
Restructure file layout, add 2017 days 14 & 15
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 05 Dec 2019 20:45:46 -0500 (2019-12-06)
parents 646d00acb54a
children 2078ac8647c6 9b6e236a27a0
branches/tags (none)
files advent.asd data/2017/14.txt data/2017/15.txt package.lisp src/2017/day-01.lisp src/2017/day-02.lisp src/2017/day-03.lisp src/2017/day-04.lisp src/2017/day-05.lisp src/2017/day-06.lisp src/2017/day-07.lisp src/2017/day-08.lisp src/2017/day-09.lisp src/2017/day-10.lisp src/2017/day-11.lisp src/2017/day-12.lisp src/2017/day-13.lisp src/2017/days/day-01.lisp src/2017/days/day-02.lisp src/2017/days/day-03.lisp src/2017/days/day-04.lisp src/2017/days/day-05.lisp src/2017/days/day-06.lisp src/2017/days/day-07.lisp src/2017/days/day-08.lisp src/2017/days/day-09.lisp src/2017/days/day-10.lisp src/2017/days/day-11.lisp src/2017/days/day-12.lisp src/2017/days/day-13.lisp src/2017/days/day-14.lisp src/2017/days/day-15.lisp src/2017/knot-hash.lisp src/2017/number-spiral.lisp src/2018/day-01.lisp src/2018/day-02.lisp src/2018/day-03.lisp src/2018/day-04.lisp src/2018/day-05.lisp src/2018/day-06.lisp src/2018/day-07.lisp src/2018/day-08.lisp src/2018/day-09.lisp src/2018/day-10.lisp src/2018/day-11.lisp src/2018/day-12.lisp src/2018/day-13.lisp src/2018/day-14.lisp src/2018/day-15.lisp src/2018/days/day-01.lisp src/2018/days/day-02.lisp src/2018/days/day-03.lisp src/2018/days/day-04.lisp src/2018/days/day-05.lisp src/2018/days/day-06.lisp src/2018/days/day-07.lisp src/2018/days/day-08.lisp src/2018/days/day-09.lisp src/2018/days/day-10.lisp src/2018/days/day-11.lisp src/2018/days/day-12.lisp src/2018/days/day-13.lisp src/2018/days/day-14.lisp src/2018/days/day-15.lisp src/2019/day-01.lisp src/2019/day-02.lisp src/2019/day-03.lisp src/2019/day-04.lisp src/2019/day-05.lisp src/2019/days/day-01.lisp src/2019/days/day-02.lisp src/2019/days/day-03.lisp src/2019/days/day-04.lisp src/2019/days/day-05.lisp src/2019/intcode.lisp src/intcode.lisp src/number-spiral.lisp src/utils.lisp


--- a/advent.asd	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ b/advent.asd	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -41,7 +41,12 @@
                (:file "package")
                (:module "src" :serial t
                 :components ((:file "utils")
-                             (:file "number-spiral")
-                             (:file "intcode")
-                             (:auto-module "2018")
-                             (:auto-module "2019")))))
+                             (:module "2017" :serial t
+                              :components ((:file "number-spiral")
+                                           (:file "knot-hash")
+                                           (:auto-module "days")))
+                             (:module "2018" :serial t
+                              :components ((:auto-module "days")))
+                             (:module "2019" :serial t
+                              :components ((:file "intcode")
+                                           (:auto-module "days")))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/data/2017/14.txt	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/data/2017/15.txt	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Generator A starts with 783
+Generator B starts with 325
--- a/package.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ b/package.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+    :let-complex
--- a/src/2017/day-01.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/01*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/01)
-(define-problem (2017 1) (data read-line) (1049 1508)
-  (iterate
-    (with digits = (map 'vector #'digit-char-p data))
-    (for digit :in-vector digits)
-    (for prev :previous digit :initially (aref digits (1- (length digits))))
-    (for j :modulo (length digits) :from (truncate (length digits) 2))
-    (for next = (aref digits j))
-    (when (= digit prev) (sum digit :into part1))
-    (when (= digit next) (sum digit :into part2))
-    (finally (return (values part1 part2)))))
--- a/src/2017/day-02.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/02*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/02)
-(defun find-quotient (row)
-  (alexandria:map-permutations
-    (lambda (pair)
-      (multiple-value-bind (quotient remainder)
-          (truncate (first pair) (second pair))
-        (when (zerop remainder)
-          (return-from find-quotient quotient))))
-    row :length 2 :copy nil))
-(defun checksum (row)
-  (multiple-value-bind (lo hi) (extrema #'< row)
-    (- hi lo)))
-(define-problem (2017 2) (data read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage) (53460 282)
-  (iterate
-    (for row :in data)
-    (summing (checksum row) :into part1)
-    (summing (find-quotient row) :into part2)
-    (finally (return (values part1 part2)))))
--- a/src/2017/day-03.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/03*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/03)
-(defmacro let-complex (bindings &body body)
-  `(let* (,@(iterate (for (x y val) :in bindings)
-                     (for v = (gensym))
-                     (collect `(,v ,val))
-                     (collect `(,x (realpart ,v)))
-                     (collect `(,y (imagpart ,v)))))
-     ,@body))
-(defun manhattan-distance (a b)
-  (let-complex ((ax ay a)
-                (bx by b))
-    (+ (abs (- ax bx))
-       (abs (- ay by)))))
-(defun neighbors (coord)
-  (iterate (for (dx dy) :within-radius 1 :skip-origin t)
-           (collect (+ coord (complex dx dy)))))
-(define-problem (2017 3) (data read) (552 330785)
-  (values
-    (manhattan-distance #c(0 0) (advent/spiral:number-coordinates data))
-    (iterate
-      (with memory = (make-hash-table))
-      (initially (setf (gethash #c(0 0) memory) 1))
-      (for n :from 2)
-      (for coord = (advent/spiral:number-coordinates n))
-      (for value = (summation (neighbors coord) :key (rcurry #'gethash memory 0)))
-      (finding value :such-that (> value data))
-      (setf (gethash coord memory) value))))
--- a/src/2017/day-04.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/04*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/04)
-(defun valid-hash-table-test-p (test)
-  (member test `(eq eql equal equalp ,#'eq ,#'eql ,#'equal ,#'equalp)))
-(defun ensure-boolean (value)
-  (if value t nil))
-(defun contains-duplicates-p (sequence &key (test #'eql))
-  (ensure-boolean (if (valid-hash-table-test-p test)
-        (iterate
-          (with seen = (make-hash-set :test test))
-          (for value :in-whatever sequence)
-          (thereis (hset-contains-p seen value))
-          (hset-insert! seen value))
-        (etypecase sequence
-          (list (iterate
-                  (for (value . remaining) :on sequence)
-                  (thereis (position value remaining :test test))))
-          (sequence
-            (iterate
-              (for i :from 0 :below (length sequence))
-              (for value = (elt sequence i))
-              (thereis (position value sequence :start (1+ i) :test test))))))))
-(defun anagramp (string1 string2)
-  (string= (sort (copy-seq string1) #'char<)
-           (sort (copy-seq string2) #'char<)))
-(define-problem (2017 4) (data read-lines-of-words) (337 231)
-  (values (count-if (lambda (phrase)
-                      (not (contains-duplicates-p phrase :test #'equal)))
-                    data)
-          (count-if (lambda (phrase)
-                      (not (contains-duplicates-p phrase :test #'anagramp)))
-                    data)))
--- a/src/2017/day-05.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/05*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/05)
-(defun compute (data modification-function)
-  (iterate
-    (with maze = (fresh-vector data))
-    (with bound = (1- (length maze)))
-    (with address = 0)
-    (while (<= 0 address bound))
-    (counting t)
-    (for offset = (aref maze address))
-    (callf (aref maze address) modification-function)
-    (incf address offset)))
-(define-problem (2017 5) (data read-all) (342669 25136209)
-  (values
-    (compute data #'1+)
-    (compute data (lambda (value) (+ value (if (>= value 3) -1 1))))))
--- a/src/2017/day-06.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/06*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/06)
-(define-problem (2017 6) (data read-all) (6681 2392)
-  (let ((banks (coerce data 'vector))
-        (seen (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))
-    (labels ((bank-to-redistribute ()
-               (iterate (for blocks :in-vector banks :with-index bank)
-                        (finding bank :maximizing blocks)))
-             (redistribute ()
-               (iterate
-                 (with bank = (bank-to-redistribute))
-                 (with blocks-to-redistribute = (aref banks bank))
-                 (initially (setf (aref banks bank) 0))
-                 (repeat blocks-to-redistribute)
-                 (for b :modulo (length banks) :from (1+ bank))
-                 (incf (aref banks b))))
-             (mark-seen (banks cycles)
-               (setf (gethash (copy-seq banks) seen) cycles)))
-      (iterate
-        (mark-seen banks cycle)
-        (counting t :into cycle)
-        (redistribute)
-        (for last-seen = (gethash banks seen))
-        (until last-seen)
-        (finally (return (values cycle (- cycle last-seen))))))))
--- a/src/2017/day-07.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/07*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/07)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      (name (#'parse-integer weight) ((curry #'str:split ", ") holding))
-      (#?/(\w+) \((\d+)\)(?: -> (.+))?/ line)
-    (values name weight holding)))
-(defun insert-edge (digraph pred succ)
-  (digraph:insert-vertex digraph pred)
-  (digraph:insert-vertex digraph succ)
-  (digraph:insert-edge digraph pred succ))
-(defun build-tower (lines)
-  (iterate
-    (with tower = (digraph:make-digraph :test #'equal))
-    (for line :in lines)
-    (for (values name weight holding) = (parse-line line))
-    (collect-hash (name weight) :into weights :test #'equal)
-    (digraph:insert-vertex tower name)
-    (map nil (curry #'insert-edge tower name) holding)
-    (finally (return (values tower weights)))))
-(defun root (digraph)
-  (first (digraph:roots digraph)))
-(defun compute-total-weights (digraph individual-weights)
-  (let ((result (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
-    (recursively ((node (root digraph)))
-      (setf (gethash node result)
-            (+ (gethash node individual-weights)
-               (loop :for succ :in (digraph:successors digraph node)
-                     :summing (recur succ)))))
-    result))
-(defun find-proper-weight (digraph total-weights)
-  (labels
-      ((unbalanced-child (node)
-         (iterate
-           (with weights = (make-hash-table))
-           (for child :in (digraph:successors digraph node))
-           (for weight = (gethash child total-weights))
-           (push child (gethash weight weights))
-           (finally
-             (return
-               (if (<= (hash-table-count weights) 1)
-                 nil
-                 (values
-                   (iterate
-                     (for (w children) :in-hashtable weights)
-                     (finding (first children) :such-that (= 1 (length children))))
-                   (iterate
-                     (for (w children) :in-hashtable weights)
-                     (finding w :such-that (> (length children) 1))))))))))
-    (recursively ((node (root digraph))
-                  (target 0))
-      (multiple-value-bind (child new-target) (unbalanced-child node)
-        (if (null child)
-          (values node target)
-          (recur child new-target))))))
-(define-problem (2017 7) (data read-lines) ("bsfpjtc" 529)
-  (multiple-value-bind (tower individual-weights) (build-tower data)
-    ;; ( tower)
-    (values
-      (root tower)
-      (let ((total-weights (compute-total-weights tower individual-weights)))
-        (multiple-value-bind (node target-weight)
-            (find-proper-weight tower total-weights)
-          ;; fuck this miserable problem, I just want to be done
-          (+ (gethash node individual-weights)
-             (- target-weight (gethash node total-weights))))))))
--- a/src/2017/day-08.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/08*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/08)
-(defun == (x y) (= x y))
-(defun != (x y) (/= x y))
-(defun inc (delta) delta)
-(defun dec (delta) (- delta))
-(define-problem (2017 8) (data read-lines) (5215 6419)
-  (let ((registers (make-hash-table)))
-    (macrolet ((r (register) `(gethash ,register registers 0)))
-      (iterate
-        (for line :in data)
-        (for (reg op delta nil cmp-reg cmp-op cmp-bound) := (read-all-from-string line))
-        (when (funcall cmp-op (r cmp-reg) cmp-bound)
-          (maximizing (incf (r reg) (funcall op delta)) :into highest))
-        (finally (return (values (alexandria:extremum (alexandria:hash-table-values registers) #'>) highest)))))))
--- a/src/2017/day-09.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/09*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/09)
-(define-problem (2017 9) (stream) (15922 7314)
-  (let ((garbage-total 0))
-    (labels ((read-garbage-char ()
-               (if (eql #\! (peek-char nil stream))
-                 (progn (read-char stream)
-                        (read-char stream))
-                 (progn (incf garbage-total)
-                        (read-char stream))))
-             (read-garbage ()
-               (read-char stream) ; <
-               (iterate
-                 (until (eql #\> (peek-char nil stream)))
-                 (read-garbage-char))
-               (read-char stream) ; >
-               'garbage)
-             (read-group ()
-               (read-char stream) ; {
-               (prog1 (read-group-contents)
-                 (read-char stream))) ; }
-             (read-group-contents (&aux result)
-               (iterate
-                 (case (peek-char nil stream)
-                   (#\, (read-char stream))
-                   (#\} (return (nreverse result)))
-                   (#\{ (push (read-group) result))
-                   (#\< (read-garbage))))))
-      (values
-        (recursively ((group (read-group))
-                      (score 1))
-          (+ score (loop :for g :in group :summing (recur g (1+ score)))))
-        garbage-total))))
--- a/src/2017/day-10.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/10*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/10)
-(defun reverse-chunk (vector start length)
-  (iterate
-    (repeat (truncate length 2))
-    (for i :modulo (length vector) :from start)
-    (for j :modulo (length vector) :downfrom (+ start (1- length)))
-    (rotatef (aref vector i) (aref vector j))))
-(defun simple-knot-hash (lengths)
-  (iterate
-    (with numbers = (coerce (alexandria:iota 256) 'vector))
-    (with current = 0)
-    (with skip = 0)
-    (for length :in lengths)
-    (reverse-chunk numbers current length)
-    (zapf current (mod (+ % length skip) 256))
-    (incf skip)
-    (finally (return (* (aref numbers 0) (aref numbers 1))))))
-(defun sparse->dense (numbers)
-  (iterate
-    (for i :from 0 :by 16 :below (length numbers))
-    (collect (reduce #'logxor numbers :start i :end (+ i 16)))))
-(defun bytes->hex (bytes)
-  (format nil "~(~{~2,'0X~}~)" bytes))
-(defun initial-lengths (string)
-  (append (map 'list #'char-code string)
-          (list 17 31 73 47 23)))
-(defun full-knot-hash (string)
-  (iterate
-    (with lengths = (initial-lengths string))
-    (with numbers = (coerce (alexandria:iota 256) 'vector))
-    (with current = 0)
-    (with skip = 0)
-    (repeat 64)
-    (iterate
-      (for length :in lengths)
-      (reverse-chunk numbers current length)
-      (zapf current (mod (+ % length skip) 256))
-      (incf skip))
-    (finally (return (bytes->hex (sparse->dense numbers))))))
-(define-problem (2017 10) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string) ()
-  (values
-    (simple-knot-hash (read-numbers-from-string data))
-    (full-knot-hash (str:trim data))))
--- a/src/2017/day-11.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/11*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/11)
-(defun coord+ (c1 c2)
-  (map 'vector #'+ c1 c2))
-(defun coord- (c1 c2)
-  (map 'vector #'- c1 c2))
-(defun distance (c1 &optional (c2 #(0 0 0)))
-  (/ (reduce #'+ (coord- c1 c2) :key #'abs) 2))
-(define-problem (2017 11) (data read-comma-separated-values) (773 1560)
-  (iterate
-    (with pos = #(0 0 0))
-    (for direction :in (mapcar #'ensure-keyword data))
-    (setf pos (coord+ pos (delta direction)))
-    (maximizing (distance pos) :into furthest)
-    (finally (return (values (distance pos) furthest)))))
--- a/src/2017/day-12.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/12*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/12)
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  (destructuring-bind (id others) (str:split "<->" line)
-    (list (parse-integer id)
-          (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:split #\, others)))))
-(defun build-graph (records)
-  (iterate
-    (with graph = (digraph:make-digraph :initial-vertices (mapcar #'car records)))
-    (for (id others) :in records)
-    (dolist (id2 others)
-      (digraph:insert-edge graph id id2))
-    (finally (return graph))))
-(defun connected-to (graph start)
-  (gathering
-    (digraph:mapc-depth-first #'gather graph start)))
-(defun count-subgraph (graph start)
-  (length (connected-to graph start)))
-(defun remove-subgraph (graph start)
-  (map nil (alexandria:curry #'digraph:remove-vertex graph)
-       (connected-to graph start)))
-(define-problem (2017 12) (data read-lines) (141 171)
-  (let ((graph (build-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data))))
-    (values
-      (count-subgraph graph 0)
-      (iterate
-        (for vertex = (digraph:arbitrary-vertex graph))
-        (while vertex)
-        (remove-subgraph graph vertex)
-        (counting t)))))
--- a/src/2017/day-13.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2017/13*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2017/13)
-;; There's a magical insight that you need to get if you want to do this
-;; problem: the length of a scanner of range R is `2(R-1)`.
-;; Examples:
-;;     R = 2: S.     1
-;;            .S     2 = 2(R-1) = 2(2-1) = 2(1) = 2
-;;     R = 3: S..    1
-;;            .S.    2
-;;            ..S    3
-;;            .S.    4 = 2(R-1) = 2(3-1) = 2(2) = 4
-;;     R = 4: S...   1
-;;            .S..   2
-;;            ..S.   3
-;;            ...S   4
-;;            ..S.   5
-;;            .S..   6 = 2(R-1) = 2(4-1) = 2(3) = 6
-;; The best "intuition" I can come up with for this is:
-;; * We spend 1 turn at each end position.
-;; * We spend 2 turns at each inner position.
-;; * We have R positions, 2 of which are an end and (R-2) of which are inner.
-;; * So we have (2 * 1) + ((R-2) * 2) = 2 + 2(R-2) turns.
-;; * Factor out the 2 and simplify: 2(1 + (R-2)) = 2(R-1).
-;; Figuring out the exact position of a scanner at a given time it tricky
-;; because you need to wrap the position around properly during the second half,
-;; but we can skip that because all we care about is whether it's at zero.
-(defun catchesp (range time)
-  (zerop (mod time (* (1- range) 2))))
-(defun make-scanners (specs)
-  (iterate
-    (with scanners = (make-array (1+ (caar (last specs))) :initial-element nil))
-    (for (level range) :in specs)
-    (setf (aref scanners level) range)
-    (finally (return scanners))))
-(defun severity (level range)
-  (* level range))
-(defun traverse (scanners start-time)
-  (iterate
-    (for level :from 0)
-    (for time :from start-time)
-    (for range :in-vector scanners)
-    (for caught = (and range (catchesp range time)))
-    (oring caught :into ever-caught)
-    (when caught
-      (summing (severity level range) :into score))
-    (returning score ever-caught)))
-(define-problem (2017 13) (data read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage)
-    (2604 3941460)
-  (let ((scanners (make-scanners data)))
-    (values
-      (traverse scanners 0)
-      (iterate
-        (for delay :from 0)
-        (for (values score caught) = (traverse scanners delay))
-        (finding delay :such-that (not caught))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-01.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/01*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/01)
+(define-problem (2017 1) (data read-line) (1049 1508)
+  (iterate
+    (with digits = (map 'vector #'digit-char-p data))
+    (for digit :in-vector digits)
+    (for prev :previous digit :initially (aref digits (1- (length digits))))
+    (for j :modulo (length digits) :from (truncate (length digits) 2))
+    (for next = (aref digits j))
+    (when (= digit prev) (sum digit :into part1))
+    (when (= digit next) (sum digit :into part2))
+    (finally (return (values part1 part2)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-02.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/02*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/02)
+(defun find-quotient (row)
+  (alexandria:map-permutations
+    (lambda (pair)
+      (multiple-value-bind (quotient remainder)
+          (truncate (first pair) (second pair))
+        (when (zerop remainder)
+          (return-from find-quotient quotient))))
+    row :length 2 :copy nil))
+(defun checksum (row)
+  (multiple-value-bind (lo hi) (extrema #'< row)
+    (- hi lo)))
+(define-problem (2017 2) (data read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage) (53460 282)
+  (iterate
+    (for row :in data)
+    (summing (checksum row) :into part1)
+    (summing (find-quotient row) :into part2)
+    (finally (return (values part1 part2)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-03.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/03*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/03)
+(defun manhattan-distance (a b)
+  (let-complex ((ax ay a)
+                (bx by b))
+    (+ (abs (- ax bx))
+       (abs (- ay by)))))
+(defun neighbors (coord)
+  (iterate (for (dx dy) :within-radius 1 :skip-origin t)
+           (collect (+ coord (complex dx dy)))))
+(define-problem (2017 3) (data read) (552 330785)
+  (values
+    (manhattan-distance #c(0 0) (advent/spiral:number-coordinates data))
+    (iterate
+      (with memory = (make-hash-table))
+      (initially (setf (gethash #c(0 0) memory) 1))
+      (for n :from 2)
+      (for coord = (advent/spiral:number-coordinates n))
+      (for value = (summation (neighbors coord) :key (rcurry #'gethash memory 0)))
+      (finding value :such-that (> value data))
+      (setf (gethash coord memory) value))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-04.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/04*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/04)
+(defun valid-hash-table-test-p (test)
+  (member test `(eq eql equal equalp ,#'eq ,#'eql ,#'equal ,#'equalp)))
+(defun ensure-boolean (value)
+  (if value t nil))
+(defun contains-duplicates-p (sequence &key (test #'eql))
+  (ensure-boolean (if (valid-hash-table-test-p test)
+        (iterate
+          (with seen = (make-hash-set :test test))
+          (for value :in-whatever sequence)
+          (thereis (hset-contains-p seen value))
+          (hset-insert! seen value))
+        (etypecase sequence
+          (list (iterate
+                  (for (value . remaining) :on sequence)
+                  (thereis (position value remaining :test test))))
+          (sequence
+            (iterate
+              (for i :from 0 :below (length sequence))
+              (for value = (elt sequence i))
+              (thereis (position value sequence :start (1+ i) :test test))))))))
+(defun anagramp (string1 string2)
+  (string= (sort (copy-seq string1) #'char<)
+           (sort (copy-seq string2) #'char<)))
+(define-problem (2017 4) (data read-lines-of-words) (337 231)
+  (values (count-if (lambda (phrase)
+                      (not (contains-duplicates-p phrase :test #'equal)))
+                    data)
+          (count-if (lambda (phrase)
+                      (not (contains-duplicates-p phrase :test #'anagramp)))
+                    data)))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-05.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/05*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/05)
+(defun compute (data modification-function)
+  (iterate
+    (with maze = (fresh-vector data))
+    (with bound = (1- (length maze)))
+    (with address = 0)
+    (while (<= 0 address bound))
+    (counting t)
+    (for offset = (aref maze address))
+    (callf (aref maze address) modification-function)
+    (incf address offset)))
+(define-problem (2017 5) (data read-all) (342669 25136209)
+  (values
+    (compute data #'1+)
+    (compute data (lambda (value) (+ value (if (>= value 3) -1 1))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-06.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/06*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/06)
+(define-problem (2017 6) (data read-all) (6681 2392)
+  (let ((banks (coerce data 'vector))
+        (seen (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))
+    (labels ((bank-to-redistribute ()
+               (iterate (for blocks :in-vector banks :with-index bank)
+                        (finding bank :maximizing blocks)))
+             (redistribute ()
+               (iterate
+                 (with bank = (bank-to-redistribute))
+                 (with blocks-to-redistribute = (aref banks bank))
+                 (initially (setf (aref banks bank) 0))
+                 (repeat blocks-to-redistribute)
+                 (for b :modulo (length banks) :from (1+ bank))
+                 (incf (aref banks b))))
+             (mark-seen (banks cycles)
+               (setf (gethash (copy-seq banks) seen) cycles)))
+      (iterate
+        (mark-seen banks cycle)
+        (counting t :into cycle)
+        (redistribute)
+        (for last-seen = (gethash banks seen))
+        (until last-seen)
+        (finally (return (values cycle (- cycle last-seen))))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-07.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/07*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/07)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      (name (#'parse-integer weight) ((curry #'str:split ", ") holding))
+      (#?/(\w+) \((\d+)\)(?: -> (.+))?/ line)
+    (values name weight holding)))
+(defun insert-edge (digraph pred succ)
+  (digraph:insert-vertex digraph pred)
+  (digraph:insert-vertex digraph succ)
+  (digraph:insert-edge digraph pred succ))
+(defun build-tower (lines)
+  (iterate
+    (with tower = (digraph:make-digraph :test #'equal))
+    (for line :in lines)
+    (for (values name weight holding) = (parse-line line))
+    (collect-hash (name weight) :into weights :test #'equal)
+    (digraph:insert-vertex tower name)
+    (map nil (curry #'insert-edge tower name) holding)
+    (finally (return (values tower weights)))))
+(defun root (digraph)
+  (first (digraph:roots digraph)))
+(defun compute-total-weights (digraph individual-weights)
+  (let ((result (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+    (recursively ((node (root digraph)))
+      (setf (gethash node result)
+            (+ (gethash node individual-weights)
+               (loop :for succ :in (digraph:successors digraph node)
+                     :summing (recur succ)))))
+    result))
+(defun find-proper-weight (digraph total-weights)
+  (labels
+      ((unbalanced-child (node)
+         (iterate
+           (with weights = (make-hash-table))
+           (for child :in (digraph:successors digraph node))
+           (for weight = (gethash child total-weights))
+           (push child (gethash weight weights))
+           (finally
+             (return
+               (if (<= (hash-table-count weights) 1)
+                 nil
+                 (values
+                   (iterate
+                     (for (w children) :in-hashtable weights)
+                     (finding (first children) :such-that (= 1 (length children))))
+                   (iterate
+                     (for (w children) :in-hashtable weights)
+                     (finding w :such-that (> (length children) 1))))))))))
+    (recursively ((node (root digraph))
+                  (target 0))
+      (multiple-value-bind (child new-target) (unbalanced-child node)
+        (if (null child)
+          (values node target)
+          (recur child new-target))))))
+(define-problem (2017 7) (data read-lines) ("bsfpjtc" 529)
+  (multiple-value-bind (tower individual-weights) (build-tower data)
+    ;; ( tower)
+    (values
+      (root tower)
+      (let ((total-weights (compute-total-weights tower individual-weights)))
+        (multiple-value-bind (node target-weight)
+            (find-proper-weight tower total-weights)
+          ;; fuck this miserable problem, I just want to be done
+          (+ (gethash node individual-weights)
+             (- target-weight (gethash node total-weights))))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-08.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/08*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/08)
+(defun == (x y) (= x y))
+(defun != (x y) (/= x y))
+(defun inc (delta) delta)
+(defun dec (delta) (- delta))
+(define-problem (2017 8) (data read-lines) (5215 6419)
+  (let ((registers (make-hash-table)))
+    (macrolet ((r (register) `(gethash ,register registers 0)))
+      (iterate
+        (for line :in data)
+        (for (reg op delta nil cmp-reg cmp-op cmp-bound) := (read-all-from-string line))
+        (when (funcall cmp-op (r cmp-reg) cmp-bound)
+          (maximizing (incf (r reg) (funcall op delta)) :into highest))
+        (finally (return (values (alexandria:extremum (alexandria:hash-table-values registers) #'>) highest)))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-09.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/09*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/09)
+(define-problem (2017 9) (stream) (15922 7314)
+  (let ((garbage-total 0))
+    (labels ((read-garbage-char ()
+               (if (eql #\! (peek-char nil stream))
+                 (progn (read-char stream)
+                        (read-char stream))
+                 (progn (incf garbage-total)
+                        (read-char stream))))
+             (read-garbage ()
+               (read-char stream) ; <
+               (iterate
+                 (until (eql #\> (peek-char nil stream)))
+                 (read-garbage-char))
+               (read-char stream) ; >
+               'garbage)
+             (read-group ()
+               (read-char stream) ; {
+               (prog1 (read-group-contents)
+                 (read-char stream))) ; }
+             (read-group-contents (&aux result)
+               (iterate
+                 (case (peek-char nil stream)
+                   (#\, (read-char stream))
+                   (#\} (return (nreverse result)))
+                   (#\{ (push (read-group) result))
+                   (#\< (read-garbage))))))
+      (values
+        (recursively ((group (read-group))
+                      (score 1))
+          (+ score (loop :for g :in group :summing (recur g (1+ score)))))
+        garbage-total))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-10.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/10*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/10)
+(define-problem (2017 10) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string)
+    (19591 "62e2204d2ca4f4924f6e7a80f1288786")
+  (values
+    (advent/knot-hash:simple-knot-hash (read-numbers-from-string data))
+    (advent/knot-hash:full-knot-hash (str:trim data))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-11.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/11*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/11)
+(defun coord+ (c1 c2)
+  (map 'vector #'+ c1 c2))
+(defun coord- (c1 c2)
+  (map 'vector #'- c1 c2))
+(defun distance (c1 &optional (c2 #(0 0 0)))
+  (/ (reduce #'+ (coord- c1 c2) :key #'abs) 2))
+(define-problem (2017 11) (data read-comma-separated-values) (773 1560)
+  (iterate
+    (with pos = #(0 0 0))
+    (for direction :in (mapcar #'ensure-keyword data))
+    (setf pos (coord+ pos (delta direction)))
+    (maximizing (distance pos) :into furthest)
+    (finally (return (values (distance pos) furthest)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-12.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/12*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/12)
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  (destructuring-bind (id others) (str:split "<->" line)
+    (list (parse-integer id)
+          (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:split #\, others)))))
+(defun build-graph (records)
+  (iterate
+    (with graph = (digraph:make-digraph :initial-vertices (mapcar #'car records)))
+    (for (id others) :in records)
+    (dolist (id2 others)
+      (digraph:insert-edge graph id id2))
+    (finally (return graph))))
+(defun connected-to (graph start)
+  (gathering
+    (digraph:mapc-depth-first #'gather graph start)))
+(defun count-subgraph (graph start)
+  (length (connected-to graph start)))
+(defun remove-subgraph (graph start)
+  (map nil (alexandria:curry #'digraph:remove-vertex graph)
+       (connected-to graph start)))
+(define-problem (2017 12) (data read-lines) (141 171)
+  (let ((graph (build-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data))))
+    (values
+      (count-subgraph graph 0)
+      (iterate
+        (for vertex = (digraph:arbitrary-vertex graph))
+        (while vertex)
+        (remove-subgraph graph vertex)
+        (counting t)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-13.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/13*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/13)
+;; There's a magical insight that you need to get if you want to do this
+;; problem: the length of a scanner of range R is `2(R-1)`.
+;; Examples:
+;;     R = 2: S.     1
+;;            .S     2 = 2(R-1) = 2(2-1) = 2(1) = 2
+;;     R = 3: S..    1
+;;            .S.    2
+;;            ..S    3
+;;            .S.    4 = 2(R-1) = 2(3-1) = 2(2) = 4
+;;     R = 4: S...   1
+;;            .S..   2
+;;            ..S.   3
+;;            ...S   4
+;;            ..S.   5
+;;            .S..   6 = 2(R-1) = 2(4-1) = 2(3) = 6
+;; The best "intuition" I can come up with for this is:
+;; * We spend 1 turn at each end position.
+;; * We spend 2 turns at each inner position.
+;; * We have R positions, 2 of which are an end and (R-2) of which are inner.
+;; * So we have (2 * 1) + ((R-2) * 2) = 2 + 2(R-2) turns.
+;; * Factor out the 2 and simplify: 2(1 + (R-2)) = 2(R-1).
+;; Figuring out the exact position of a scanner at a given time it tricky
+;; because you need to wrap the position around properly during the second half,
+;; but we can skip that because all we care about is whether it's at zero.
+(defun catchesp (range time)
+  (zerop (mod time (* (1- range) 2))))
+(defun make-scanners (specs)
+  (iterate
+    (with scanners = (make-array (1+ (caar (last specs))) :initial-element nil))
+    (for (level range) :in specs)
+    (setf (aref scanners level) range)
+    (finally (return scanners))))
+(defun severity (level range)
+  (* level range))
+(defun traverse (scanners start-time)
+  (iterate
+    (for level :from 0)
+    (for time :from start-time)
+    (for range :in-vector scanners)
+    (for caught = (and range (catchesp range time)))
+    (oring caught :into ever-caught)
+    (when caught
+      (summing (severity level range) :into score))
+    (returning score ever-caught)))
+(define-problem (2017 13) (data read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage)
+    (2604 3941460)
+  (let ((scanners (make-scanners data)))
+    (values
+      (traverse scanners 0)
+      (iterate
+        (for delay :from 0)
+        (for (values score caught) = (traverse scanners delay))
+        (finding delay :such-that (not caught))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-14.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/14*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/14)
+(defun print-grid (grid)
+  (dotimes (row 128)
+    (dotimes (col 128)
+      (princ (if (aref grid row col) #\# #\.)))
+    (terpri)))
+(defun gref (grid point)
+  (let-complex ((row col point))
+    (when (and (in-range-p 0 row 128)
+               (in-range-p 0 col 128))
+      (aref grid row col))))
+(defun (setf gref) (new-value grid point)
+  (setf (aref grid (realpart point) (imagpart point)) new-value))
+(defun flood-region (grid row col)
+  (iterate
+    (with seen = (make-hash-set))
+    (with frontier = (make-hash-set :initial-contents (list (complex row col))))
+    (until (hset-empty-p frontier))
+    (for next = (hset-pop! frontier))
+    (when (not (hset-contains-p seen next))
+      (hset-insert! seen next)
+      (when (gref grid next)
+        (counting t)
+        (setf (gref grid next) nil)
+        (apply #'hset-insert! frontier (manhattan-neighbors next))))))
+(define-problem (2017 14) (data read-line) (8226 1128)
+  (multiple-value-bind (grid total)
+      (iterate
+        (with grid = (make-array '(128 128)))
+        (for row :from 0 :to 127)
+        (for hash = (advent/knot-hash:full-knot-hash
+                      (format nil "~A-~D" data row)
+                      :result-type 'integer))
+        (summing (logcount hash) :into total)
+        (dotimes (col 128)
+          (setf (aref grid row col)
+                (logbitp (- 127 col) hash)))
+        (returning grid total))
+    (values total
+            (iterate
+              (for-nested ((row :from 0 :to 127)
+                           (col :from 0 :to 127)))
+              (counting (plusp (flood-region grid row col)))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/days/day-15.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2017/15*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2017/15)
+(defun-inline gen (previous factor)
+  (rem (* previous factor) 2147483647))
+(defun-inline gen-harder (previous factor divisor)
+  (iterate
+    (for x :seed previous :then (gen x factor))
+    (finding x :such-that (dividesp x divisor))))
+(defun-inline matchp (a b)
+  (= (ldb (byte 16 0) a)
+     (ldb (byte 16 0) b)))
+(define-problem (2017 15) (data read-numbers) (650)
+  (destructuring-bind (a-start b-start) data
+    (values
+      (iterate
+        (repeat 40000000)
+        (for a :seed a-start :then (gen a 16807))
+        (for b :seed b-start :then (gen b 48271))
+        (counting (matchp a b)))
+      (iterate
+        (repeat 5000000)
+        (for a :seed a-start :then (gen-harder a 16807 4))
+        (for b :seed b-start :then (gen-harder b 48271 8))
+        (counting (matchp a b))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/knot-hash.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(defpackage :advent/knot-hash
+  (:export :simple-knot-hash :full-knot-hash))
+(in-package :advent/knot-hash)
+(defun reverse-chunk (vector start length)
+  (iterate
+    (repeat (truncate length 2))
+    (for i :modulo (length vector) :from start)
+    (for j :modulo (length vector) :downfrom (+ start (1- length)))
+    (rotatef (aref vector i) (aref vector j))))
+(defun simple-knot-hash (lengths)
+  (iterate
+    (with numbers = (coerce (alexandria:iota 256) 'vector))
+    (with current = 0)
+    (with skip = 0)
+    (for length :in lengths)
+    (reverse-chunk numbers current length)
+    (zapf current (mod (+ % length skip) 256))
+    (incf skip)
+    (finally (return (* (aref numbers 0) (aref numbers 1))))))
+(defun sparse->dense (numbers)
+  (iterate
+    (for i :from 0 :by 16 :below (length numbers))
+    (collect (reduce #'logxor numbers :start i :end (+ i 16)))))
+(defun bytes->hex (bytes)
+  (format nil "~(~{~2,'0X~}~)" bytes))
+(defun bytes->integer (bytes)
+  (iterate
+    (for byte :in bytes)
+    (for result :seed 0 :then (+ (ash result 8) byte))
+    (returning result)))
+(defun initial-lengths (string)
+  (append (map 'list #'char-code string)
+          (list 17 31 73 47 23)))
+(defun full-knot-hash (string &key (result-type 'string))
+  (iterate
+    (with lengths = (initial-lengths string))
+    (with numbers = (coerce (alexandria:iota 256) 'vector))
+    (with current = 0)
+    (with skip = 0)
+    (repeat 64)
+    (iterate
+      (for length :in lengths)
+      (reverse-chunk numbers current length)
+      (zapf current (mod (+ % length skip) 256))
+      (incf skip))
+    (returning
+      (let ((hash (sparse->dense numbers)))
+        (ecase result-type
+          (string (bytes->hex hash))
+          (list hash)
+          (vector (coerce hash 'vector))
+          (integer (bytes->integer hash)))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2017/number-spiral.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+(defpackage :advent/spiral
+  (:use :cl :losh :iterate :advent.quickutils)
+  (:export :number-coordinates))
+(in-package :advent/spiral)
+(defun layer-side-length (layer)
+  "Return the length of one side of `layer`."
+  (1+ (* 2 layer)))
+(defun layer-size (layer)
+  "Return the total size of a number spiral with a final layer of `layer`."
+  (square (layer-side-length layer)))
+(defun layer-for-number (number)
+  "Return the index of the layer containing `number`."
+  (ceiling (/ (1- (sqrt number)) 2)))
+(defun layer-start (layer)
+  "Return the smallest number in `layer`."
+  (if (zerop layer)
+    1
+    (1+ (layer-size (1- layer)))))
+(defun layer-leg-length (layer)
+  "Return the length of one \"leg\" of `layer`."
+  (1- (layer-side-length layer)))
+(defun leg (layer number)
+  "Return the leg index and offset of `number` in `layer`."
+  (if (= 1 number)
+    (values 0 0)
+    (let ((idx (- number (layer-start layer)))
+          (legsize (layer-leg-length layer)))
+      (values (floor idx legsize)
+              (1+ (mod idx legsize))))))
+(defun corner-coordinates (layer leg)
+  "Return the coordinates of the corner starting `leg` in `layer`.
+  Leg | Corner
+   0  | Bottom Right
+   1  | Top Right
+   2  | Top Left
+   3  | Bottom Left
+  "
+  ;; 2   1
+  ;;
+  ;; 3   0
+  (ccase leg
+    (0 (complex layer (- layer)))
+    (1 (complex layer layer))
+    (2 (complex (- layer) layer))
+    (3 (complex (- layer) (- layer)))))
+(defun leg-direction (leg)
+  "Return the direction vector for the given `leg`.
+  "
+  ;;    <--
+  ;;   11110
+  ;; | 2   0 ^
+  ;; | 2   0 |
+  ;; v 2   0 |
+  ;;   23333
+  ;;    -->
+  (ccase leg
+    (0 (complex 0 1))
+    (1 (complex -1 0))
+    (2 (complex 0 -1))
+    (3 (complex 1 0))))
+(defun number-coordinates (number)
+  (nest
+    ;; Find the layer the number falls in.
+    (let ((layer (layer-for-number number))))
+    ;; Find which leg of that layer it's in, and how far along the leg it is.
+    (multiple-value-bind (leg offset) (leg layer number))
+    ;; Find the coordinates of the leg's corner, and its direction vector.
+    (let ((corner (corner-coordinates layer leg))
+          (direction (leg-direction leg))))
+    ;; Start at the corner and add the offset in the leg's direction to find the
+    ;; number's coordinates.
+    (+ corner (* direction offset))))
--- a/src/2018/day-01.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/01*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/01)
-(define-problem (2018 1) (data read-all) (522 73364)
-  (values
-    (summation data)
-    (progn
-      (setf (cdr (last data)) data) ; make data a circular list for easy looping
-      (iterate
-        (with seen = (make-hash-set :initial-contents '(0)))
-        (for number :in data)
-        (summing number :into frequency)
-        (if (hset-contains-p seen frequency)
-          (return frequency)
-          (hset-insert! seen frequency))))))
--- a/src/2018/day-02.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/02*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/02)
-(define-problem (2018 2) (data read-lines) (8296 "pazvmqbftrbeosiecxlghkwud")
-  (values
-    (let* ((freqs (mapcar #'frequencies data))
-           (counts (mapcar #'hash-table-values freqs)))
-      (* (count 2 counts :test #'member)
-         (count 3 counts :test #'member)))
-    ;; just brute force it
-    (multiple-value-bind (a b)
-        (iterate
-          (for (a . remaining) :on data)
-          (for b = (find 1 remaining :key (curry #'hamming-distance a)))
-          (when b
-            (return (values a b))))
-      (let ((i (mismatch a b)))
-        (str:concat (subseq a 0 i)
-                    (subseq a (1+ i)))))))
--- a/src/2018/day-03.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/03*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/03)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defstruct claim id left right top bottom)
-(define-with-macro claim id left right top bottom)
-(defun parse-claim (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      ((#'parse-integer id col row width height))
-      (#?r"#(\d+) @ (\d+),(\d+): (\d+)x(\d+)" line)
-    (make-claim :id id
-                :left col
-                :top row
-                :right (+ col width)
-                :bottom (+ row height))))
-(defun claims-intersect-p (claim1 claim2)
-  (with-claim (claim1 id1 left1 right1 top1 bottom1)
-    (with-claim (claim2 id2 left2 right2 top2 bottom2)
-      (not (or (<= right2 left1)
-               (<= right1 left2)
-               (>= top2 bottom1)
-               (>= top1 bottom2))))))
-(defun make-fabric (claims)
-  (let ((fabric (make-array (list 1000 1000) :initial-element 0)))
-    (dolist (claim claims)
-      (with-claim (claim)
-        (do-range ((row top bottom)
-                   (col left right))
-                  (incf (aref fabric row col)))))
-    fabric))
-(define-problem (2018 3) (data read-lines) (107663 1166)
-  (let* ((claims (mapcar #'parse-claim data))
-         (fabric (make-fabric claims)))
-    (values
-      (iterate (for uses :in-array fabric)
-               (counting (> uses 1)))
-      (claim-id (first (unique claims :test #'claims-intersect-p))))))
--- a/src/2018/day-04.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/04*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/04)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-;; This problem gets much easier after you've unlocked the second question and
-;; realize you can solve everything by building histograms of each guard's
-;; sleeping minutes.
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  "Parse `line` into `(minute :event id?)`"
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      ((#'parse-integer minute) event)
-      (#?r"\[\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:(\d+)\] (.*)" line)
-    (list* minute
-           (cond
-             ((string= "falls asleep" event) (list :sleep nil))
-             ((string= "wakes up" event) (list :wake nil))
-             (t (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-                    ((#'parse-integer id))
-                    (#?r"Guard #(\d+) begins shift" event)
-                  (list :guard id)))))))
-(defun sleep-intervals (events &aux start guard)
-  "Transform `events` into a list of `(guard-id start end)`"
-  (iterate
-    (for (minute event id?) :in events)
-    (ecase event
-      (:guard (setf guard id?))
-      (:wake (collect (list guard start minute)))
-      (:sleep (setf start minute)))))
-(defun guard-histograms (intervals)
-  "Return a hash-table of histograms of the guards' sleeping minutes."
-  (iterate
-    (with result = (make-hash-table))
-    (for (guard start end) :in intervals)
-    (for histogram = (ensure-gethash guard result
-                                     (make-array 60 :initial-element 0)))
-    (do-range ((minute start end))
-      (incf (aref histogram minute)))
-    (finally (return result))))
-(define-problem (2018 4) (data read-lines) (143415 49944)
-  (let ((guard-histograms (-<> data
-                            (sort <> #'string<)
-                            (mapcar #'parse-line <>)
-                            sleep-intervals
-                            guard-histograms)))
-    (nest
-      (destructuring-bind
-          (sleepy-guard sleepy-guard-preferred-minute)
-          (iterate
-            (for (guard histogram) :in-hashtable guard-histograms)
-            (finding (list guard
-                           (nth-value 1 (extremum+ histogram #'>)))
-                     :maximizing (summation histogram))))
-      (destructuring-bind
-          (predictable-guard predictable-guard-time)
-          (iterate
-            (for (guard histogram) :in-hashtable guard-histograms)
-            (for (values time preferred-minute) = (extremum+ histogram #'>))
-            (finding (list guard preferred-minute) :maximizing time)))
-      (values (* sleepy-guard
-                 sleepy-guard-preferred-minute)
-              (* predictable-guard
-                 predictable-guard-time)))))
--- a/src/2018/day-05.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/05*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/05)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun reactivep (x y)
-  (char= x (char-invertcase y)))
-(defun react (string &aux result)
-  (doseq (char string)
-    (if (and result (reactivep char (car result)))
-      (pop result)
-      (push char result)))
-  (coerce (nreverse result) 'string))
-(define-problem (2018 5) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string)
-    (10708 5330)
-  (deletef data #\newline)
-  (values
-    (length (react data))
-    (iterate
-      (for unit :in-vector (remove-duplicates data :test #'char-equal))
-      (for candidate = (react (remove unit data :test #'char-equal)))
-      (minimizing (length candidate)))))
--- a/src/2018/day-06.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/06*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/06)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  (apply #'complex (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:split ", " line))))
-(defun closest (point coordinates)
-  (let ((results (extremums coordinates '<
-                            :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point))))
-    (case (length results)
-      (1 (car results))
-      (t nil))))
-(define-problem (2018 6) (data read-lines) (3420 46667)
-  (let* ((coordinates (mapcar #'parse-line data))
-         (xs (mapcar #'realpart coordinates))
-         (ys (mapcar #'imagpart coordinates))
-         (left (extremum xs #'<))
-         (bottom (extremum ys #'<))
-         (right (extremum xs #'>))
-         (top (extremum ys #'>))
-         (counts (make-hash-table))
-         (infinite (make-hash-set)))
-    (iterate
-      (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
-                   (y :from bottom :to top)))
-      (for closest = (closest (complex x y) coordinates))
-      (when closest
-        (incf (gethash closest counts 0))
-        (when (or (= left x) (= bottom y)
-                  (= right x) (= top y))
-          (hset-insert! infinite closest))))
-    (values
-      (iterate
-        (for (point size) :in-hashtable counts)
-        (unless (hset-contains-p infinite point)
-          (maximizing size)))
-      (iterate
-        (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
-                     (y :from bottom :to top)))
-        (for point = (complex x y))
-        (for total-distance = (summation coordinates :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point)))
-        (counting (< total-distance 10000))))))
--- a/src/2018/day-07.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/07*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/07)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      (((rcurry #'aref 0) requirement target))
-      (#?r"Step (\w) must be finished before step (\w) can begin." line)
-    (list target requirement)))
-(defun make-graph (edges)
-  (let* ((vertices (remove-duplicates (flatten-once edges)))
-         (graph (digraph:make-digraph :initial-vertices vertices)))
-    (dolist (edge edges)
-      (digraph:insert-edge graph (first edge) (second edge)))
-    graph))
-(defun char-number (char)
-  (1+ (- (char-code char) (char-code #\A))))
-(defun task-length (task)
-  (+ 60 (char-number task)))
-(defun decrement-workers (workers)
-  (gathering
-    (do-array (worker workers)
-      (when worker
-        (when (zerop (decf (cdr worker)))
-          (gather (car worker))
-          (setf worker nil))))))
-(define-problem (2018 7) (data read-lines) ("BFGKNRTWXIHPUMLQVZOYJACDSE" 1163)
-  (values
-    (let ((graph (make-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data))))
-      ;; ( graph)
-      (recursively ((result nil))
-        (if (emptyp graph)
-          (coerce (nreverse result) 'string)
-          (let ((next (extremum (digraph:leafs graph) 'char<)))
-            (digraph:remove-vertex graph next)
-            (recur (cons next result))))))
-    (iterate
-      (with graph = (make-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data)))
-      ;; workers is a vector of (task . remaining-time), or NILs for idle workers
-      (with workers = (make-array 5 :initial-element nil))
-      (for elapsed :from 0)
-      (for finished-tasks = (decrement-workers workers))
-      (map nil (curry #'digraph:remove-vertex graph) finished-tasks)
-      (for current-tasks = (remove nil (map 'list #'car workers)))
-      (for available-tasks = (-<> graph
-                               digraph:leafs
-                               (set-difference <> current-tasks)
-                               (sort <> 'char<)))
-      (do-array (worker workers)
-        (when (null worker)
-          (when-let ((task (pop available-tasks)))
-            (setf worker (cons task (task-length task))))))
-      (when (and (emptyp graph) (every #'null workers))
-        (return elapsed)))))
--- a/src/2018/day-08.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/08*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/08)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defstruct (node (:conc-name nil))
-  children metadata)
-(defun read-node (stream)
-  (let ((children-count (read stream))
-        (metadata-count (read stream)))
-    (make-node :children (iterate
-                           (repeat children-count)
-                           (collect (read-node stream) :result-type vector))
-               :metadata (iterate
-                           (repeat metadata-count)
-                           (collect (read stream))))))
-(defun node-value (node &aux (children (children node)))
-  (if (emptyp children)
-    (summation (metadata node))
-    (iterate
-      (for meta :in (metadata node))
-      (for index = (1- meta))
-      (when (array-in-bounds-p children index)
-        (summing (node-value (aref children index)))))))
-(define-problem (2018 8) (data) (37905 33891)
-  (let ((root (read-node data)))
-    (values
-      (recursively ((node root))
-        (+ (summation (metadata node))
-           (summation (children node) :key #'recur)))
-      (node-value root))))
--- a/src/2018/day-09.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/09*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/09)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun parse-input (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      ((#'parse-integer players marbles))
-      (#?r"(\d+) players\D*(\d+) points" line)
-    (values players marbles)))
-(defun play (players marbles)
-  (let ((circle (ring 0))
-        (elves (make-array players :initial-element 0)))
-    (iterate
-      (declare (iterate:declare-variables))
-      (for elf :first 0 :then (mod (1+ elf) players))
-      (for marble :from 1 :to marbles)
-      (if (dividesp marble 23)
-        (progn (incf (aref elves elf) marble)
-               (ring-movef circle -7)
-               (incf (aref elves elf) (ring-data circle))
-               (ring-cutf circle))
-        (progn (ring-movef circle 1)
-               (ring-insertf-after circle marble))))
-    (extremum elves '>)))
-(define-problem (2018 9) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string)
-    (398730 3349635509)
-  (multiple-value-bind (players marbles) (parse-input data)
-    #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
-    (values (play players marbles)
-            (play players (* marbles 100)))))
--- a/src/2018/day-10.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/10*advent-use*
-  (:shadow :x))
-(in-package :advent/2018/10)
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  (destructuring-bind (x y vx vy) line
-    (cons (complex x y)
-          (complex vx vy))))
-(defun x (star)
-  (realpart (car star)))
-(defun y (star)
-  (imagpart (car star)))
-(defun tick (stars)
-  (dolist (star stars)
-    (incf (car star) (cdr star))))
-(defun bounds (stars)
-  (values (x (extremum stars '< :key #'x)) ; left
-          (x (extremum stars '> :key #'x)) ; right
-          (y (extremum stars '< :key #'y)) ; bottom
-          (y (extremum stars '> :key #'y)))) ; top
-(defun field-size (stars)
-  (multiple-value-bind (left right bottom top)
-      (bounds stars)
-    (* (- right left) (- top bottom))))
-(defun draw (stars)
-  (multiple-value-bind (left right bottom top) (bounds stars)
-    (let* ((height (1+ (- top bottom)))
-           (width (1+ (- right left)))
-           (field (make-array height)))
-      (do-array (line field)
-        (setf line (make-string width :initial-element #\space)))
-      (dolist (star stars)
-        (setf (aref (aref field (- (y star) bottom))
-                    (- (x star) left))
-              #\*))
-      (map nil #'write-line field))))
-(define-problem (2018 10) (data read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage)
-    () ;; This can't really be tested automatically :(
-  (iterate
-    (with stars = (mapcar #'parse-line data))
-    (with ticks = 0)
-    (initially (iterate
-                 (tick stars)
-                 (incf ticks)
-                 (until (< (field-size stars) 3000))))
-    (format t "After tick ~D:~%" ticks)
-    (draw stars)
-    (until (string= "q" (read-line)))
-    (tick stars)))
--- a/src/2018/day-11.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/11*advent-use*
-  (:shadow :x :y))
-(in-package :advent/2018/11)
-(defun cell (x y)
-  (complex x y))
-(defun x (cell)
-  (realpart cell))
-(defun y (cell)
-  (imagpart cell))
-(defun rack-id (cell)
-  (+ (x cell) 10))
-(defun power-level (serial-number cell)
-  (-<> (rack-id cell)
-    (* <> (y cell))
-    (+ <> serial-number)
-    (* <> (rack-id cell))
-    (nth-digit 2 <>)
-    (- <> 5)))
-(define-problem (2018 11) (serial-number read) ("245,14" "235,206,13")
-  (let ((totals (make-array (list 300 300))))
-    (flet ((gref (x y)
-             (let ((x (1- x))
-                   (y (1- y)))
-               (if (array-in-bounds-p totals x y)
-                 (aref totals x y)
-                 0)))
-           ((setf gref) (value x y)
-            (setf (aref totals (1- x) (1- y)) value)))
-      (iterate (for-nested ((x :from 300 :downto 1)
-                            (y :from 300 :downto 1)))
-               (setf (gref x y)
-                     (+ (power-level serial-number (cell x y))
-                        (gref (1+ x) y)
-                        (gref x (1+ y))
-                        (- (gref (1+ x) (1+ y))))))
-      (labels ((square-power (x y n)
-                 (let ((xn (+ x n))
-                       (yn (+ y n)))
-                   (+ (gref x y)
-                      (- (gref xn y))
-                      (- (gref x yn))
-                      (gref xn yn))))
-               (largest-square (n)
-                 (iterate
-                   (for-nested ((x :from 1 :to (- 301 n))
-                                (y :from 1 :to (- 301 n))))
-                   (for power = (square-power x y n))
-                   (finding (list x y power) :maximizing power))))
-        (values (str:join "," (subseq (largest-square 3) 0 2))
-                (iterate (for n :from 1 :to 300)
-                         (for (x y power) = (largest-square n))
-                         (finding (format nil "~D,~D,~D" x y n)
-                                  :maximizing power)))))))
--- a/src/2018/day-12.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/12*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/12)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-;;;; Pots ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defstruct pots data min max)
-(defmethod print-object ((o pots) s)
-  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
-    (format s "~D to ~D: ~A" (pots-min o) (pots-max o)
-            (iterate (for i :from (pots-min o) :to (pots-max o))
-                     (collect (if (plusp (pot o i)) #\# #\.)
-                              :result-type 'string)))))
-(defun-inline pot (pots i)
-  (if (hset-contains-p (pots-data pots) i)
-    1
-    0))
-(defun add-pot (pots i)
-  (hset-insert! (pots-data pots) i))
-(defun rem-pot (pots i)
-  (hset-remove! (pots-data pots) i))
-(defun surroundings (pots i)
-  (make-array 5
-    :element-type 'bit
-    :initial-contents (list (pot pots (- i 2))
-                            (pot pots (- i 1))
-                            (pot pots i)
-                            (pot pots (+ i 1))
-                            (pot pots (+ i 2)))))
-(defun score (pots)
-  (summation (hset-elements (pots-data pots))))
-;;;; Input Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun rune-bit (rune)
-  (ecase rune
-    (#\# 1)
-    (#\. 0)))
-(defun runes-to-bits (runes)
-  (map 'bit-vector #'rune-bit runes))
-(defun vector-to-hash-set (vector &key (test #'eql))
-  (iterate
-    (with result = (make-hash-set :test test))
-    (for value :in-vector vector :with-index i)
-    (when (plusp value)
-      (hset-insert! result i))))
-(defun parse-initial-line (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      (state)
-      (#?r"initial state: (\S+)" line)
-    (-<> state
-      runes-to-bits
-      (positions-if #'plusp <>)
-      (make-hash-set :initial-contents <>))))
-(defun parse-rule (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      (surroundings result)
-      (#?r"(\S+) => (\S)" line)
-    (values (runes-to-bits surroundings)
-            (rune-bit (aref result 0)))))
-(defun read-problem (stream)
-  (let* ((initial (parse-initial-line (read-line stream)))
-         (state (prog1 (make-pots :data initial
-                                  :min (extremum (hset-elements initial) '<)
-                                  :max (extremum (hset-elements initial) '>))
-                  (read-line stream)))
-         (rules (iterate
-                  (for line :in-stream stream :using #'read-line)
-                  (unless (string= "" line)
-                    (for (values key result) = (parse-rule line))
-                    (collect-hash (key result) :test #'equal)))))
-    (values state rules)))
-;;;; Solve --------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun tick (pots rules)
-  (with-slots (min max) pots
-    (iterate
-      (for i :from (- min 2) :to (+ max 2))
-      (for current = (pot pots i))
-      (for surroundings = (surroundings pots i))
-      (for next = (gethash surroundings rules))
-      (when (plusp next)
-        (minimizing i :into next-min)
-        (maximizing i :into next-max))
-      (when (/= current next)
-        (if (plusp next)
-          (collect i :into add)
-          (collect i :into rem)))
-      (finally
-        (map nil (curry #'add-pot pots) add)
-        (map nil (curry #'rem-pot pots) rem)
-        (setf min next-min
-              max next-max)
-        pots))))
-(define-problem (2018 12) (data)
-    ()  ;; can't really test noninteractively :(
-  (multiple-value-bind (pots rules) (read-problem data)
-    (values
-      (progn
-        (do-repeat 20
-          (tick pots rules))
-        (score pots))
-      (iterate
-        (for tick :from 20)
-        (format t "~%After ~D tick~:P:~%~A~%score: ~D~%> " tick pots (score pots))
-        (force-output)
-        (for input = (read-line))
-        (until (string= "q" input))
-        (tick pots rules)))))
-(defun part-2 ()
-  (let* ((score-per-tick 20)
-         (starting-tick 350)
-         (starting-value 7508)
-         (ticks (- 50000000000 starting-tick)))
-    (+ starting-value (* score-per-tick ticks))))
--- a/src/2018/day-13.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/13*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/13)
-;;;; Cart ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun left (velocity)
-  (* #c(0 -1) velocity))
-(defun right (velocity)
-  (* #c(0 1) velocity))
-(defun straight (velocity)
-  velocity)
-(defun horizontalp (velocity)
-  (zerop (imagpart velocity)))
-(defun verticalp (velocity)
-  (zerop (realpart velocity)))
-(defparameter *ai* '#1=(left straight right . #1#))
-(defstruct cart
-  position
-  velocity
-  (ai *ai*))
-(defun turn-intersection (cart)
-  (callf (cart-velocity cart) (pop (cart-ai cart))))
-(defun turn-corner (cart corner)
-  (callf (cart-velocity cart)
-         (let ((v (verticalp (cart-velocity cart))))
-           (ecase corner
-             (#\\ (if v #'left #'right))
-             (#\/ (if v #'right #'left))))))
-(defun cart-rune (cart)
-  (ecase (cart-velocity cart)
-    (#c(0 -1) #\^)
-    (#c(0 1) #\v)
-    (#c(-1 0) #\<)
-    (#c(1 0) #\>)))
-;;;; Carts ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun make-carts (sequence)
-  (iterate (for cart :in-whatever sequence)
-           (collect-hash ((cart-position cart) cart))))
-(defun cart-at (carts position)
-  (gethash position carts))
-(defun insert-cart (carts cart)
-  (setf (gethash (cart-position cart) carts) cart))
-(defun remove-cart (carts cart)
-  (remhash (cart-position cart) carts))
-(define-condition collision ()
-  ((position :initarg :position :accessor collision-position)))
-(defun move-cart (carts cart)
-  (with-slots (position velocity) cart
-    (remove-cart carts cart)
-    (incf position velocity)
-    (if-let ((other-cart (cart-at carts position)))
-      (restart-case (error 'collision :position position)
-        (remove-crashed-carts ()
-          (remove-cart carts other-cart)
-          (push cart *dead-carts*)
-          (push other-cart *dead-carts*)))
-      (insert-cart carts cart)))
-  (values))
-(defun remove-crashed-carts (condition)
-  (declare (ignore condition))
-  (invoke-restart 'remove-crashed-carts))
-;;;; Track --------------------------------------------------------------------
-(deftype track ()
-  '(simple-array character (* *)))
-(defun track-at (track position)
-  (aref track (realpart position) (imagpart position)))
-(defun print-track (track carts)
-  (destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions track)
-    (dotimes (y height)
-      (dotimes (x width)
-        (when (zerop x)
-          (terpri))
-        (write-char
-          (if-let ((cart (cart-at carts (complex x y))))
-            (cart-rune cart)
-            (aref track x y)))))
-    (terpri)))
-(defun cornerp (track position)
-  (find (track-at track position) "\\/"))
-(defun intersectionp (track position)
-  (char= (track-at track position) #\+))
-;;;; Input Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun cart-rune-velocity (rune)
-  (ecase rune
-    (#\^ #c(0 -1))
-    (#\v #c(0 1))
-    (#\< #c(-1 0))
-    (#\> #c(1 0))))
-(defun cart-rune-p (rune)
-  (find rune "^v<>"))
-(defun track-rune (cart-or-track-rune)
-  (case cart-or-track-rune
-    ((#\^ #\v) #\|)
-    ((#\< #\>) #\-)
-    (t cart-or-track-rune)))
-(defun parse-track (lines)
-  (removef lines "" :test #'string=)
-  (let ((track (make-array (list (extremum (mapcar #'length lines) '>)
-                                 (length lines))
-                 :element-type 'character
-                 :initial-element #\space))
-        (carts nil))
-    (iterate
-      (for line :in lines)
-      (for y :from 0)
-      (iterate
-        (for rune :in-string line)
-        (for x :from 0)
-        (when (cart-rune-p rune)
-          (push (make-cart
-                  :position (complex x y)
-                  :velocity (cart-rune-velocity rune))
-                carts))
-        (setf (aref track x y) (track-rune rune))))
-    (values track (make-carts carts))))
-;;;; Simulation ---------------------------------------------------------------
-(defparameter *dead-carts* nil)
-(defun tick-cart (track carts cart)
-  (unless (member cart *dead-carts*)
-    (move-cart carts cart)
-    (let ((pos (cart-position cart)))
-      (cond
-        ((cornerp track pos) (turn-corner cart (track-at track pos)))
-        ((intersectionp track pos) (turn-intersection cart)))))
-  (values))
-(defun cart< (cart1 cart2)
-  (let* ((p1 (cart-position cart1))
-         (p2 (cart-position cart2))
-         (x1 (realpart p1))
-         (y1 (imagpart p1))
-         (x2 (realpart p2))
-         (y2 (imagpart p2)))
-    ;; cart1 moves before cart2 if it's:
-    (or (< y1 y2) ; higher up
-        (and (= y1 y2) (< x1 x2))))) ; or further left
-(defun tick-carts (track carts)
-  (dolist (cart (sort (hash-table-values carts) #'cart<))
-    (tick-cart track carts cart)))
-;;;; Solve --------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defparameter *example* (format nil "
-|   |  /----\\
-| /-+--+-\\  |
-| | |  | v  |
-\\-+-/  \\-+--/
-  \\------/
-(defun format-position (position)
-  (format nil "~D,~D" (realpart position) (imagpart position)))
-(defun part-1 (lines)
-  (multiple-value-bind (track carts) (parse-track lines)
-    (handler-case (loop (tick-carts track carts))
-      (collision (collision) (format-position (collision-position collision))))))
-(defun part-2 (lines)
-  (multiple-value-bind (track carts) (parse-track lines)
-    (handler-bind ((collision #'remove-crashed-carts))
-      (iterate
-        (tick-carts track carts)
-        (for tick :from 1)
-        (for carts-remaining = (hash-table-count carts))
-        (finding
-          (-<> carts hash-table-values first cart-position format-position)
-          :such-that (= 1 carts-remaining))))))
-(define-problem (2018 13) (data read-lines) ("83,49" "73,36")
-  (values (part-1 data)
-          (part-2 data)))
--- a/src/2018/day-14.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/14*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/14)
-(defun combine (recipes elves)
-  (digits (summation elves :key (curry #'aref recipes))))
-(defun move-elves (recipes elves)
-  (do-array (elf elves)
-    (setf elf (mod (+ elf (aref recipes elf) 1)
-                   (length recipes)))))
-(defun format-output (scores)
-  (str:join "" (coerce scores 'list)))
-(define-problem (2018 14) (data read) ("3610281143" 20211326)
-  #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
-  (iterate
-    (with recipes = (make-array 2
-                      :adjustable t
-                      :fill-pointer t
-                      :initial-contents '(3 7)))
-    (with elves = (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(0 1)))
-    (with part-1 = nil)
-    (with part-2 = nil)
-    (with target = (digits data :result-type 'vector))
-    (with target-length = (length target))
-    (until (and part-1 part-2))
-    (unless part-1
-      (when (>= (length recipes) (+ 10 data))
-        (setf part-1 (format-output (subseq recipes data (+ data 10))))))
-    (iterate (for new-recipe :in (combine recipes elves))
-             (vector-push-extend new-recipe recipes)
-             (for len = (length recipes))
-             (for left = (- len target-length))
-             (unless part-2
-               (when (and (not (minusp left))
-                          (search target recipes :start2 left))
-                 (setf part-2 left))))
-    (move-elves recipes elves)
-    (finally (return (values part-1 part-2)))))
--- a/src/2018/day-15.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/15*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/15)
-;;;; Points -------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun p (row col) (complex row col))
-(defun row (p) (realpart p))
-(defun col (p) (imagpart p))
-(defun p< (p1 p2)
-  (or (< (row p1) (row p2))
-      (and (= (row p1) (row p2))
-           (< (col p1) (col p2)))))
-(defun neighbors (p)
-  (list (+ p #c(0 1))
-        (+ p #c(1 0))
-        (+ p #c(0 -1))
-        (+ p #c(-1 0))))
-(defun distance (p1 p2)
-  (abs (- p1 p2)))
-;;;; Loc ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defvar *locations* nil)
-(beast:define-aspect loc p)
-(defun loc/row (entity) (row (loc/p entity)))
-(defun loc/col (entity) (col (loc/p entity)))
-(defun initialize-loc (rows cols)
-  (setf *locations* (make-array (list rows cols) :initial-element nil)))
-(defmethod beast:entity-created :after ((entity loc))
-  (setf (aref *locations* (loc/row entity) (loc/col entity)) entity))
-(defmethod beast:entity-destroyed :after ((entity loc))
-  (when (loc/p entity)
-    (setf (aref *locations* (loc/row entity) (loc/col entity)) nil)))
-(defun move (entity p)
-  (setf (aref *locations* (loc/row entity) (loc/col entity)) nil
-        (loc/p entity) p
-        (aref *locations* (loc/row entity) (loc/col entity)) entity))
-(defun loc (p)
-  (aref *locations* (row p) (col p)))
-(defun loc< (e1 e2)
-  (p< (loc/p e1) (loc/p e2)))
-;;;; Other Aspects ------------------------------------------------------------
-(beast:define-aspect living (hp :initform 200))
-(beast:define-aspect fighter (attack-power :initform 3))
-(beast:define-aspect renderable (glyph))
-;;;; Entities -----------------------------------------------------------------
-(defvar *dead* nil)
-(beast:define-entity elf (loc living fighter renderable))
-(beast:define-entity goblin (loc living fighter renderable))
-(defmethod print-object ((o elf) s)
-  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
-    (format s "~A ~D" (loc/p o) (living/hp o))))
-(defmethod print-object ((o goblin) s)
-  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
-    (format s "~A ~D" (loc/p o) (living/hp o))))
-(defun create-elf (p)
-  (beast:create-entity 'elf :loc/p p :renderable/glyph #\E))
-(defun create-goblin (p)
-  (beast:create-entity 'goblin :loc/p p :renderable/glyph #\G))
-(defun entities-to-move ()
-  (sort (beast:map-entities #'identity) #'loc<))
-(defun enemiesp (e1 e2)
-  (typep e2 (etypecase e1
-              (goblin 'elf)
-              (elf 'goblin))))
-(defun targets (entity)
-  (beast:map-entities #'identity (etypecase entity
-                                   (goblin 'elf)
-                                   (elf 'goblin))))
-(defun attack (attacker defender)
-  (decf (living/hp defender)
-        (fighter/attack-power attacker))
-  (unless (plusp (living/hp defender))
-    (push defender *dead*)
-    (beast:destroy-entity defender)))
-;;;; Terrain ------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defvar *terrain* nil)
-(defun initialize-terrain (rows cols)
-  (setf *terrain* (make-array (list rows cols)
-                    :element-type 'character
-                    :initial-element #\.)))
-(defun terrain (p)
-  (aref *terrain* (row p) (col p)))
-(defun (setf terrain) (new-value p)
-  (setf (aref *terrain* (row p) (col p)) new-value))
-(defun passablep (p)
-  (case (terrain p)
-    (#\# nil)
-    (t t)))
-;;;; World --------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun openp (p)
-  (and (null (loc p))
-       (passablep p)))
-(defun in-bounds-p (p)
-  (array-in-bounds-p *terrain* (row p) (col p)))
-(defun open-neighbors (p)
-  (remove-if-not (alexandria:conjoin #'openp #'in-bounds-p)
-                 (neighbors p)))
-(defun adjacent-enemies (mob)
-  (-<> mob
-    loc/p
-    neighbors
-    (mapcar #'loc <>)
-    (remove nil <>)
-    (remove-if-not (curry #'enemiesp mob) <>)))
-(defun adjacent-enemy (mob)
-  (first (sort (adjacent-enemies mob) #'loc<)))
-(defun target-squares (unit)
-  (-<> unit
-    targets
-    (mapcan (compose #'open-neighbors #'loc/p) <>)
-    (remove-duplicates <> :test #'=)))
-(defun step-cost (start from to)
-  ;; We adjust the cost of the first step of our path to account for the
-  ;; bullshit reading order tie breaking (but never enough to send us the wrong
-  ;; way).
-  (if (= from start)
-    (ecase (- to from)
-      (#c(-1 0) 1)
-      (#c(0 -1) 1.1)
-      (#c(0 1) 1.2)
-      (#c(1 0) 1.3))
-    1))
-(defun action (mob)
-  (if-let ((enemy (adjacent-enemy mob)))
-    (values :attack enemy)
-    (iterate
-      (with goals = (target-squares mob))
-      (with start = (loc/p mob))
-      (with best-goal = nil)
-      (with best-path = nil)
-      (with best-cost = nil)
-      (for goal :in goals)
-      (for path = (astar :start start
-                         :neighbors #'open-neighbors
-                         :goalp (curry #'= goal)
-                         :cost (curry #'step-cost start)
-                         :limit best-cost
-                         :heuristic (curry #'distance goal)
-                         :test #'eql))
-      (when path
-        (for cost = (length path))
-        (when (or (null best-path) ; this is the first path
-                  (< cost best-cost) ; this is a shorter path
-                  (p< goal best-goal)) ; this is a better destination by reading order
-          (setf best-path path
-                best-goal goal
-                best-cost cost)))
-      (finally (return (if best-path
-                         (values :move (second best-path))
-                         (values :wait)))))))
-(defun tick-mob (mob)
-  (unless (member mob *dead*)
-    (multiple-value-bind (action target) (action mob)
-      (ecase action
-        (:attack
-          (pr mob 'attacking target)
-          (attack mob target))
-        (:move
-          (pr mob 'moving 'to target)
-          (move mob target))
-        (:wait
-          (pr mob 'waiting))))))
-(defun tick-world ()
-  (let ((*dead* nil))
-    (map nil #'tick-mob (entities-to-move))))
-;;;; World Generation ---------------------------------------------------------
-(defun generate-world (lines)
-  (removef lines "" :test #'string=)
-  (beast:clear-entities)
-  (let* ((rows (length lines))
-         (cols (length (first lines))))
-    (initialize-loc rows cols)
-    (initialize-terrain rows cols)
-    (iterate
-      (for line :in lines)
-      (for row :from 0)
-      (iterate
-        (for char :in-string line :with-index col)
-        (for p = (p row col))
-        (case char
-          (#\E (create-elf p))
-          (#\G (create-goblin p))
-          (#\# (setf (terrain p) #\#))
-          (t nil))))))
-(defun print-world (&optional path)
-  (iterate
-    (for (char row col) :in-array *terrain*)
-    (for p = (p row col))
-    (for mob = (loc p))
-    (when (zerop col)
-      (terpri))
-    (write-char (cond
-                  ((member p path) #\x)
-                  (mob (renderable/glyph mob))
-                  (t char))))
-  (terpri)
-  (values))
-(define-problem (2018 15) (data read-lines) ()
-  (generate-world data)
-  (print-world))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-01.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/01*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/01)
+(define-problem (2018 1) (data read-all) (522 73364)
+  (values
+    (summation data)
+    (progn
+      (setf (cdr (last data)) data) ; make data a circular list for easy looping
+      (iterate
+        (with seen = (make-hash-set :initial-contents '(0)))
+        (for number :in data)
+        (summing number :into frequency)
+        (if (hset-contains-p seen frequency)
+          (return frequency)
+          (hset-insert! seen frequency))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-02.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/02*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/02)
+(define-problem (2018 2) (data read-lines) (8296 "pazvmqbftrbeosiecxlghkwud")
+  (values
+    (let* ((freqs (mapcar #'frequencies data))
+           (counts (mapcar #'hash-table-values freqs)))
+      (* (count 2 counts :test #'member)
+         (count 3 counts :test #'member)))
+    ;; just brute force it
+    (multiple-value-bind (a b)
+        (iterate
+          (for (a . remaining) :on data)
+          (for b = (find 1 remaining :key (curry #'hamming-distance a)))
+          (when b
+            (return (values a b))))
+      (let ((i (mismatch a b)))
+        (str:concat (subseq a 0 i)
+                    (subseq a (1+ i)))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-03.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/03*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/03)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defstruct claim id left right top bottom)
+(define-with-macro claim id left right top bottom)
+(defun parse-claim (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      ((#'parse-integer id col row width height))
+      (#?r"#(\d+) @ (\d+),(\d+): (\d+)x(\d+)" line)
+    (make-claim :id id
+                :left col
+                :top row
+                :right (+ col width)
+                :bottom (+ row height))))
+(defun claims-intersect-p (claim1 claim2)
+  (with-claim (claim1 id1 left1 right1 top1 bottom1)
+    (with-claim (claim2 id2 left2 right2 top2 bottom2)
+      (not (or (<= right2 left1)
+               (<= right1 left2)
+               (>= top2 bottom1)
+               (>= top1 bottom2))))))
+(defun make-fabric (claims)
+  (let ((fabric (make-array (list 1000 1000) :initial-element 0)))
+    (dolist (claim claims)
+      (with-claim (claim)
+        (do-range ((row top bottom)
+                   (col left right))
+                  (incf (aref fabric row col)))))
+    fabric))
+(define-problem (2018 3) (data read-lines) (107663 1166)
+  (let* ((claims (mapcar #'parse-claim data))
+         (fabric (make-fabric claims)))
+    (values
+      (iterate (for uses :in-array fabric)
+               (counting (> uses 1)))
+      (claim-id (first (unique claims :test #'claims-intersect-p))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-04.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/04*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/04)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+;; This problem gets much easier after you've unlocked the second question and
+;; realize you can solve everything by building histograms of each guard's
+;; sleeping minutes.
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  "Parse `line` into `(minute :event id?)`"
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      ((#'parse-integer minute) event)
+      (#?r"\[\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:(\d+)\] (.*)" line)
+    (list* minute
+           (cond
+             ((string= "falls asleep" event) (list :sleep nil))
+             ((string= "wakes up" event) (list :wake nil))
+             (t (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+                    ((#'parse-integer id))
+                    (#?r"Guard #(\d+) begins shift" event)
+                  (list :guard id)))))))
+(defun sleep-intervals (events &aux start guard)
+  "Transform `events` into a list of `(guard-id start end)`"
+  (iterate
+    (for (minute event id?) :in events)
+    (ecase event
+      (:guard (setf guard id?))
+      (:wake (collect (list guard start minute)))
+      (:sleep (setf start minute)))))
+(defun guard-histograms (intervals)
+  "Return a hash-table of histograms of the guards' sleeping minutes."
+  (iterate
+    (with result = (make-hash-table))
+    (for (guard start end) :in intervals)
+    (for histogram = (ensure-gethash guard result
+                                     (make-array 60 :initial-element 0)))
+    (do-range ((minute start end))
+      (incf (aref histogram minute)))
+    (finally (return result))))
+(define-problem (2018 4) (data read-lines) (143415 49944)
+  (let ((guard-histograms (-<> data
+                            (sort <> #'string<)
+                            (mapcar #'parse-line <>)
+                            sleep-intervals
+                            guard-histograms)))
+    (nest
+      (destructuring-bind
+          (sleepy-guard sleepy-guard-preferred-minute)
+          (iterate
+            (for (guard histogram) :in-hashtable guard-histograms)
+            (finding (list guard
+                           (nth-value 1 (extremum+ histogram #'>)))
+                     :maximizing (summation histogram))))
+      (destructuring-bind
+          (predictable-guard predictable-guard-time)
+          (iterate
+            (for (guard histogram) :in-hashtable guard-histograms)
+            (for (values time preferred-minute) = (extremum+ histogram #'>))
+            (finding (list guard preferred-minute) :maximizing time)))
+      (values (* sleepy-guard
+                 sleepy-guard-preferred-minute)
+              (* predictable-guard
+                 predictable-guard-time)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-05.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/05*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/05)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun reactivep (x y)
+  (char= x (char-invertcase y)))
+(defun react (string &aux result)
+  (doseq (char string)
+    (if (and result (reactivep char (car result)))
+      (pop result)
+      (push char result)))
+  (coerce (nreverse result) 'string))
+(define-problem (2018 5) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string)
+    (10708 5330)
+  (deletef data #\newline)
+  (values
+    (length (react data))
+    (iterate
+      (for unit :in-vector (remove-duplicates data :test #'char-equal))
+      (for candidate = (react (remove unit data :test #'char-equal)))
+      (minimizing (length candidate)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-06.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/06*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/06)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  (apply #'complex (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:split ", " line))))
+(defun closest (point coordinates)
+  (let ((results (extremums coordinates '<
+                            :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point))))
+    (case (length results)
+      (1 (car results))
+      (t nil))))
+(define-problem (2018 6) (data read-lines) (3420 46667)
+  (let* ((coordinates (mapcar #'parse-line data))
+         (xs (mapcar #'realpart coordinates))
+         (ys (mapcar #'imagpart coordinates))
+         (left (extremum xs #'<))
+         (bottom (extremum ys #'<))
+         (right (extremum xs #'>))
+         (top (extremum ys #'>))
+         (counts (make-hash-table))
+         (infinite (make-hash-set)))
+    (iterate
+      (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
+                   (y :from bottom :to top)))
+      (for closest = (closest (complex x y) coordinates))
+      (when closest
+        (incf (gethash closest counts 0))
+        (when (or (= left x) (= bottom y)
+                  (= right x) (= top y))
+          (hset-insert! infinite closest))))
+    (values
+      (iterate
+        (for (point size) :in-hashtable counts)
+        (unless (hset-contains-p infinite point)
+          (maximizing size)))
+      (iterate
+        (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
+                     (y :from bottom :to top)))
+        (for point = (complex x y))
+        (for total-distance = (summation coordinates :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point)))
+        (counting (< total-distance 10000))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-07.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/07*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/07)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      (((rcurry #'aref 0) requirement target))
+      (#?r"Step (\w) must be finished before step (\w) can begin." line)
+    (list target requirement)))
+(defun make-graph (edges)
+  (let* ((vertices (remove-duplicates (flatten-once edges)))
+         (graph (digraph:make-digraph :initial-vertices vertices)))
+    (dolist (edge edges)
+      (digraph:insert-edge graph (first edge) (second edge)))
+    graph))
+(defun char-number (char)
+  (1+ (- (char-code char) (char-code #\A))))
+(defun task-length (task)
+  (+ 60 (char-number task)))
+(defun decrement-workers (workers)
+  (gathering
+    (do-array (worker workers)
+      (when worker
+        (when (zerop (decf (cdr worker)))
+          (gather (car worker))
+          (setf worker nil))))))
+(define-problem (2018 7) (data read-lines) ("BFGKNRTWXIHPUMLQVZOYJACDSE" 1163)
+  (values
+    (let ((graph (make-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data))))
+      ;; ( graph)
+      (recursively ((result nil))
+        (if (emptyp graph)
+          (coerce (nreverse result) 'string)
+          (let ((next (extremum (digraph:leafs graph) 'char<)))
+            (digraph:remove-vertex graph next)
+            (recur (cons next result))))))
+    (iterate
+      (with graph = (make-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data)))
+      ;; workers is a vector of (task . remaining-time), or NILs for idle workers
+      (with workers = (make-array 5 :initial-element nil))
+      (for elapsed :from 0)
+      (for finished-tasks = (decrement-workers workers))
+      (map nil (curry #'digraph:remove-vertex graph) finished-tasks)
+      (for current-tasks = (remove nil (map 'list #'car workers)))
+      (for available-tasks = (-<> graph
+                               digraph:leafs
+                               (set-difference <> current-tasks)
+                               (sort <> 'char<)))
+      (do-array (worker workers)
+        (when (null worker)
+          (when-let ((task (pop available-tasks)))
+            (setf worker (cons task (task-length task))))))
+      (when (and (emptyp graph) (every #'null workers))
+        (return elapsed)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-08.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/08*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/08)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defstruct (node (:conc-name nil))
+  children metadata)
+(defun read-node (stream)
+  (let ((children-count (read stream))
+        (metadata-count (read stream)))
+    (make-node :children (iterate
+                           (repeat children-count)
+                           (collect (read-node stream) :result-type vector))
+               :metadata (iterate
+                           (repeat metadata-count)
+                           (collect (read stream))))))
+(defun node-value (node &aux (children (children node)))
+  (if (emptyp children)
+    (summation (metadata node))
+    (iterate
+      (for meta :in (metadata node))
+      (for index = (1- meta))
+      (when (array-in-bounds-p children index)
+        (summing (node-value (aref children index)))))))
+(define-problem (2018 8) (data) (37905 33891)
+  (let ((root (read-node data)))
+    (values
+      (recursively ((node root))
+        (+ (summation (metadata node))
+           (summation (children node) :key #'recur)))
+      (node-value root))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-09.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/09*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/09)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun parse-input (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      ((#'parse-integer players marbles))
+      (#?r"(\d+) players\D*(\d+) points" line)
+    (values players marbles)))
+(defun play (players marbles)
+  (let ((circle (ring 0))
+        (elves (make-array players :initial-element 0)))
+    (iterate
+      (declare (iterate:declare-variables))
+      (for elf :first 0 :then (mod (1+ elf) players))
+      (for marble :from 1 :to marbles)
+      (if (dividesp marble 23)
+        (progn (incf (aref elves elf) marble)
+               (ring-movef circle -7)
+               (incf (aref elves elf) (ring-data circle))
+               (ring-cutf circle))
+        (progn (ring-movef circle 1)
+               (ring-insertf-after circle marble))))
+    (extremum elves '>)))
+(define-problem (2018 9) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string)
+    (398730 3349635509)
+  (multiple-value-bind (players marbles) (parse-input data)
+    #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
+    (values (play players marbles)
+            (play players (* marbles 100)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-10.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/10*advent-use*
+  (:shadow :x))
+(in-package :advent/2018/10)
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  (destructuring-bind (x y vx vy) line
+    (cons (complex x y)
+          (complex vx vy))))
+(defun x (star)
+  (realpart (car star)))
+(defun y (star)
+  (imagpart (car star)))
+(defun tick (stars)
+  (dolist (star stars)
+    (incf (car star) (cdr star))))
+(defun bounds (stars)
+  (values (x (extremum stars '< :key #'x)) ; left
+          (x (extremum stars '> :key #'x)) ; right
+          (y (extremum stars '< :key #'y)) ; bottom
+          (y (extremum stars '> :key #'y)))) ; top
+(defun field-size (stars)
+  (multiple-value-bind (left right bottom top)
+      (bounds stars)
+    (* (- right left) (- top bottom))))
+(defun draw (stars)
+  (multiple-value-bind (left right bottom top) (bounds stars)
+    (let* ((height (1+ (- top bottom)))
+           (width (1+ (- right left)))
+           (field (make-array height)))
+      (do-array (line field)
+        (setf line (make-string width :initial-element #\space)))
+      (dolist (star stars)
+        (setf (aref (aref field (- (y star) bottom))
+                    (- (x star) left))
+              #\*))
+      (map nil #'write-line field))))
+(define-problem (2018 10) (data read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage)
+    () ;; This can't really be tested automatically :(
+  (iterate
+    (with stars = (mapcar #'parse-line data))
+    (with ticks = 0)
+    (initially (iterate
+                 (tick stars)
+                 (incf ticks)
+                 (until (< (field-size stars) 3000))))
+    (format t "After tick ~D:~%" ticks)
+    (draw stars)
+    (until (string= "q" (read-line)))
+    (tick stars)))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-11.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/11*advent-use*
+  (:shadow :x :y))
+(in-package :advent/2018/11)
+(defun cell (x y)
+  (complex x y))
+(defun x (cell)
+  (realpart cell))
+(defun y (cell)
+  (imagpart cell))
+(defun rack-id (cell)
+  (+ (x cell) 10))
+(defun power-level (serial-number cell)
+  (-<> (rack-id cell)
+    (* <> (y cell))
+    (+ <> serial-number)
+    (* <> (rack-id cell))
+    (nth-digit 2 <>)
+    (- <> 5)))
+(define-problem (2018 11) (serial-number read) ("245,14" "235,206,13")
+  (let ((totals (make-array (list 300 300))))
+    (flet ((gref (x y)
+             (let ((x (1- x))
+                   (y (1- y)))
+               (if (array-in-bounds-p totals x y)
+                 (aref totals x y)
+                 0)))
+           ((setf gref) (value x y)
+            (setf (aref totals (1- x) (1- y)) value)))
+      (iterate (for-nested ((x :from 300 :downto 1)
+                            (y :from 300 :downto 1)))
+               (setf (gref x y)
+                     (+ (power-level serial-number (cell x y))
+                        (gref (1+ x) y)
+                        (gref x (1+ y))
+                        (- (gref (1+ x) (1+ y))))))
+      (labels ((square-power (x y n)
+                 (let ((xn (+ x n))
+                       (yn (+ y n)))
+                   (+ (gref x y)
+                      (- (gref xn y))
+                      (- (gref x yn))
+                      (gref xn yn))))
+               (largest-square (n)
+                 (iterate
+                   (for-nested ((x :from 1 :to (- 301 n))
+                                (y :from 1 :to (- 301 n))))
+                   (for power = (square-power x y n))
+                   (finding (list x y power) :maximizing power))))
+        (values (str:join "," (subseq (largest-square 3) 0 2))
+                (iterate (for n :from 1 :to 300)
+                         (for (x y power) = (largest-square n))
+                         (finding (format nil "~D,~D,~D" x y n)
+                                  :maximizing power)))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-12.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/12*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/12)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+;;;; Pots ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defstruct pots data min max)
+(defmethod print-object ((o pots) s)
+  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
+    (format s "~D to ~D: ~A" (pots-min o) (pots-max o)
+            (iterate (for i :from (pots-min o) :to (pots-max o))
+                     (collect (if (plusp (pot o i)) #\# #\.)
+                              :result-type 'string)))))
+(defun-inline pot (pots i)
+  (if (hset-contains-p (pots-data pots) i)
+    1
+    0))
+(defun add-pot (pots i)
+  (hset-insert! (pots-data pots) i))
+(defun rem-pot (pots i)
+  (hset-remove! (pots-data pots) i))
+(defun surroundings (pots i)
+  (make-array 5
+    :element-type 'bit
+    :initial-contents (list (pot pots (- i 2))
+                            (pot pots (- i 1))
+                            (pot pots i)
+                            (pot pots (+ i 1))
+                            (pot pots (+ i 2)))))
+(defun score (pots)
+  (summation (hset-elements (pots-data pots))))
+;;;; Input Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun rune-bit (rune)
+  (ecase rune
+    (#\# 1)
+    (#\. 0)))
+(defun runes-to-bits (runes)
+  (map 'bit-vector #'rune-bit runes))
+(defun vector-to-hash-set (vector &key (test #'eql))
+  (iterate
+    (with result = (make-hash-set :test test))
+    (for value :in-vector vector :with-index i)
+    (when (plusp value)
+      (hset-insert! result i))))
+(defun parse-initial-line (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      (state)
+      (#?r"initial state: (\S+)" line)
+    (-<> state
+      runes-to-bits
+      (positions-if #'plusp <>)
+      (make-hash-set :initial-contents <>))))
+(defun parse-rule (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      (surroundings result)
+      (#?r"(\S+) => (\S)" line)
+    (values (runes-to-bits surroundings)
+            (rune-bit (aref result 0)))))
+(defun read-problem (stream)
+  (let* ((initial (parse-initial-line (read-line stream)))
+         (state (prog1 (make-pots :data initial
+                                  :min (extremum (hset-elements initial) '<)
+                                  :max (extremum (hset-elements initial) '>))
+                  (read-line stream)))
+         (rules (iterate
+                  (for line :in-stream stream :using #'read-line)
+                  (unless (string= "" line)
+                    (for (values key result) = (parse-rule line))
+                    (collect-hash (key result) :test #'equal)))))
+    (values state rules)))
+;;;; Solve --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun tick (pots rules)
+  (with-slots (min max) pots
+    (iterate
+      (for i :from (- min 2) :to (+ max 2))
+      (for current = (pot pots i))
+      (for surroundings = (surroundings pots i))
+      (for next = (gethash surroundings rules))
+      (when (plusp next)
+        (minimizing i :into next-min)
+        (maximizing i :into next-max))
+      (when (/= current next)
+        (if (plusp next)
+          (collect i :into add)
+          (collect i :into rem)))
+      (finally
+        (map nil (curry #'add-pot pots) add)
+        (map nil (curry #'rem-pot pots) rem)
+        (setf min next-min
+              max next-max)
+        pots))))
+(define-problem (2018 12) (data)
+    ()  ;; can't really test noninteractively :(
+  (multiple-value-bind (pots rules) (read-problem data)
+    (values
+      (progn
+        (do-repeat 20
+          (tick pots rules))
+        (score pots))
+      (iterate
+        (for tick :from 20)
+        (format t "~%After ~D tick~:P:~%~A~%score: ~D~%> " tick pots (score pots))
+        (force-output)
+        (for input = (read-line))
+        (until (string= "q" input))
+        (tick pots rules)))))
+(defun part-2 ()
+  (let* ((score-per-tick 20)
+         (starting-tick 350)
+         (starting-value 7508)
+         (ticks (- 50000000000 starting-tick)))
+    (+ starting-value (* score-per-tick ticks))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-13.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/13*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/13)
+;;;; Cart ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun left (velocity)
+  (* #c(0 -1) velocity))
+(defun right (velocity)
+  (* #c(0 1) velocity))
+(defun straight (velocity)
+  velocity)
+(defun horizontalp (velocity)
+  (zerop (imagpart velocity)))
+(defun verticalp (velocity)
+  (zerop (realpart velocity)))
+(defparameter *ai* '#1=(left straight right . #1#))
+(defstruct cart
+  position
+  velocity
+  (ai *ai*))
+(defun turn-intersection (cart)
+  (callf (cart-velocity cart) (pop (cart-ai cart))))
+(defun turn-corner (cart corner)
+  (callf (cart-velocity cart)
+         (let ((v (verticalp (cart-velocity cart))))
+           (ecase corner
+             (#\\ (if v #'left #'right))
+             (#\/ (if v #'right #'left))))))
+(defun cart-rune (cart)
+  (ecase (cart-velocity cart)
+    (#c(0 -1) #\^)
+    (#c(0 1) #\v)
+    (#c(-1 0) #\<)
+    (#c(1 0) #\>)))
+;;;; Carts ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun make-carts (sequence)
+  (iterate (for cart :in-whatever sequence)
+           (collect-hash ((cart-position cart) cart))))
+(defun cart-at (carts position)
+  (gethash position carts))
+(defun insert-cart (carts cart)
+  (setf (gethash (cart-position cart) carts) cart))
+(defun remove-cart (carts cart)
+  (remhash (cart-position cart) carts))
+(define-condition collision ()
+  ((position :initarg :position :accessor collision-position)))
+(defun move-cart (carts cart)
+  (with-slots (position velocity) cart
+    (remove-cart carts cart)
+    (incf position velocity)
+    (if-let ((other-cart (cart-at carts position)))
+      (restart-case (error 'collision :position position)
+        (remove-crashed-carts ()
+          (remove-cart carts other-cart)
+          (push cart *dead-carts*)
+          (push other-cart *dead-carts*)))
+      (insert-cart carts cart)))
+  (values))
+(defun remove-crashed-carts (condition)
+  (declare (ignore condition))
+  (invoke-restart 'remove-crashed-carts))
+;;;; Track --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(deftype track ()
+  '(simple-array character (* *)))
+(defun track-at (track position)
+  (aref track (realpart position) (imagpart position)))
+(defun print-track (track carts)
+  (destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions track)
+    (dotimes (y height)
+      (dotimes (x width)
+        (when (zerop x)
+          (terpri))
+        (write-char
+          (if-let ((cart (cart-at carts (complex x y))))
+            (cart-rune cart)
+            (aref track x y)))))
+    (terpri)))
+(defun cornerp (track position)
+  (find (track-at track position) "\\/"))
+(defun intersectionp (track position)
+  (char= (track-at track position) #\+))
+;;;; Input Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun cart-rune-velocity (rune)
+  (ecase rune
+    (#\^ #c(0 -1))
+    (#\v #c(0 1))
+    (#\< #c(-1 0))
+    (#\> #c(1 0))))
+(defun cart-rune-p (rune)
+  (find rune "^v<>"))
+(defun track-rune (cart-or-track-rune)
+  (case cart-or-track-rune
+    ((#\^ #\v) #\|)
+    ((#\< #\>) #\-)
+    (t cart-or-track-rune)))
+(defun parse-track (lines)
+  (removef lines "" :test #'string=)
+  (let ((track (make-array (list (extremum (mapcar #'length lines) '>)
+                                 (length lines))
+                 :element-type 'character
+                 :initial-element #\space))
+        (carts nil))
+    (iterate
+      (for line :in lines)
+      (for y :from 0)
+      (iterate
+        (for rune :in-string line)
+        (for x :from 0)
+        (when (cart-rune-p rune)
+          (push (make-cart
+                  :position (complex x y)
+                  :velocity (cart-rune-velocity rune))
+                carts))
+        (setf (aref track x y) (track-rune rune))))
+    (values track (make-carts carts))))
+;;;; Simulation ---------------------------------------------------------------
+(defparameter *dead-carts* nil)
+(defun tick-cart (track carts cart)
+  (unless (member cart *dead-carts*)
+    (move-cart carts cart)
+    (let ((pos (cart-position cart)))
+      (cond
+        ((cornerp track pos) (turn-corner cart (track-at track pos)))
+        ((intersectionp track pos) (turn-intersection cart)))))
+  (values))
+(defun cart< (cart1 cart2)
+  (let* ((p1 (cart-position cart1))
+         (p2 (cart-position cart2))
+         (x1 (realpart p1))
+         (y1 (imagpart p1))
+         (x2 (realpart p2))
+         (y2 (imagpart p2)))
+    ;; cart1 moves before cart2 if it's:
+    (or (< y1 y2) ; higher up
+        (and (= y1 y2) (< x1 x2))))) ; or further left
+(defun tick-carts (track carts)
+  (dolist (cart (sort (hash-table-values carts) #'cart<))
+    (tick-cart track carts cart)))
+;;;; Solve --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defparameter *example* (format nil "
+|   |  /----\\
+| /-+--+-\\  |
+| | |  | v  |
+\\-+-/  \\-+--/
+  \\------/
+(defun format-position (position)
+  (format nil "~D,~D" (realpart position) (imagpart position)))
+(defun part-1 (lines)
+  (multiple-value-bind (track carts) (parse-track lines)
+    (handler-case (loop (tick-carts track carts))
+      (collision (collision) (format-position (collision-position collision))))))
+(defun part-2 (lines)
+  (multiple-value-bind (track carts) (parse-track lines)
+    (handler-bind ((collision #'remove-crashed-carts))
+      (iterate
+        (tick-carts track carts)
+        (for tick :from 1)
+        (for carts-remaining = (hash-table-count carts))
+        (finding
+          (-<> carts hash-table-values first cart-position format-position)
+          :such-that (= 1 carts-remaining))))))
+(define-problem (2018 13) (data read-lines) ("83,49" "73,36")
+  (values (part-1 data)
+          (part-2 data)))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-14.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/14*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/14)
+(defun combine (recipes elves)
+  (digits (summation elves :key (curry #'aref recipes))))
+(defun move-elves (recipes elves)
+  (do-array (elf elves)
+    (setf elf (mod (+ elf (aref recipes elf) 1)
+                   (length recipes)))))
+(defun format-output (scores)
+  (str:join "" (coerce scores 'list)))
+(define-problem (2018 14) (data read) ("3610281143" 20211326)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
+  (iterate
+    (with recipes = (make-array 2
+                      :adjustable t
+                      :fill-pointer t
+                      :initial-contents '(3 7)))
+    (with elves = (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(0 1)))
+    (with part-1 = nil)
+    (with part-2 = nil)
+    (with target = (digits data :result-type 'vector))
+    (with target-length = (length target))
+    (until (and part-1 part-2))
+    (unless part-1
+      (when (>= (length recipes) (+ 10 data))
+        (setf part-1 (format-output (subseq recipes data (+ data 10))))))
+    (iterate (for new-recipe :in (combine recipes elves))
+             (vector-push-extend new-recipe recipes)
+             (for len = (length recipes))
+             (for left = (- len target-length))
+             (unless part-2
+               (when (and (not (minusp left))
+                          (search target recipes :start2 left))
+                 (setf part-2 left))))
+    (move-elves recipes elves)
+    (finally (return (values part-1 part-2)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/days/day-15.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/15*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/15)
+;;;; Points -------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun p (row col) (complex row col))
+(defun row (p) (realpart p))
+(defun col (p) (imagpart p))
+(defun p< (p1 p2)
+  (or (< (row p1) (row p2))
+      (and (= (row p1) (row p2))
+           (< (col p1) (col p2)))))
+(defun neighbors (p)
+  (list (+ p #c(0 1))
+        (+ p #c(1 0))
+        (+ p #c(0 -1))
+        (+ p #c(-1 0))))
+(defun distance (p1 p2)
+  (abs (- p1 p2)))
+;;;; Loc ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar *locations* nil)
+(beast:define-aspect loc p)
+(defun loc/row (entity) (row (loc/p entity)))
+(defun loc/col (entity) (col (loc/p entity)))
+(defun initialize-loc (rows cols)
+  (setf *locations* (make-array (list rows cols) :initial-element nil)))
+(defmethod beast:entity-created :after ((entity loc))
+  (setf (aref *locations* (loc/row entity) (loc/col entity)) entity))
+(defmethod beast:entity-destroyed :after ((entity loc))
+  (when (loc/p entity)
+    (setf (aref *locations* (loc/row entity) (loc/col entity)) nil)))
+(defun move (entity p)
+  (setf (aref *locations* (loc/row entity) (loc/col entity)) nil
+        (loc/p entity) p
+        (aref *locations* (loc/row entity) (loc/col entity)) entity))
+(defun loc (p)
+  (aref *locations* (row p) (col p)))
+(defun loc< (e1 e2)
+  (p< (loc/p e1) (loc/p e2)))
+;;;; Other Aspects ------------------------------------------------------------
+(beast:define-aspect living (hp :initform 200))
+(beast:define-aspect fighter (attack-power :initform 3))
+(beast:define-aspect renderable (glyph))
+;;;; Entities -----------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar *dead* nil)
+(beast:define-entity elf (loc living fighter renderable))
+(beast:define-entity goblin (loc living fighter renderable))
+(defmethod print-object ((o elf) s)
+  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
+    (format s "~A ~D" (loc/p o) (living/hp o))))
+(defmethod print-object ((o goblin) s)
+  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
+    (format s "~A ~D" (loc/p o) (living/hp o))))
+(defun create-elf (p)
+  (beast:create-entity 'elf :loc/p p :renderable/glyph #\E))
+(defun create-goblin (p)
+  (beast:create-entity 'goblin :loc/p p :renderable/glyph #\G))
+(defun entities-to-move ()
+  (sort (beast:map-entities #'identity) #'loc<))
+(defun enemiesp (e1 e2)
+  (typep e2 (etypecase e1
+              (goblin 'elf)
+              (elf 'goblin))))
+(defun targets (entity)
+  (beast:map-entities #'identity (etypecase entity
+                                   (goblin 'elf)
+                                   (elf 'goblin))))
+(defun attack (attacker defender)
+  (decf (living/hp defender)
+        (fighter/attack-power attacker))
+  (unless (plusp (living/hp defender))
+    (push defender *dead*)
+    (beast:destroy-entity defender)))
+;;;; Terrain ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar *terrain* nil)
+(defun initialize-terrain (rows cols)
+  (setf *terrain* (make-array (list rows cols)
+                    :element-type 'character
+                    :initial-element #\.)))
+(defun terrain (p)
+  (aref *terrain* (row p) (col p)))
+(defun (setf terrain) (new-value p)
+  (setf (aref *terrain* (row p) (col p)) new-value))
+(defun passablep (p)
+  (case (terrain p)
+    (#\# nil)
+    (t t)))
+;;;; World --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun openp (p)
+  (and (null (loc p))
+       (passablep p)))
+(defun in-bounds-p (p)
+  (array-in-bounds-p *terrain* (row p) (col p)))
+(defun open-neighbors (p)
+  (remove-if-not (alexandria:conjoin #'openp #'in-bounds-p)
+                 (neighbors p)))
+(defun adjacent-enemies (mob)
+  (-<> mob
+    loc/p
+    neighbors
+    (mapcar #'loc <>)
+    (remove nil <>)
+    (remove-if-not (curry #'enemiesp mob) <>)))
+(defun adjacent-enemy (mob)
+  (first (sort (adjacent-enemies mob) #'loc<)))
+(defun target-squares (unit)
+  (-<> unit
+    targets
+    (mapcan (compose #'open-neighbors #'loc/p) <>)
+    (remove-duplicates <> :test #'=)))
+(defun step-cost (start from to)
+  ;; We adjust the cost of the first step of our path to account for the
+  ;; bullshit reading order tie breaking (but never enough to send us the wrong
+  ;; way).
+  (if (= from start)
+    (ecase (- to from)
+      (#c(-1 0) 1)
+      (#c(0 -1) 1.1)
+      (#c(0 1) 1.2)
+      (#c(1 0) 1.3))
+    1))
+(defun action (mob)
+  (if-let ((enemy (adjacent-enemy mob)))
+    (values :attack enemy)
+    (iterate
+      (with goals = (target-squares mob))
+      (with start = (loc/p mob))
+      (with best-goal = nil)
+      (with best-path = nil)
+      (with best-cost = nil)
+      (for goal :in goals)
+      (for path = (astar :start start
+                         :neighbors #'open-neighbors
+                         :goalp (curry #'= goal)
+                         :cost (curry #'step-cost start)
+                         :limit best-cost
+                         :heuristic (curry #'distance goal)
+                         :test #'eql))
+      (when path
+        (for cost = (length path))
+        (when (or (null best-path) ; this is the first path
+                  (< cost best-cost) ; this is a shorter path
+                  (p< goal best-goal)) ; this is a better destination by reading order
+          (setf best-path path
+                best-goal goal
+                best-cost cost)))
+      (finally (return (if best-path
+                         (values :move (second best-path))
+                         (values :wait)))))))
+(defun tick-mob (mob)
+  (unless (member mob *dead*)
+    (multiple-value-bind (action target) (action mob)
+      (ecase action
+        (:attack
+          (pr mob 'attacking target)
+          (attack mob target))
+        (:move
+          (pr mob 'moving 'to target)
+          (move mob target))
+        (:wait
+          (pr mob 'waiting))))))
+(defun tick-world ()
+  (let ((*dead* nil))
+    (map nil #'tick-mob (entities-to-move))))
+;;;; World Generation ---------------------------------------------------------
+(defun generate-world (lines)
+  (removef lines "" :test #'string=)
+  (beast:clear-entities)
+  (let* ((rows (length lines))
+         (cols (length (first lines))))
+    (initialize-loc rows cols)
+    (initialize-terrain rows cols)
+    (iterate
+      (for line :in lines)
+      (for row :from 0)
+      (iterate
+        (for char :in-string line :with-index col)
+        (for p = (p row col))
+        (case char
+          (#\E (create-elf p))
+          (#\G (create-goblin p))
+          (#\# (setf (terrain p) #\#))
+          (t nil))))))
+(defun print-world (&optional path)
+  (iterate
+    (for (char row col) :in-array *terrain*)
+    (for p = (p row col))
+    (for mob = (loc p))
+    (when (zerop col)
+      (terpri))
+    (write-char (cond
+                  ((member p path) #\x)
+                  (mob (renderable/glyph mob))
+                  (t char))))
+  (terpri)
+  (values))
+(define-problem (2018 15) (data read-lines) ()
+  (generate-world data)
+  (print-world))
--- a/src/2019/day-01.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2019/01*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2019/01)
-(defun fuel-required (module-mass)
-  (max 0 (- (floor module-mass 3) 2)))
-(defun complete-fuel-required (module-mass)
-  (iterate
-    (for fuel :first (fuel-required module-mass) :then (fuel-required fuel))
-    (summing fuel)
-    (until (zerop fuel))))
-(define-problem (2019 1) (data read-all) (3464458 5193796)
-  (values (summation data :key #'fuel-required)
-          (summation data :key #'complete-fuel-required)))
--- a/src/2019/day-02.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2019/02*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2019/02)
-(define-problem (2019 2) (data read-numbers) (3790689 6533)
-  (let ((program (fresh-vector data)))
-    (flet ((run (a b)
-             (setf (aref program 1) a
-                   (aref program 2) b)
-             (advent/intcode:run program)))
-      (values
-        (run 12 2)
-        (iterate
-          (for-nested ((a :from 0 :to 99)
-                       (b :from 0 :to 99)))
-          (when (= 19690720 (run a b))
-            (return (+ (* 100 a) b))))))))
--- a/src/2019/day-03.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2019/03*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2019/03)
-(defun bounds (grid)
-  (multiple-value-bind (bottom top)
-      (losh:extrema #'< (alexandria:hash-table-keys grid) :key #'y)
-    (multiple-value-bind (left right)
-        (losh:extrema #'< (alexandria:hash-table-keys grid) :key #'x)
-      (values (x left)
-              (x right)
-              (y top)
-              (y bottom)))))
-(defun print-grid (grid)
-  (multiple-value-bind (left right top bottom) (bounds grid)
-    (iterate
-      (for y :from (1+ top) :downto (1- bottom))
-      (iterate
-        (for x :from (1- left) :to (1+ right))
-        (princ (gethash (complex x y) grid #\.)))
-      (terpri))))
-(defun first-character (string)
-  (aref string 0))
-(defun parse-path (string)
-  (gathering
-    (ppcre:do-register-groups
-        ((#'first-character direction) (#'parse-integer distance))
-        ("([UDLR])(\\d+)" string)
-      (gather (cons direction distance)))))
-(defun delta (direction)
-  (ecase direction
-    (#\U #c( 0  1))
-    (#\D #c( 0 -1))
-    (#\L #c(-1  0))
-    (#\R #c( 1  0))))
-(defun place-wire (grid path label)
-  (iterate
-    (with scores = (make-hash-table))
-    (with steps = 0)
-    (with pos = #c(0 0))
-    (for (direction . distance) :in path)
-    (for delta = (delta direction))
-    (iterate
-      (repeat distance)
-      (incf pos delta)
-      (incf steps)
-      (for cur = (gethash pos grid))
-      (cond ((null cur) (setf (gethash pos grid) label ; never seen anything
-                              (gethash pos scores) steps))
-            ((char= cur label)) ; already seen
-            ((char= cur #\X)) ; already seen
-            (t (setf (gethash pos grid) #\X ; seen the other wire
-                     (gethash pos scores) steps))))
-    (finally (return scores))))
-(defun find-intersections (grid)
-  (iterate (for (k v) :in-hashtable grid)
-           (when (eql #\X v) (collect k))))
-(defun make-grid ()
-  (let-result (grid (make-hash-table))
-    (setf (gethash #c(0 0) grid) #\o)))
-(define-problem (2019 3) (data read-lines) (5357 101956)
-  (let* ((path1 (parse-path (first data)))
-         (path2 (parse-path (second data)))
-         (grid (make-grid))
-         (scores1 (place-wire grid path1 #\1))
-         (scores2 (place-wire grid path2 #\2))
-         (intersections (find-intersections grid)))
-    (flet ((intersection-cost (point)
-             (+ (gethash point scores1)
-                (gethash point scores2))))
-      (values
-        (alexandria:extremum (mapcar #'manhattan-distance intersections) #'<)
-        (alexandria:extremum (mapcar #'intersection-cost intersections) #'<)))))
-;; (run '("R8,U5,L5,D3" "U7,R6,D4,L4"))
-;; (run '(
-;; "R75,D30,R83,U83,L12,D49,R71,U7,L72"
-;; "U62,R66,U55,R34,D71,R55,D58,R83"
-;;        ))
-;; (run '(
-;; "R98,U47,R26,D63,R33,U87,L62,D20,R33,U53,R51"
-;; "U98,R91,D20,R16,D67,R40,U7,R15,U6,R7"
-;;        ))
--- a/src/2019/day-04.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2019/04*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2019/04)
-(defun nondecreasing-digits-p (n)
-  (iterate
-    (for (a b) :on (digits n))
-    (while b)
-    (always (<= a b))))
-(defun contains-duplicate-digit-p (n)
-  (iterate
-    (for (a b) :on (digits n))
-    (thereis (eql a b))))
-(defun contains-offset-duplicate-digit-p (n)
-  (iterate
-    (for (a b c d) :on (cons nil (digits n)))
-    (while c)
-    (thereis (and (eql b c)
-                  (not (eql a b))
-                  (not (eql c d))))))
-(define-problem (2019 4) (data read-line) ()
-  (destructuring-bind (lo hi) (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:split #\- data))
-    (iterate
-      (for i :from lo :to hi)
-      (for nondecreasing = (nondecreasing-digits-p i))
-      (for duplicate = (contains-duplicate-digit-p i))
-      (for offset-duplicate = (contains-offset-duplicate-digit-p i))
-      (counting (and nondecreasing duplicate) :into part1)
-      (counting (and nondecreasing offset-duplicate) :into part2)
-      (returning part1 part2))))
--- a/src/2019/day-05.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2019/05*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2019/05)
-(define-problem (2019 5) (data read-numbers) (14522484 4)
-  (values
-    (car (last (gathering
-                 (advent/intcode:run data :input (constantly 1) :output #'gather))))
-    (car (gathering
-           (advent/intcode:run data :input (constantly 5) :output #'gather)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2019/days/day-01.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2019/01*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2019/01)
+(defun fuel-required (module-mass)
+  (max 0 (- (floor module-mass 3) 2)))
+(defun complete-fuel-required (module-mass)
+  (iterate
+    (for fuel :first (fuel-required module-mass) :then (fuel-required fuel))
+    (summing fuel)
+    (until (zerop fuel))))
+(define-problem (2019 1) (data read-all) (3464458 5193796)
+  (values (summation data :key #'fuel-required)
+          (summation data :key #'complete-fuel-required)))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2019/days/day-02.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2019/02*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2019/02)
+(define-problem (2019 2) (data read-numbers) (3790689 6533)
+  (let ((program (fresh-vector data)))
+    (flet ((run (a b)
+             (setf (aref program 1) a
+                   (aref program 2) b)
+             (advent/intcode:run program)))
+      (values
+        (run 12 2)
+        (iterate
+          (for-nested ((a :from 0 :to 99)
+                       (b :from 0 :to 99)))
+          (when (= 19690720 (run a b))
+            (return (+ (* 100 a) b))))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2019/days/day-03.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2019/03*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2019/03)
+(defun bounds (grid)
+  (multiple-value-bind (bottom top)
+      (losh:extrema #'< (alexandria:hash-table-keys grid) :key #'y)
+    (multiple-value-bind (left right)
+        (losh:extrema #'< (alexandria:hash-table-keys grid) :key #'x)
+      (values (x left)
+              (x right)
+              (y top)
+              (y bottom)))))
+(defun print-grid (grid)
+  (multiple-value-bind (left right top bottom) (bounds grid)
+    (iterate
+      (for y :from (1+ top) :downto (1- bottom))
+      (iterate
+        (for x :from (1- left) :to (1+ right))
+        (princ (gethash (complex x y) grid #\.)))
+      (terpri))))
+(defun first-character (string)
+  (aref string 0))
+(defun parse-path (string)
+  (gathering
+    (ppcre:do-register-groups
+        ((#'first-character direction) (#'parse-integer distance))
+        ("([UDLR])(\\d+)" string)
+      (gather (cons direction distance)))))
+(defun delta (direction)
+  (ecase direction
+    (#\U #c( 0  1))
+    (#\D #c( 0 -1))
+    (#\L #c(-1  0))
+    (#\R #c( 1  0))))
+(defun place-wire (grid path label)
+  (iterate
+    (with scores = (make-hash-table))
+    (with steps = 0)
+    (with pos = #c(0 0))
+    (for (direction . distance) :in path)
+    (for delta = (delta direction))
+    (iterate
+      (repeat distance)
+      (incf pos delta)
+      (incf steps)
+      (for cur = (gethash pos grid))
+      (cond ((null cur) (setf (gethash pos grid) label ; never seen anything
+                              (gethash pos scores) steps))
+            ((char= cur label)) ; already seen
+            ((char= cur #\X)) ; already seen
+            (t (setf (gethash pos grid) #\X ; seen the other wire
+                     (gethash pos scores) steps))))
+    (finally (return scores))))
+(defun find-intersections (grid)
+  (iterate (for (k v) :in-hashtable grid)
+           (when (eql #\X v) (collect k))))
+(defun make-grid ()
+  (let-result (grid (make-hash-table))
+    (setf (gethash #c(0 0) grid) #\o)))
+(define-problem (2019 3) (data read-lines) (5357 101956)
+  (let* ((path1 (parse-path (first data)))
+         (path2 (parse-path (second data)))
+         (grid (make-grid))
+         (scores1 (place-wire grid path1 #\1))
+         (scores2 (place-wire grid path2 #\2))
+         (intersections (find-intersections grid)))
+    (flet ((intersection-cost (point)
+             (+ (gethash point scores1)
+                (gethash point scores2))))
+      (values
+        (alexandria:extremum (mapcar #'manhattan-distance intersections) #'<)
+        (alexandria:extremum (mapcar #'intersection-cost intersections) #'<)))))
+;; (run '("R8,U5,L5,D3" "U7,R6,D4,L4"))
+;; (run '(
+;; "R75,D30,R83,U83,L12,D49,R71,U7,L72"
+;; "U62,R66,U55,R34,D71,R55,D58,R83"
+;;        ))
+;; (run '(
+;; "R98,U47,R26,D63,R33,U87,L62,D20,R33,U53,R51"
+;; "U98,R91,D20,R16,D67,R40,U7,R15,U6,R7"
+;;        ))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2019/days/day-04.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2019/04*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2019/04)
+(defun nondecreasing-digits-p (n)
+  (iterate
+    (for (a b) :on (digits n))
+    (while b)
+    (always (<= a b))))
+(defun contains-duplicate-digit-p (n)
+  (iterate
+    (for (a b) :on (digits n))
+    (thereis (eql a b))))
+(defun contains-offset-duplicate-digit-p (n)
+  (iterate
+    (for (a b c d) :on (cons nil (digits n)))
+    (while c)
+    (thereis (and (eql b c)
+                  (not (eql a b))
+                  (not (eql c d))))))
+(define-problem (2019 4) (data read-line) ()
+  (destructuring-bind (lo hi) (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:split #\- data))
+    (iterate
+      (for i :from lo :to hi)
+      (for nondecreasing = (nondecreasing-digits-p i))
+      (for duplicate = (contains-duplicate-digit-p i))
+      (for offset-duplicate = (contains-offset-duplicate-digit-p i))
+      (counting (and nondecreasing duplicate) :into part1)
+      (counting (and nondecreasing offset-duplicate) :into part2)
+      (returning part1 part2))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2019/days/day-05.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2019/05*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2019/05)
+(define-problem (2019 5) (data read-numbers) (14522484 4)
+  (values
+    (car (last (gathering
+                 (advent/intcode:run data :input (constantly 1) :output #'gather))))
+    (car (gathering
+           (advent/intcode:run data :input (constantly 5) :output #'gather)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2019/intcode.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+(defpackage :advent/intcode
+  (:shadow :step :trace)
+  (:export :init :step :run))
+(in-package :advent/intcode)
+;;;; Data Structures ----------------------------------------------------------
+(defclass* machine ()
+  ((pc :type '(integer 0) :initform 0)
+   (memory :type 'vector)
+   (input :type 'function)
+   (output :type 'function)))
+(define-with-macro machine pc memory input output)
+(defclass* operation ()
+  ((opcode :type (integer 0))
+   (name :type 'symbol)
+   (size :type '(integer 1))
+   (parameters :type 'list)
+   (perform :type 'function)))
+(defun perform-operation (opcode parameter-modes machine)
+  (funcall (perform (gethash opcode *operations*))
+           parameter-modes machine))
+;;;; Opcode Definition --------------------------------------------------------
+(defun retrieve (machine parameter-mode operand)
+  (ecase parameter-mode
+    (0 (aref (memory machine) operand))
+    (1 operand)))
+(defmacro define-opcode ((opcode name) parameters &body body)
+  ;; Note that (confusingly) output parameters don't use the same addressing
+  ;; scheme as input parameters.  For example: in the instruction 00002,1,2,99
+  ;; all the parameter modes are 0, which means "look up the value at address
+  ;; N to get the parameter".  But for the destination (99) you *don't* look up
+  ;; the value at 99 to find the destination address, you just store directly
+  ;; into 99.  Effectively they're treated as if they were in parameter mode
+  ;; 1 (immediate mode).  So we need to handle output parameters specially.
+  ;;
+  ;; Sigh.
+  (setf parameters (mapcar (lambda (param)
+                             (if (symbolp param)
+                               `(,param in)
+                               param))
+                           parameters))
+  (let ((function-name (alexandria:symbolicate 'op- name)))
+    (alexandria:with-gensyms (machine pmodes pm pms)
+      `(progn
+         (defun ,function-name (,pmodes ,machine)
+           (declare (ignorable ,pmodes))
+           (flet ((pop-mode ()
+                    (multiple-value-bind (,pms ,pm) (truncate ,pmodes 10)
+                      (setf ,pmodes ,pms)
+                      ,pm)))
+             (with-machine (,machine)
+               (let (,@(iterate
+                         (for (param kind) :in parameters)
+                         (for offset :from 0)
+                         (collect
+                           (ecase kind
+                             (in `(,param (retrieve ,machine
+                                                    (pop-mode)
+                                                    (aref memory (+ pc ,offset)))))
+                             (out `(,param (progn
+                                             (pop-mode)
+                                             (aref memory (+ pc ,offset)))))))))
+                 (incf pc ,(length parameters))
+                 ,@body))))
+         (setf (gethash ,opcode *operations*)
+               (make-instance 'operation
+                 :opcode ,opcode
+                 :name ',name
+                 :size ,(1+ (length parameters))
+                 :parameters ',parameters
+                 :perform #',function-name))
+         ',function-name))))
+;;;; Opcodes ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defparameter *operations* (make-hash-table))
+(define-opcode (99 HLT) ()
+  :halt)
+(define-opcode (1 ADD) (x y (dest out))
+  (setf (aref memory dest) (+ x y)))
+(define-opcode (2 MUL) (x y (dest out))
+  (setf (aref memory dest) (* x y)))
+(define-opcode (3 INP) ((dest out))
+  (setf (aref memory dest) (funcall input)))
+(define-opcode (4 OUT) (val)
+  (funcall output val))
+(define-opcode (5 JPT) (x addr)
+  (unless (zerop x)
+    (setf pc addr)))
+(define-opcode (6 JPF) (x addr)
+  (when (zerop x)
+    (setf pc addr)))
+(define-opcode (7 LES) (x y (dest out))
+  (setf (aref memory dest)
+        (if (< x y) 1 0)))
+(define-opcode (8 EQL) (x y (dest out))
+  (setf (aref memory dest)
+        (if (= x y) 1 0)))
+;;;; Disassembly --------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun parse-op (n)
+  (multiple-value-bind (parameter-modes opcode) (truncate n 100)
+    (values opcode parameter-modes)))
+(defun disassemble-operation (program address)
+  (multiple-value-bind (opcode parameter-modes)
+      (parse-op (aref program address))
+    (let ((op (gethash opcode *operations*)))
+      (if op
+        (values
+          `(,(name op)
+            ,@(iterate
+                (for (param kind) :in (parameters op))
+                (for value :in-vector program :from (1+ address))
+                (for mode = (mod parameter-modes 10))
+                (collect `(,param ,(ecase kind
+                                     (in (ecase mode
+                                           (0 (vector value))
+                                           (1 value)))
+                                     (out value))))
+                (setf parameter-modes (truncate parameter-modes 10))))
+          (size op))
+        (values `(data ,(aref program address)) 1)))))
+(defun disassemble-program (program &key (start 0) (limit nil))
+  (iterate
+    (when limit
+      (if (zerop limit)
+        (return)
+        (decf limit)))
+    (with address = start)
+    (with bound = (length program))
+    (while (< address bound))
+    (for (values instruction size) = (disassemble-operation program address))
+    (for end = (+ address size))
+    (when (> end bound) ; hack to handle trailing data that looks instructionish
+      (setf instruction `(data ,(aref program address))
+            size 1
+            end (1+ address)))
+    (for bytes = (coerce (subseq program address end) 'list))
+    (format t "~4D | ~{~5D~^ ~} ~36T| ~{~A~^ ~}~%" address bytes instruction)
+    (incf address size)))
+;;;; Running ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun init (program &key input output)
+  (make-instance 'machine
+    :memory (fresh-vector program)
+    :input (or input #'read)
+    :output (or output #'print)))
+(defun step (machine &key trace)
+  (with-machine (machine)
+    (when trace
+      (disassemble-program (memory machine) :start pc :limit 1))
+    (multiple-value-bind (opcode parameter-modes) (parse-op (aref memory pc))
+      (incf pc)
+      (perform-operation opcode parameter-modes machine))))
+(defun run (program &key input output trace)
+  (iterate
+    (with machine = (init program :input input :output output))
+    (case (step machine :trace trace)
+      (:halt (return (aref (memory machine) 0))))))
+;; #; Scratch --------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; (defparameter *m* (init '(1101 100 -1 4 99)))
+;; (dump *m*)
+;; (disassemble-operation (memory *m*) 0)
+;; (disassemble-program (memory *m*))
+;; (step *m*)
+;; (run #( 3 12 6 12 15 1 13 14 13 4 13 99 -1 0 1 9)
+;;      :input #'read :output #'print)
--- a/src/intcode.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/intcode
-  (:shadow :step :trace)
-  (:export :init :step :run))
-(in-package :advent/intcode)
-;;;; Data Structures ----------------------------------------------------------
-(defclass* machine ()
-  ((pc :type '(integer 0) :initform 0)
-   (memory :type 'vector)
-   (input :type 'function)
-   (output :type 'function)))
-(define-with-macro machine pc memory input output)
-(defclass* operation ()
-  ((opcode :type (integer 0))
-   (name :type 'symbol)
-   (size :type '(integer 1))
-   (parameters :type 'list)
-   (perform :type 'function)))
-(defun perform-operation (opcode parameter-modes machine)
-  (funcall (perform (gethash opcode *operations*))
-           parameter-modes machine))
-;;;; Opcode Definition --------------------------------------------------------
-(defun retrieve (machine parameter-mode operand)
-  (ecase parameter-mode
-    (0 (aref (memory machine) operand))
-    (1 operand)))
-(defmacro define-opcode ((opcode name) parameters &body body)
-  ;; Note that (confusingly) output parameters don't use the same addressing
-  ;; scheme as input parameters.  For example: in the instruction 00002,1,2,99
-  ;; all the parameter modes are 0, which means "look up the value at address
-  ;; N to get the parameter".  But for the destination (99) you *don't* look up
-  ;; the value at 99 to find the destination address, you just store directly
-  ;; into 99.  Effectively they're treated as if they were in parameter mode
-  ;; 1 (immediate mode).  So we need to handle output parameters specially.
-  ;;
-  ;; Sigh.
-  (setf parameters (mapcar (lambda (param)
-                             (if (symbolp param)
-                               `(,param in)
-                               param))
-                           parameters))
-  (let ((function-name (alexandria:symbolicate 'op- name)))
-    (alexandria:with-gensyms (machine pmodes pm pms)
-      `(progn
-         (defun ,function-name (,pmodes ,machine)
-           (declare (ignorable ,pmodes))
-           (flet ((pop-mode ()
-                    (multiple-value-bind (,pms ,pm) (truncate ,pmodes 10)
-                      (setf ,pmodes ,pms)
-                      ,pm)))
-             (with-machine (,machine)
-               (let (,@(iterate
-                         (for (param kind) :in parameters)
-                         (for offset :from 0)
-                         (collect
-                           (ecase kind
-                             (in `(,param (retrieve ,machine
-                                                    (pop-mode)
-                                                    (aref memory (+ pc ,offset)))))
-                             (out `(,param (progn
-                                             (pop-mode)
-                                             (aref memory (+ pc ,offset)))))))))
-                 (incf pc ,(length parameters))
-                 ,@body))))
-         (setf (gethash ,opcode *operations*)
-               (make-instance 'operation
-                 :opcode ,opcode
-                 :name ',name
-                 :size ,(1+ (length parameters))
-                 :parameters ',parameters
-                 :perform #',function-name))
-         ',function-name))))
-;;;; Opcodes ------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defparameter *operations* (make-hash-table))
-(define-opcode (99 HLT) ()
-  :halt)
-(define-opcode (1 ADD) (x y (dest out))
-  (setf (aref memory dest) (+ x y)))
-(define-opcode (2 MUL) (x y (dest out))
-  (setf (aref memory dest) (* x y)))
-(define-opcode (3 INP) ((dest out))
-  (setf (aref memory dest) (funcall input)))
-(define-opcode (4 OUT) (val)
-  (funcall output val))
-(define-opcode (5 JPT) (x addr)
-  (unless (zerop x)
-    (setf pc addr)))
-(define-opcode (6 JPF) (x addr)
-  (when (zerop x)
-    (setf pc addr)))
-(define-opcode (7 LES) (x y (dest out))
-  (setf (aref memory dest)
-        (if (< x y) 1 0)))
-(define-opcode (8 EQL) (x y (dest out))
-  (setf (aref memory dest)
-        (if (= x y) 1 0)))
-;;;; Disassembly --------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun parse-op (n)
-  (multiple-value-bind (parameter-modes opcode) (truncate n 100)
-    (values opcode parameter-modes)))
-(defun disassemble-operation (program address)
-  (multiple-value-bind (opcode parameter-modes)
-      (parse-op (aref program address))
-    (let ((op (gethash opcode *operations*)))
-      (if op
-        (values
-          `(,(name op)
-            ,@(iterate
-                (for (param kind) :in (parameters op))
-                (for value :in-vector program :from (1+ address))
-                (for mode = (mod parameter-modes 10))
-                (collect `(,param ,(ecase kind
-                                     (in (ecase mode
-                                           (0 (vector value))
-                                           (1 value)))
-                                     (out value))))
-                (setf parameter-modes (truncate parameter-modes 10))))
-          (size op))
-        (values `(data ,(aref program address)) 1)))))
-(defun disassemble-program (program &key (start 0) (limit nil))
-  (iterate
-    (when limit
-      (if (zerop limit)
-        (return)
-        (decf limit)))
-    (with address = start)
-    (with bound = (length program))
-    (while (< address bound))
-    (for (values instruction size) = (disassemble-operation program address))
-    (for end = (+ address size))
-    (when (> end bound) ; hack to handle trailing data that looks instructionish
-      (setf instruction `(data ,(aref program address))
-            size 1
-            end (1+ address)))
-    (for bytes = (coerce (subseq program address end) 'list))
-    (format t "~4D | ~{~5D~^ ~} ~36T| ~{~A~^ ~}~%" address bytes instruction)
-    (incf address size)))
-;;;; Running ------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun init (program &key input output)
-  (make-instance 'machine
-    :memory (fresh-vector program)
-    :input (or input #'read)
-    :output (or output #'print)))
-(defun step (machine &key trace)
-  (with-machine (machine)
-    (when trace
-      (disassemble-program (memory machine) :start pc :limit 1))
-    (multiple-value-bind (opcode parameter-modes) (parse-op (aref memory pc))
-      (incf pc)
-      (perform-operation opcode parameter-modes machine))))
-(defun run (program &key input output trace)
-  (iterate
-    (with machine = (init program :input input :output output))
-    (case (step machine :trace trace)
-      (:halt (return (aref (memory machine) 0))))))
-#; Scratch --------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defparameter *m* (init '(1101 100 -1 4 99)))
-(dump *m*)
-(disassemble-operation (memory *m*) 0)
-(disassemble-program (memory *m*))
-(step *m*)
-(run #( 3 12 6 12 15 1 13 14 13 4 13 99 -1 0 1 9)
-     :input #'read :output #'print)
--- a/src/number-spiral.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/spiral
-  (:use :cl :losh :iterate :advent.quickutils)
-  (:export :number-coordinates))
-(in-package :advent/spiral)
-(defun layer-side-length (layer)
-  "Return the length of one side of `layer`."
-  (1+ (* 2 layer)))
-(defun layer-size (layer)
-  "Return the total size of a number spiral with a final layer of `layer`."
-  (square (layer-side-length layer)))
-(defun layer-for-number (number)
-  "Return the index of the layer containing `number`."
-  (ceiling (/ (1- (sqrt number)) 2)))
-(defun layer-start (layer)
-  "Return the smallest number in `layer`."
-  (if (zerop layer)
-    1
-    (1+ (layer-size (1- layer)))))
-(defun layer-leg-length (layer)
-  "Return the length of one \"leg\" of `layer`."
-  (1- (layer-side-length layer)))
-(defun leg (layer number)
-  "Return the leg index and offset of `number` in `layer`."
-  (if (= 1 number)
-    (values 0 0)
-    (let ((idx (- number (layer-start layer)))
-          (legsize (layer-leg-length layer)))
-      (values (floor idx legsize)
-              (1+ (mod idx legsize))))))
-(defun corner-coordinates (layer leg)
-  "Return the coordinates of the corner starting `leg` in `layer`.
-  Leg | Corner
-   0  | Bottom Right
-   1  | Top Right
-   2  | Top Left
-   3  | Bottom Left
-  "
-  ;; 2   1
-  ;;
-  ;; 3   0
-  (ccase leg
-    (0 (complex layer (- layer)))
-    (1 (complex layer layer))
-    (2 (complex (- layer) layer))
-    (3 (complex (- layer) (- layer)))))
-(defun leg-direction (leg)
-  "Return the direction vector for the given `leg`.
-  "
-  ;;    <--
-  ;;   11110
-  ;; | 2   0 ^
-  ;; | 2   0 |
-  ;; v 2   0 |
-  ;;   23333
-  ;;    -->
-  (ccase leg
-    (0 (complex 0 1))
-    (1 (complex -1 0))
-    (2 (complex 0 -1))
-    (3 (complex 1 0))))
-(defun number-coordinates (number)
-  (nest
-    ;; Find the layer the number falls in.
-    (let ((layer (layer-for-number number))))
-    ;; Find which leg of that layer it's in, and how far along the leg it is.
-    (multiple-value-bind (leg offset) (leg layer number))
-    ;; Find the coordinates of the leg's corner, and its direction vector.
-    (let ((corner (corner-coordinates layer leg))
-          (direction (leg-direction leg))))
-    ;; Start at the corner and add the offset in the leg's direction to find the
-    ;; number's coordinates.
-    (+ corner (* direction offset))))
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Thu Dec 05 19:36:23 2019 -0500
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Thu Dec 05 20:45:46 2019 -0500
@@ -452,6 +452,14 @@
+(defmacro let-complex (bindings &body body)
+  `(let* (,@(iterate (for (x y val) :in bindings)
+                     (for v = (gensym))
+                     (collect `(,v ,val))
+                     (collect `(,x (realpart ,v)))
+                     (collect `(,y (imagpart ,v)))))
+     ,@body))
 ;;;; A* Search ----------------------------------------------------------------
 (defstruct path