src/math.lisp @ a26bbbf15587
default tip
Fix negative pf
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Wed, 05 Mar 2025 15:14:45 -0500 |
parents |
dee136fa9a81 |
children |
(none) |
(in-package :cacl)
;;;; Misc ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun cube (number) (* number number number))
(defun factorial (number)
(iterate (for i :from 1 :to number)
(multiplying i)))
(defun binomial-coefficient (n k)
"Return `n` choose `k`."
;; See
(iterate (for i :from 1 :to k)
(multiplying (/ (- (1+ n) i) i))))
;;;; Primes -------------------------------------------------------------------
(declaim (ftype (function ((integer 0 #.array-dimension-limit))
(simple-array bit (*)))
(defun sieve% (limit)
"Return a bit vector of primality for all odd numbers below `limit`."
(with length = (truncate limit 2))
(with numbers = (make-array length :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
(for bit :in-vector numbers :with-index n :from 1)
(when (= 1 bit)
(with step = (1+ (* 2 n)))
(for composite :from (+ n step) :by step :below length)
(setf (aref numbers composite) 0)))
(setf (aref numbers 0) 0)
(return numbers)))))
(defun sieve (limit)
"Return a vector of all primes below `limit`."
(declare (optimize speed))
(check-type limit (integer 0 #.array-dimension-limit))
(if (< limit 2)
(declare (iterate:declare-variables))
(collect 2 :into result :result-type vector))
(for bit :in-vector (sieve% limit) :with-index n :from 1)
(when (= 1 bit)
(collect (1+ (* 2 n)) :into result :result-type vector))
(finally (return result)))))
(defun prime-factors (n)
"Return the prime factors of `n`.
The result will be a set of primes. For example:
(prime-factors 60)
; =>
(2 3 5)
(let ((result (list)))
(iterate (while (evenp n)) ; handle 2, the only even prime factor
(push 2 result))
(setf n (/ n 2)))
(for i :from 3 :to (sqrt n) :by 2) ; handle odd (prime) divisors
(iterate (while (dividesp n i))
(push i result))
(setf n (/ n i))))
(when (> n 2) ; final check in case we ended up with a prime
(push n result))
(nreverse result)))
(defun prime-factorization (n)
"Return the prime factorization of `n` as a flat list.
The result will be a list of primes, with duplicates. For example:
(prime-factorization 60)
; =>
(2 2 3 5)
;; from
(let ((result (list)))
(iterate (while (evenp n)) ; handle 2, the only even prime factor
(push 2 result)
(setf n (/ n 2)))
(for i :from 3 :to (sqrt n) :by 2) ; handle odd (prime) divisors
(iterate (while (dividesp n i))
(push i result)
(setf n (/ n i))))
(when (> n 2) ; final check in case we ended up with a prime
(push n result))
(nreverse result)))
(defun prime-factorization-pairs (n &key include-zeros)
"Return the prime factorization of `n` as a list of prime/exponent conses.
The result will be a list of `(prime . exponent)` conses. If `include-zeros`
is given, even primes whose exponent turns out to be zero will be included.
For example:
(prime-factorization-pairs 60)
; =>
((2 . 2) (3 . 1) (5 . 1))
(let ((result (list)))
(iterate (while (evenp n)) ; handle 2, the only even prime factor
(else (when include-zeros
(push (cons 2 0) result)))
(push (cons 2 1) result)
(incf (cdar result)))
(setf n (/ n 2)))
(for i :from 3 :to (sqrt n) :by 2) ; handle odd (prime) divisors
(iterate (while (dividesp n i))
(else (when (and include-zeros (primep i))
(push (cons i 0) result)))
(push (cons i 1) result)
(incf (cdar result)))
(setf n (/ n i))))
(when (> n 2) ; final check in case we ended up with a prime
(push (cons n 1) result))
(nreverse result)))
(defun expmod (base exp m)
"Return base^exp % m quickly."
;; From SICP and
;; We want to avoid bignums as much as possible. This computes (base^exp % m)
;; without having to deal with huge numbers by taking advantage of the fact
;; that:
;; (x * y) % m
;; is equivalent to:
;; ((x % m) * (y % m)) % m
;; So for the cases where `exp` is even, we can split base^exp into an x and
;; y both equal to base^(exp/2) and use the above trick to handle them
;; separately. Even better, we can just compute it once and square it.
;; We also make it tail recursive by keeping a running accumulator:
;; base^exp * acc
((recur (base exp acc)
((zerop exp) acc)
((evenp exp)
(recur (rem (square base) m)
(/ exp 2)
(recur base
(1- exp)
(rem (* base acc) m))))))
(recur base exp 1)))
(defun factor-out (n factor)
"Factor the all the `factor`s out of `n`.
Turns `n` into:
factor^e * d
where `d` is no longer divisible by `n`, and returns `e` and `d`.
(iterate (for d :initially n :then (/ d factor))
(for e :initially 0 :then (1+ e))
(while (dividesp d factor))
(finally (return (values e d)))))
(defun miller-rabin-prime-p (n &optional (k 11))
"Return whether `n` might be prime.
If `t` is returned, `n` is probably prime.
If `nil` is returned, `n` is definitely composite.
((< n 2) nil)
((< n 4) t)
((evenp n) nil)
(t (multiple-value-bind (r d)
(factor-out (1- n) 2)
(flet ((strong-liar-p (a)
(let ((x (expmod a d n)))
(or (= x 1)
(iterate (repeat r)
(for y :initially x :then (expmod y 2 n))
(when (= y (1- n))
(return t)))))))
(iterate (repeat k)
(for a = (random-range-exclusive 1 (1- n)))
(always (strong-liar-p a))))))))
(defun brute-force-prime-p (n)
"Return (slowly) whether `n` is prime."
((or (= n 0) (= n 1)) nil)
((= n 2) t)
((evenp n) nil)
(t (iterate (for divisor :from 3 :to (sqrt n))
(when (dividesp n divisor)
(return nil))
(finally (return t))))))
;;; We precompute a bit vector of the primality of the first few odd prime
;;; numbers to make checking primes faster.
(defconstant +precomputed-primality-limit+ 10000000)
(defparameter *precomputed-primality-bit-vector*
(sieve% +precomputed-primality-limit+))
(deftype precomputed-primality-bit-vector ()
`(simple-array bit (,(truncate +precomputed-primality-limit+ 2))))
(deftype integer-with-precomputed-primality ()
`(integer 0 (,+precomputed-primality-limit+)))
(defun-inline precomputed-prime-p% (n)
(declare (optimize speed (debug 0) (safety 1))
(type integer-with-precomputed-primality n)
(type precomputed-primality-bit-vector *precomputed-primality-bit-vector*))
(not (zerop (aref *precomputed-primality-bit-vector* (truncate n 2)))))
(defun primep (n)
"Return (less slowly) whether `n` is prime."
;; short-circuit a few edge/common cases
((< n 2) nil)
((= n 2) t)
((evenp n) nil)
((< n +precomputed-primality-limit+) (precomputed-prime-p% n))
(t (miller-rabin-prime-p n))))
(defun compositep (n)
"Return whether `n` is composite."
(and (not (= 1 n))
(not (primep n))))
(defun coprimep (a b)
(= 1 (gcd a b)))
;;;; Commands -----------------------------------------------------------------
(define-constant-command e (exp 1.0d0))
(define-constant-command pi pi)
(define-constant-command tau tau)
(define-simple-command (!) (x) factorial)
(define-simple-command (*) (x y))
(define-simple-command (+) (x y))
(define-simple-command (-) (x y))
(define-simple-command (/) (x y))
(define-simple-command (abs) (x))
(define-simple-command (acos) (x))
(define-simple-command (asin) (x))
(define-simple-command (atan) (y))
(define-simple-command (atan2) (y x) atan)
(define-simple-command (ceiling ceil) (x))
(define-simple-command (choose) (n k) binomial-coefficient)
(define-simple-command (cos) (x))
(define-simple-command (cs) (x) -)
(define-simple-command (cube) (x))
(define-simple-command (denom) (x) denominator)
(define-simple-command (expt ex) (base power))
(define-simple-command (floor) (x))
(define-simple-command (gcd) (x y))
(define-simple-command (lcm) (x y))
(define-simple-command (mod) (x modulus))
(define-simple-command (numer) (n) numerator)
(define-simple-command (rat) (x) rationalize)
(define-simple-command (rec recip 1/) (x) /)
(define-simple-command (rem) (x divisor))
(define-simple-command (round) (x))
(define-simple-command (sin) (x))
(define-simple-command (sqrt) (x))
(define-simple-command (square sq) (x))
(define-simple-command (tan) (x))
(define-simple-command (truncate trunc tr) (x) truncate)
(define-command (float fl f) (x)
"Coerce the top of the stack to a `double-float`."
(push! (coerce x 'double-float)))
(define-command 1in (p)
"Convert a probability to `1 in X` form and push `X`."
(let ((p (rationalize p)))
(push! (coerce (/ (denominator p) (numerator p))
(define-command range (from below)
"Push an exclusive range of numbers. The highest number will be at the top of the stack."
(loop for x :from from :below below :do (push! x)))
(define-command irange (from to)
"Push an inclusive range of numbers. The highest number will be at the top of the stack."
(loop for x :from from :to to :do (push! x)))
(define-command base (n)
"Set the print base and read base for numbers to the top element of the stack.
For example, to switch to reading and displaying numbers in binary:
2 base
To switch back to base 10 you can run the command again, but you'll need to
write the 10 in the base you've chosen! It's often easer to `undo`, or use
the provided `base10` command.
(let ((pb *print-base*)
(rb *read-base*))
(save-thunk (lambda ()
(setf *print-base* pb
*read-base* rb))))
(setf *print-base* n
*read-base* n))
(define-command bits (x)
"Pop the top of the stack and print its binary representation."
(unless (typep x '(integer 0 *))
(error "BITS requires a nonnegative integer."))
(format t "~v,'0,' ,4:B~%"
(let ((chunks (ceiling (integer-length x) 4)))
(+ (* 4 chunks) ; actual bits
(1- chunks))) ; comma chars
(define-command hex (x)
"Pop the top of the stack and print its hex representation."
(unless (typep x '(integer 0 *))
(error "HEX requires a nonnegative integer."))
(format t "~X~%" x))
(define-command base10 ()
"Set the print base and read base for numbers to base 10."
(let ((pb *print-base*)
(rb *read-base*))
(save-thunk (lambda ()
(setf *print-base* pb
*read-base* rb))))
(setf *print-base* 10
*read-base* 10))
(define-command sum ()
"Pop the entire stack, add everything together, and push the result."
(push! (summation (pop-all!))))
(define-command prod ()
"Pop the entire stack, multiply everything together, and push the result."
(push! (product (pop-all!))))
(define-command (mean average) ()
"Pop the entire stack, compute the mean, and push the result."
(let* ((xs (pop-all!))
(n (length xs)))
(when (zerop n)
(error "Cannot compute mean of empty sequence."))
(push! (/ (summation xs) n))))
(define-command median ()
"Pop the entire stack, compute the median, and push the result."
(let* ((xs (sort (pop-all!) #'<))
(n (length xs)))
(when (zerop n)
(error "Cannot compute median of empty sequence."))
(push! (if (oddp n)
(nth (floor n 2) xs)
(/ (+ (nth (1- (/ n 2)) xs)
(nth (/ n 2) xs))
(define-command log (base x)
(push! (log x base)))
(define-command ln (x)
(push! (log x)))
(define-command pm (x y)
"Push both results of x ± y."
(push! (- x y))
(push! (+ x y)))
(define-command primep (x)
(push! (primep x)))
(define-command coprimep (x y)
(push! (coprimep x y)))
(define-command compositep (x)
(push! (compositep x)))
(define-command (prime-factors factors) (x)
(dolist (f (prime-factors x))
(push! f)))
(define-command (prime-factorization factorization fz) (x)
(dolist (f (prime-factorization x))
(push! f)))
(define-command pf (x)
"Print x as a nicely-formatted number."
(let ((sign (if (minusp x) "-" ""))
(x (abs x)))
(multiple-value-bind (ipart fpart) (ftruncate x)
(let ((ipart (round ipart))
(fpart (if (zerop fpart)
(subseq (format nil "~F" fpart) 1))))
(format t "~A~:D~A" sign ipart fpart))))