 'help options)
(adopt:print-help-and-exit *ui*))
(when (gethash 'inform options)
(when-let ((rc (gethash 'rcfile options)))
(load rc :if-does-not-exist nil))
(flet ((run% (slurp) ; todo this is gross
(run :input (input-source arguments)
:batch (gethash 'batch options)
:slurp slurp)))
(if (gethash 'slurp options)
(with-open-file (human-input "/dev/tty" :direction :input)
(let ((slurp *standard-input*)
(*standard-input* human-input))
(run% slurp)))
(run% nil))))))