contrib/badwolf.muttrc @ 6cf776472993

Add directory color support for GNU ls

GNU ls is part of the coreutils package. It's output, if color is enabled, can
be tuned to the badwolf colorscheme with the following command:

    $ eval $(dircolors -b contrib/badwolf.dircolors)

To make this the default, copy it to ~/.dircolors.  Many systems are already
configured to look for this file, but you may need to add something like:

    $ eval $(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)

to ~/.bashrc.  To enable color support in ls, you could do the following:

    $ alias ls='ls --color=auto'
author Jon Bernard <>
date Wed, 14 Nov 2012 10:07:32 -0500
parents fe251fc8ef29
children (none)
color normal color15 color233
color error brightcolor15 color196
color indicator color15 color235
color status brightcolor39 color233
color markers color142 color233

color hdrdefault color245 color233
color header brightcolor214 color233 "^(Subject): "
color signature color243 color233

color body color137 color233 [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+
color body color137 color233 ((https?|ftp)://|www)+[\-\.\;@,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9+]+
color bold brightcolor15 color233
color search brightcolor16 color221

color quoted color243 color233
color quoted1 color211 color233
color quoted2 color222 color233
color quoted3 color214 color233
color quoted4 color154 color233

color tilde color240 color233
color tree color240 color233
color attachment brightcolor211 color233

# color index color241 color233 ~A
# color index color241 color233 ~Q
# color index color243 color233 ~P
color index color221 color233 ~N
color index brightcolor211 color233 ~F
color index brightcolor39 color233 ~T
color index color243 color233 ~Q
color index color196 color233 ~D

# Colorize inline diffs, really helpful for LKML or other mailing lists where
# mails frequently include patches.
color body brightcolor15 color233 '^diff .*'
color body brightcolor15 color233 '^[Ii]{1}ndex .*'
color body brightcolor15 color233 '^=+$'
color body brightcolor15 color233 '^(---|\+\+\+) .*'
color body brightcolor15 color233 '^@@ .*'
color body color121 color233 '^\+([^\+].*)?$'
color body color211 color233 '^-([^-].*)?$'