Commit Log

commit description author date
e8c84a5eb5c7 Move the color check to the top. Steve Losh 2012-03-09
1e203755774d Restriction for terminal without 256-colors support. Pferor 2012-03-09
6073c4e56185 Force correct background color on SpellCap. Steve Losh 2012-03-08
a9983b93bc23 Add python-mode custom highlighting. Steve Losh 2012-03-05
4a9b127fd8a3 Make lime limier in the terminal. Steve Losh 2012-03-05
e91eb9e79711 Add initial support for SLIMV. Steve Losh 2012-02-27
86d478579d88 Add packaging script. Steve Losh 2012-02-13
9d9e466f24c3 Added tag v1.1.2 for changeset 599ba7563aa4 Steve Losh 2012-02-13
599ba7563aa4 Tweak taffy terminal color. v1.1.2 Steve Losh 2012-02-13
afc3f1010aad Added tag v1.1.1 for changeset 2804e4d33d91 Steve Losh 2012-02-13
2804e4d33d91 Fix coal color in terminals. v1.1.1 Steve Losh 2012-02-13
1056963d0e9d Added tag v1.1.0 for changeset 9c22ea4982a7 Steve Losh 2012-02-12
9c22ea4982a7 Add support for CtrlP. v1.1.0 Steve Losh 2012-02-12
663b91ead440 Added tag v1.0.0 for changeset 621c2b1cd182 Steve Losh 2012-02-12
621c2b1cd182 Prepare for release. v1.0.0 Steve Losh 2012-02-12
92bdf13d9fba Add terminal colors, and Mail support. Steve Losh 2012-02-04
c24fb2483f36 Add support for ShowMarks. Steve Losh 2012-02-04
fd82c760a8dc Moar. Steve Losh 2012-02-04
1c4ff29de1d1 First real commit. Steve Losh 2012-02-04
7045153fa9a9 Initial commit. Steve Losh 2012-02-04