Commit Log

commit description author date
e41337e3b59b Accessors Steve Losh 2021-12-16
428c6288f9e9 Optimize a bit Steve Losh 2021-12-16
f08be8f420ea Add a couple comments Steve Losh 2021-12-16
05b1bb7b9bf5 2021/15 Steve Losh 2021-12-16
cec05589a84c 2021/14 Steve Losh 2021-12-15
68bbcb0ce4f7 2020/14 Steve Losh 2021-12-15
6614131d7b10 2021/11 2021/12 2021/13 Steve Losh 2021-12-13
9312a3a851cc 2021/10 Steve Losh 2021-12-11
fe0e8fa1b37d 2021/09 Steve Losh 2021-12-09
35ad1f73c754 Add to .hgignore Steve Losh 2021-12-09
0b68f84e44ae 2021/08 and 2020/13/1 Steve Losh 2021-12-09
b8ca529c9228 2021/07 Steve Losh 2021-12-07
dd27f6b2d778 2021/05 and 2021/06 Steve Losh 2021-12-07
ecdb89564123 Merge Steve Losh 2021-12-05
17eacdbd1e81 2020/12 Steve Losh 2021-12-05
a3ef349dfdd0 Clean up Steve Losh 2021-12-04
77fa6a483e0e 2021/04 Steve Losh 2021-12-04
a1c5d160d738 Cleanup Steve Losh 2021-12-03
08dd2b57f2c0 2021/03 Steve Losh 2021-12-03
bd509ececdf0 2021/02 Steve Losh 2021-12-02
166414163a73 2021/11 Steve Losh 2021-12-02
ff7c8ed35992 2021/01 (and add uncommitted stuff from 2020) Steve Losh 2021-12-02
182bdd87fd9e Refactor, remove quickutil Steve Losh 2021-11-30
f524273415d0 2019/15 Steve Losh 2019-12-15
81b47667837b 2019/10 Steve Losh 2019-12-15
03d0cc3a648f 2019/14 Steve Losh 2019-12-14
491cb9e15096 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-12-13
f4f8705ccf34 2019/12 Steve Losh 2019-12-13
794a6dec6c5b 2019/13 Steve Losh 2019-12-13
8b272a80df17 Ugh Steve Losh 2019-12-13
32db20d16280 Two more days Steve Losh 2019-12-13
aff841dca184 2016/07 Steve Losh 2019-12-12
af91bed748cd 2016/06 Steve Losh 2019-12-12
ebd2a1bb4889 Add a few more days Steve Losh 2019-12-11
d692b61fbee1 More test fixes Steve Losh 2019-12-08
5f6c2d777533 2019/08 and fix some test failures Steve Losh 2019-12-08
9e5d31246f97 Remove dep Steve Losh 2019-12-07
b18a8ad31735 2016/05 Steve Losh 2019-12-07
9ceb59a426ad Remove unused macro Steve Losh 2019-12-07
baf889db8d40 2019/07 Steve Losh 2019-12-07
bf4373f04499 2016 day 3 and 4 Steve Losh 2019-12-07
ebb7ecd4844f 2016/02 Steve Losh 2019-12-07
4febe2904f45 2017/18 part 2 Steve Losh 2019-12-07
cb62272f4acc Merge. Steve Losh 2019-12-07
0a241f64eebb 2016/01 Steve Losh 2019-12-07
9b6e236a27a0 2019/06 Steve Losh 2019-12-06
2078ac8647c6 2017 16, 17, 18p1 Steve Losh 2019-12-07
cd781337a694 Restructure file layout, add 2017 days 14 & 15 Steve Losh 2019-12-06
646d00acb54a 2019/05 Steve Losh 2019-12-06
946ad8d99285 2019/04 Steve Losh 2019-12-04
4835e36925af A few more days Steve Losh 2019-12-04
908a77e311fa 2017/09 Steve Losh 2019-12-01
20fe0c2b9fff Finish porting 2017, and do 2017/08 Steve Losh 2019-12-01
7de124d6ef6f More porting from old years Steve Losh 2019-12-01
5b5c61ad8d2b Refactor test definition Steve Losh 2019-12-01
a18b7db936b8 2019/01 Steve Losh 2019-12-01
7e8b6d68c899 Update some old problems Steve Losh 2019-11-29
d5468dc3769d Start day 15 Steve Losh 2019-02-02
5668f7ed5c2d Day 14 Steve Losh 2018-12-17
a2fa45383a67 Day 13 Steve Losh 2018-12-17
429ed81c46c2 Finish the stupid goddamn pots Steve Losh 2018-12-17
a19c9e1fd077 Add tests and data Steve Losh 2018-12-16
1b9c8e6dcec6 Rename for easier ctrlping Steve Losh 2018-12-16
75998992ab3c The Great Packaging Steve Losh 2018-12-15
e3e015ad324c Implement rings Steve Losh 2018-12-10
a331ef75f808 Day 9 Steve Losh 2018-12-10
8ffd80cd99aa Day 8 Steve Losh 2018-12-10
e24866ca76d6 Day 7 Steve Losh 2018-12-08
5d5e9c5bbb97 Days 5 and 6 Steve Losh 2018-12-07
e22f6a54b6d5 Catch up to day 4 Steve Losh 2018-12-05
66e86b59fc60 Minor cleanup Steve Losh 2018-12-02
0a6b6dba8b90 2017-7/1 Steve Losh 2018-12-01
d3799236a70d Add digraph.png to .hgignore. Steve Losh 2018-12-01
388494359561 Clean up 2017 Steve Losh 2018-12-01
ff5234e0e329 Clean up Steve Losh 2018-12-01
bc917916aa2b Start another year. Steve Losh 2018-12-01
1329a1895105 Day 6 Steve Losh 2017-12-06
e0830b791f27 Fixup Steve Losh 2017-12-06
5f1511ebec96 Add scratch.lisp to .hgignore. Steve Losh 2017-12-06
902b736dfedb Refactor Steve Losh 2017-12-06
b50f1ec26d64 Day 4 and 5 Steve Losh 2017-12-05
11607ca439c4 Day 3 Steve Losh 2017-12-03
5e8fb9b8a553 Remove unused util Steve Losh 2017-12-02
4d34827adc5b Day 2 Steve Losh 2017-12-02
e96ba6a7b654 Doc Steve Losh 2017-12-01
976d9874a0bb Cleaner Steve Losh 2017-12-01
e07421f643fe Happy 2017 Steve Losh 2017-12-01
fc8bfdae34d8 Shitty day 15 Steve Losh 2015-12-18
a8b1ff3b1650 Day 14 Steve Losh 2015-12-17
35c988f98157 Day 13 Steve Losh 2015-12-17
be03b663f936 JSON parser Steve Losh 2015-12-14
5641b3a7009e Day 11 Steve Losh 2015-12-12
162d5f701f64 Day 10 Steve Losh 2015-12-12
02043335d57a Day 9 Steve Losh 2015-12-09
080b668056e4 Fix bug Steve Losh 2015-12-08
119d6d791bfa Day 8 Steve Losh 2015-12-08
9c8c02923c69 Day 7 Steve Losh 2015-12-07
047dfea432f2 Add day 6 Steve Losh 2015-12-06
9117efa6cbbd Add data to .hgignore. Steve Losh 2015-12-05
26579981d2bd Initial commit Steve Losh 2015-12-05