--- a/beast.lisp Thu Aug 11 04:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/beast.lisp Fri Aug 12 02:17:49 2016 +0000
@@ -27,43 +27,38 @@
(defclass entity ()
- ((id :reader entity-id :initform (incf *entity-id-counter*))
- (%beast/aspects :allocation :class :initform nil)))
+ ((id
+ :reader entity-id :initform (incf *entity-id-counter*)
+ :documentation
+ "The unique ID of the entity. This may go away in the future.")
+ (%beast/aspects
+ :allocation :class :initform nil
+ :documentation
+ "A list of the aspects this entity class inherits. **Don't touch this.**"))
+ (:documentation "A single entity in the game world."))
(defmethod print-object ((e entity) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (e stream :type t :identity nil)
(format stream "~D" (entity-id e))))
-(defun get-entity (id)
- (gethash id *entity-index*))
-(defun all-entities ()
- (hash-table-values *entity-index*))
-(defun map-entities (function &optional (type 'entity))
- (mapcar function
- (remove-if-not (lambda (entity) (typep entity type))
- (hash-table-values *entity-index*))))
-(defun clear-entities ()
- (mapc #'destroy-entity (hash-table-values *entity-index*)))
(defun entity-satisfies-system-type-specifier-p (entity specifier)
(every (lambda (aspect) (typep entity aspect))
(defun index-entity (entity)
+ "Insert `entity` into the entity index."
(setf (gethash (entity-id entity) *entity-index*) entity))
(defun index-entity-aspects (entity)
+ "Insert `entity` into appropriate aspect indexes."
(loop :for aspect :in (slot-value entity '%beast/aspects)
:do (setf (gethash (entity-id entity)
(gethash aspect *aspect-index*))
(defun index-entity-systems (entity)
+ "Insert `entity` into appropriate system indexes."
:with id = (entity-id entity)
:for system :being :the hash-keys :of *systems*
@@ -75,14 +70,17 @@
(defun unindex-entity (id)
+ "Remove `entity` from the entity-level index."
(remhash id *entity-index*))
(defun unindex-entity-aspects (id)
+ "Remove `entity` from the aspect indexes."
:for index :being :the hash-values :of *aspect-index*
:do (remhash id index)))
(defun unindex-entity-systems (id)
+ "Remove `entity` from the system indexes."
:for argument-indexes :being :the hash-values :of *system-index*
:do (loop :for index :in argument-indexes
@@ -90,13 +88,35 @@
(defgeneric entity-created (entity)
- (:method ((entity entity)) nil))
+ (:method ((entity entity)) nil)
+ (:documentation
+ "Called after an entity has been created and indexed.
+ The default method does nothing, but users can implement their own auxillary
+ methods to run code when entities are created.
+ "))
(defgeneric entity-destroyed (entity)
- (:method ((entity entity)) nil))
+ (:method ((entity entity)) nil)
+ (:documentation
+ "Called after an entity has been destroyed and unindexed.
+ The default method does nothing, but users can implement their own auxillary
+ methods to run code when entities are destroyed.
+ "))
-(defun create-entity (class &rest initargs)
+(defun create-entity (entity-class &rest initargs)
+ "Create an entity of the given entity class and return it.
+ `initargs` will be passed along to `make-instance`.
+ The `entity-created` generic function will be called just before returning the
+ entity.
+ "
(let ((entity (apply #'make-instance class initargs)))
(index-entity entity)
(index-entity-aspects entity)
@@ -105,6 +125,12 @@
(defun destroy-entity (entity)
+ "Destroy `entity` and return it.
+ The `entity-destroyed` generic function will be called after the entity has
+ been destroyed and unindexed.
+ "
(let ((id (entity-id entity)))
(unindex-entity id)
(unindex-entity-aspects id)
@@ -112,8 +138,54 @@
(entity-destroyed entity)
+(defun clear-entities ()
+ "Destroy all entities.
+ `destroy-entity` will be called for each entity.
+ Returns a list of all the destroyed entites.
+ "
+ (mapc #'destroy-entity (hash-table-values *entity-index*)))
+(defun get-entity (id)
+ "Return the entity with the given `id`, or `nil` if it is unknown."
+ (gethash id *entity-index*))
+(defun all-entities ()
+ "Return a list of all entities."
+ (hash-table-values *entity-index*))
+(defun map-entities (function &optional (type 'entity))
+ "Map `function` over all entities that are subtypes of `type`.
+ Normally you should run code on entities using systems, but this function can
+ be handy for debugging purposes.
+ "
+ (mapcar function
+ (remove-if-not (lambda (entity) (typep entity type))
+ (hash-table-values *entity-index*))))
(defmacro define-entity (name aspects &rest slots)
+ "Define an entity class.
+ `name` should be a symbol that will become the name of the class.
+ `aspects` should be a list of the aspects this entity should inherit from.
+ `slots` can be zero or more extra CLOS slot definitions.
+ Examples:
+ (define-entity potion (drinkable))
+ (define-entity cheese (edible visible)
+ (flavor :accessor cheese-flavor :initarg :flavor))
+ "
(defclass ,name (entity ,@aspects)
((%beast/aspects :allocation :class :initform ',aspects)
@@ -131,6 +203,32 @@
(setf (gethash name *aspect-index*) (make-hash-table))))
(defmacro define-aspect (name &rest fields)
+ "Define an aspect class.
+ `name` should be a symbol that will become the name of the class.
+ `fields` should be zero or more field definitions. Each field definition can
+ be a symbol (the field name), or a list of the field name and extra CLOS slot
+ options.
+ Field names will have the aspect name and a slash prepended to them to create
+ the slot names. `:initarg` and `:accessor` slot options will also be
+ automatically generated.
+ Example:
+ (define-aspect edible
+ energy
+ (taste :initform nil))
+ =>
+ (defclass edible ()
+ ((edible/energy :initarg :edible/energy
+ :accessor edible/energy)
+ (edible/taste :initarg :edible/taste
+ :accessor edible/taste
+ :initform nil)))
+ "
(flet ((clean-field (f)
(etypecase f
(symbol (list f))
@@ -209,6 +307,34 @@
(defmacro define-system (name-and-options arglist &body body)
+ "Define a system.
+ `name-and-options` should be a list of the system name (a symbol) and any
+ system options. A bare symbol can be used if no options are needed.
+ `arglist` should be a list of system arguments. Each argument should be
+ a list of the argument name and zero or more aspect/entity classes.
+ Defining a system `foo` defines two functions:
+ * `foo` runs `body` on a single entity and should only be used for debugging,
+ tracing, or disassembling.
+ * `run-foo` should be called to run the system on all applicable entities.
+ Available system options:
+ * `:inline`: when true, try to inline the system function into the
+ system-running function to avoid the overhead of a function call for every
+ entity. Defaults to `nil`.
+ Examples:
+ (define-system age ((entity lifetime))
+ (when (> (incf (lifetime/age entity))
+ (lifetime/lifespan entity))
+ (destroy-entity entity)))
+ "
(let ((argument-type-specifiers
(loop :for arg :in (mapcar #'ensure-list arglist)
:collect `(and entity ,@(cdr arg)))))
--- a/docs/04-reference.markdown Thu Aug 11 04:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/docs/04-reference.markdown Fri Aug 12 02:17:49 2016 +0000
@@ -16,18 +16,79 @@
+Destroy all entities.
+ `destroy-entity` will be called for each entity.
+ Returns a list of all the destroyed entites.
### `CREATE-ENTITY` (function)
+Create an entity of the given entity class and return it.
+ `initargs` will be passed along to `make-instance`.
+ The `entity-created` generic function will be called just before returning the
+ entity.
### `DEFINE-ASPECT` (macro)
+Define an aspect class.
+ `name` should be a symbol that will become the name of the class.
+ `fields` should be zero or more field definitions. Each field definition can
+ be a symbol (the field name), or a list of the field name and extra CLOS slot
+ options.
+ Field names will have the aspect name and a slash prepended to them to create
+ the slot names. `:initarg` and `:accessor` slot options will also be
+ automatically generated.
+ Example:
+ (define-aspect edible
+ energy
+ (taste :initform nil))
+ =>
+ (defclass edible ()
+ ((edible/energy :initarg :edible/energy
+ :accessor edible/energy)
+ (edible/taste :initarg :edible/taste
+ :accessor edible/taste
+ :initform nil)))
### `DEFINE-ENTITY` (macro)
+Define an entity class.
+ `name` should be a symbol that will become the name of the class.
+ `aspects` should be a list of the aspects this entity should inherit from.
+ `slots` can be zero or more extra CLOS slot definitions.
+ Examples:
+ (define-entity potion (drinkable))
+ (define-entity cheese (edible visible)
+ (flavor :accessor cheese-flavor :initarg :flavor))
### `DEFINE-SYSTEM` (macro)
@@ -35,36 +96,95 @@
+Define a system.
+ `name-and-options` should be a list of the system name (a symbol) and any
+ system options. A bare symbol can be used if no options are needed.
+ `arglist` should be a list of system arguments. Each argument should be
+ a list of the argument name and zero or more aspect/entity classes.
+ Defining a system `foo` defines two functions:
+ * `foo` runs `body` on a single entity and should only be used for debugging,
+ tracing, or disassembling.
+ * `run-foo` should be called to run the system on all applicable entities.
+ Available system options:
+ * `:inline`: when true, try to inline the system function into the
+ system-running function to avoid the overhead of a function call for every
+ entity. Defaults to `nil`.
+ Examples:
+ (define-system age ((entity lifetime))
+ (when (> (incf (lifetime/age entity))
+ (lifetime/lifespan entity))
+ (destroy-entity entity)))
### `DESTROY-ENTITY` (function)
+Destroy `entity` and return it.
+ The `entity-destroyed` generic function will be called after the entity has
+ been destroyed and unindexed.
### `ENTITY` (class)
+A single entity in the game world.
#### Slot `ID`
* Allocation: `:INSTANCE`
* Reader: `ENTITY-ID`
+The unique ID of the entity. This may go away in the future.
#### Slot `%BEAST/ASPECTS`
* Allocation: `:CLASS`
* Initform: `NIL`
+A list of the aspects this entity class inherits. **Don't touch this.**
### `ENTITY-CREATED` (generic function)
+Called after an entity has been created and indexed.
+ The default method does nothing, but users can implement their own auxillary
+ methods to run code when entities are created.
### `ENTITY-DESTROYED` (generic function)
-### `GET-ENTITY` (function)
+Called after an entity has been destroyed and unindexed.
+ The default method does nothing, but users can implement their own auxillary
+ methods to run code when entities are destroyed.
### `MAP-ENTITIES` (function)
+Map `function` over all entities that are subtypes of `type`.
+ Normally you should run code on entities using systems, but this function can
+ be handy for debugging purposes.
--- a/package.lisp Thu Aug 11 04:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp Fri Aug 12 02:17:49 2016 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
- #:get-entity