
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sat, 04 Dec 2021 13:11:25 -0500 (2021-12-04)
parents a1c5d160d738
children a3ef349dfdd0
branches/tags (none)
files advent.asd data/2021/04.txt package.lisp src/2021/days/day-03.lisp src/2021/days/day-04.lisp src/utils.lisp


--- a/advent.asd	Fri Dec 03 12:43:45 2021 -0500
+++ b/advent.asd	Sat Dec 04 13:11:25 2021 -0500
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+               :safe-read
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/data/2021/04.txt	Sat Dec 04 13:11:25 2021 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+95 91 54 75 45
+46 94 39 44 85
+31 43 24  2 70
+90 58  4 30 77
+13 26 38 52 34
+68 14 99 63 46
+67 16 82 10  8
+55 52 41 51  4
+90 17 32 44 74
+89 94 73 56 36
+ 6 91  2 28 71
+ 7 88 37 21 36
+95 32 84 57  8
+13 79 89 75 48
+47 81 66 17  5
+44 55 48 16 41
+35  5 43 53 11
+ 0 79 19 82 49
+30 85 31 72 39
+27 68 65 66 95
+ 6 46 55 24 40
+87 16 62 11 64
+ 8 49 18 59 91
+72 28 48 19 96
+39 73  9 88  0
+46  1 18 93  6
+50 96 41 81 58
+62 66 49 32 55
+29 11 65  2 10
+71 30 17 69 43
+84 57  6 56 95
+39 15 32  1 10
+55 43 40  3 22
+89 54 13 80 38
+72 12 59 71 77
+ 3 51 72 88  6
+56 64 99 82 36
+75 81 42 67 24
+41 79 35 40 73
+ 2 14 61 50 87
+72  7  0 99 24
+29 81 92 74 38
+84 53 20 56 91
+93 64 44 48  2
+37 40 88 96 97
+39 87 99 75 38
+45 81 46 72 62
+40  8 24 67 79
+96  1 77 73 70
+34 13 55 83 59
+18 38 55 84 58
+35 97 31 26 44
+80  1 28 71 85
+45 46 10 32 99
+60 48 72 11 53
+53 44  6 30 82
+65 64 10  0 86
+81 50  5 21 60
+16 19 97 66 73
+20 24 96 68 69
+33 85 88 58 20
+19  2 99 40 70
+69 10 17 67 23
+48  9 29 34  3
+89 30 43 41 94
+30 83 37 14 78
+57 42 98 90 28
+ 5 82 51 15 55
+77 79 96 67 53
+22 76  0 59 47
+10 93 84 54 11
+59 30  6 94 75
+ 9 62 68 37 24
+61  3 66 58 74
+64  0 83 32 13
+24 77 15  5 49
+23 11 70 17 10
+62 33 38 36 12
+ 3 61  0 26 65
+63 47 54 50  9
+34 28 24 55 38
+69 37 36 32 72
+91 85  9 64 68
+94 22 96 90 82
+30 20 97 19 56
+35 90 58 93  2
+72  8 27 88 16
+25 54 69 60 61
+ 1 15  9 71 78
+89 42 46 57 91
+43 38 47  1 82
+19 32  2 95 51
+78 74 91 10 22
+80 77 33 60 14
+ 0 98 70 54 50
+71 94  3 84 31
+10 59 12 28 46
+68 69 13 48 36
+37 49 24 26 61
+72 65 38 16 25
+68 78 10 90 29
+40 14 45 43 44
+27 75 72 39 87
+96 93 53 12 11
+37 64 56 59 76
+19 78 84 68 41
+36 96 87 15 55
+47 33 10 91 85
+11 94 31 49 35
+83 63 86  4 76
+ 5 89 55 46 96
+67 22 95 82 56
+61 94 84 99 28
+71 70 16 57 63
+98 92 86 73 83
+56 24 93 88 29
+74 89 50 44 79
+97 49 87 31  8
+70  6 57  3 82
+20 25 99 48 78
+80 20 45 22 57
+43 35 48 44 52
+29 98 38 27 11
+64 49 84 60 31
+ 7 97 17 85 74
+21  1 18 41 62
+76 38 13 46 27
+ 0 16 43 28 53
+54 42 22 83 20
+ 4 25 50 11 56
+21 71 73 30 51
+92 27 14 16 11
+89 43 38 62 31
+65  4 36 84 94
+56 13 59 22  6
+46 28 45 57  6
+16 67 33 20 44
+36 86 92  3 11
+98 27 26 84 31
+ 5 76 13 65 25
+49 55 99 31 73
+80  0 83 26 65
+ 3 96 60 37 50
+57 34  7 20 23
+70 52 93 13 71
+78 41 81 32 76
+37 36 16 99 48
+ 3 93 33 85 35
+60 38 74 80 56
+86 29 87 20  7
+98 24  4  9 82
+22 37 52 81 30
+51 70 17 23  8
+60 61 75 35 85
+33 48 88 13 57
+49 52 91 21 46
+90 51 70  5 35
+57 68 31 86 87
+42 36 25 95  3
+73 64 17 96 80
+ 6 42 13 16 24
+51 72 55 78 47
+67 28  7 97 64
+44 77 98 71 25
+82  8 31 76 73
+63 79 18 80 27
+57 66 47 89 14
+15 61 94 38 29
+21 53 73 17 76
+65  7 23 36  3
+93 22  8 52  4
+63 31 90 46 68
+51 14 95 50 23
+17 34 60 75 36
+88 55  7  0 73
+42 67 91 15 83
+ 1 37 76 12 25
+29 82 50 70 86
+74 66 39 90 16
+31 71 47  5 92
+98 48 27 87  2
+60  0 25 30 14
+44 61 94 82 16
+17 19 53 49 59
+15 85 50 63  8
+63 12 52 81 97
+87 68 44 31 41
+39 24 99 27  6
+ 1 21 35 59 51
+ 4 92  3 90 62
+66 43 98 25 47
+59 16 75 44 82
+40 58 48 60 37
+13 81 61 45 83
+24 89 93 19 67
+ 8 86 47 81 83
+ 1 91 57 59 68
+ 0 52 25 93 95
+27 84 63 45 36
+39 62 20 99 88
+67 28 65  4 17
+44 33 12 99 84
+27 36 34  5 10
+38 63 97 82 64
+94 19 58 41  6
+28 41 96 16 39
+93 78 56 69 75
+74 60  9 30  7
+12 81 35 84 94
+45 20  6 49  2
+33  7  5 43  9
+97 65 50  2  1
+26 86 76 47 98
+83 31 30 58 52
+93 51 34 63 12
+65 81 10 46 59
+51 89 85  2 52
+13 54 18 70  4
+37 94 75 92 56
+58 99 91 32 41
+44 23 18 16 75
+ 5  3 45 76 90
+20 71 69 37 99
+49 91 43 32 82
+ 4 79 51  2 39
+54 80 71 61 76
+81 52  6 89 34
+58 14 20 26 40
+25 60 45  0  3
+36 33 65 41 94
+53 23 56 55 92
+ 3 81 59  0 35
+32 30 93 70 40
+45 91 24 65  6
+95 88 16 47  8
+24 23 10 47 63
+38 79 18 77 62
+13 88 72 68 36
+96 27 12 69 89
+28 94  6 98 20
+70  1 61 77 28
+92 22 30 48 96
+66  3 34 29 45
+85  6 17 87  5
+97 89 14 80 20
+40 86 97  5 54
+91 57 12 19  7
+62 88 92 20 32
+50 77 11 39 22
+33  2 21 95 35
+51 79 64 24 28
+95 19 82 58 76
+69 30  9 14 42
+27 16 56 80 83
+52  5 49 43 45
+26 65 68 18 55
+58 83 30 48  4
+69 42 78 96 22
+91 13 82 38 41
+67 33 10 98 53
+74 97 43  1 18
+49 30 28 10 15
+42 12 80 20 96
+41 92 67 22 36
+ 5 26 13 47  4
+85 60 72 19 48
+61 21 43 34 83
+51 75 94 11 78
+27 89 45 49 79
+97 15  5 28 50
+69 99 97 77 98
+37 80 86  7 34
+85 28 31 23 16
+32 47  8 40  4
+46 91 71 54 74
+23 43 29  7 21
+58 34 42  4 38
+64 96 16 73 49
+36 92 52 81 31
+85 71 78 13  5
+65 71 46  5 11
+24  4  6  0 23
+13 17 76 15 34
+27 79 10 56 85
+90 19 30 94 78
+81 40 65 12 35
+23 93 24 96 53
+27 60 87 59 33
+76 56  4 17  6
+78 49 90  3 80
+ 7 25 42 85 39
+40  6 26 11 63
+48 20 62 61 89
+78 15 18 21 53
+69  4 87 47  5
+38 65 87 72 26
+88 75 10 30  3
+89 58  7 20 32
+85  2 97 63 15
+28 77 82 57 64
+16 89  6 31 27
+45 69 61  5 15
+40 75 64 94 98
+36 18 26 58 90
+10 44 59 13 67
+80 13 39 49 42
+50 94 12 14 88
+97 48 15 68 69
+21 18 51 99 91
+89 64 35 63 84
+81 96 26 43 30
+ 5 74  9 93 60
+63 41  1 14 22
+ 4 77 33 53  3
+38 90 50 25 10
+58 66 17  0 16
+ 5 67 41 48 40
+43 93 76 95 68
+ 4 13 14 51  8
+56 74 23 57 94
+18 15 92  4 20
+69 26 84 23  2
+72 35 56 96  9
+61 41 85 91 25
+13 70  1 14 77
+15 20 77 80 47
+45 34 63 55 75
+65 12 66 44 22
+74  3 25 38 93
+ 9 31 68 87 67
+54 95 79 50 75
+18 36 20 34 43
+17 65 55 98 61
+27 46 56  6 52
+91 31 30 40  0
+25 30 24 64 98
+ 8 72 53 45  3
+27 77  0 33 44
+89 39 34 71 38
+54 21 20 80 23
+69 38 63 60  4
+55 37 83 68 61
+67 25 86 24 18
+22 59 65 28 70
+84 46 44 91 96
+35 27 65 31  0
+46 97 44 74  4
+56 61  7 49 88
+ 5 38 50 20 26
+62  9 45 64 51
+ 3 28 43 97  7
+88 57 17 82 73
+16 94 74 22 39
+84 99 31  1 47
+92 91 55 38 78
+60 31 29 49 72
+89 41  5 79 22
+58 28 90 76 95
+93 45 14 47 37
+65 25  7 59 62
+58  1 73 30 55
+95 46  5 80 63
+52 16 70 20 71
+84 60 15  0 77
+99 89 17 72 31
+83 21 68 18 42
+ 1 28 97 31 35
+ 2 38 67 63 74
+77 27 48 90 86
+12 52 26 29 60
+81 53 80 85 96
+19 32 31 15 88
+91 92 66 37 34
+74 75 33 39 78
+42 40 30 83 58
+40 41 80 69 67
+24 63 97 33  5
+28 84 34 72 11
+36 79 91 14 92
+55 89 59 10 44
+ 0 51 49 24 60
+48 65 28 70 66
+86 58 78 77 18
+ 6 44 50 37 36
+ 4 73 91 97 43
+66 42 76 12 48
+77 83 35 18 50
+30 87 95 99 11
+ 0 52 92 16 51
+26 56 39 64 62
+83 89 52 61 45
+74 77 66 59 30
+85 17 38 10  8
+97 67 54 21 26
+34 63 11 94 40
+93 91 14 49 38
+77 53 29 36 39
+12 52  0 48 92
+95 82 71 76 37
+19 70 75  9 74
+80 49 59 67 27
+43 66 97 81 12
+10 77 24 75 68
+16 57 14 28 85
+41 52 23 15  2
+39 89 66 27 11
+63 84 21 44 69
+56 51 58 70 83
+14  0  8 41 31
+98 18 61 97 74
+97 18 63 29 24
+75 73 80  8  7
+81 37 46 93 68
+57 32  2 41  5
+ 4 65 88 45 54
+87 26 81 12 50
+19  9 68 23 71
+74 38  4 34 16
+18 99 86 45  7
+35  8 11 98 57
+13 31 78 59 58
+51 61 96 68 44
+41 85 26 55 92
+11 62 30  7 64
+18 19 73 27 17
+48 85 71 39 29
+33 79 24  0 72
+95 52 12 77 40
+70 31 46 44 43
+61 88 73 49 65
+60 81 51 24 27
+23 28 47 85 67
+35 57 45 76 84
+19 48 30 37 74
+15 78 56 87 16
+12  5 45 26 21
+ 1 71 51 10 25
+37 68 73 46 56
+55 20 63 87 91
+22 32 66 90 19
+20 59 12 29 97
+92 30 77 27 49
+14 98 23 50  6
+11 47 61 34 36
+55 82 13 22 21
+29 37  0 40 71
+ 2 43 97 18 59
+32 72 89 99 24
+58 90 73 60 85
+69 53 95 78 27
+58 28 32 52 55
+86 33  1 41 60
+ 8 53 42 92  5
+43 69 96 54 24
+74 10 17 89 85
+51 74 99 21 64
+54 27 60 32 37
+14 45 50 81 94
+28 11 77 17 23
+93 95 53 57 79
+16  5 80 45 71
+22 57  9 90 43
+ 3 52 47 59 84
+28 53 14 15  7
+50 76 46 56 34
+83 62 77 56 26
+82 35 11  6 51
+96 97 15  1 78
+92 45 55 84 94
+20  8 70 21 31
+ 4 47 68 81 12
+66 23 35  8 39
+73 94 27 69 22
+59 11 53 26 99
+ 7 20 87 60 88
+90  0 88 81 43
+47 54 42 29 97
+60 13 85 51 71
+56 14 94 80 41
+75  8 35 69 61
+51 38 40 17 42
+19 26 92 64 67
+33 66 82 27 55
+62  2 68 59 31
+ 7 24 20 91 79
+21 83 45 35 88
+85 11  5 86 72
+78  3 58  0 89
+67  1 39 59 63
+79 87 19  4 57
+25 16 40 17 27
+96 72 29 32 87
+50 63 35 81 66
+ 7 11 92 68 69
+54 83 12 51 95
+64 98 67 54 75
+ 8 10 31  5 57
+89 23 25 34 47
+72 74 37 48 94
+39 59 15 55 87
--- a/package.lisp	Fri Dec 03 12:43:45 2021 -0500
+++ b/package.lisp	Sat Dec 04 13:11:25 2021 -0500
@@ -3,18 +3,21 @@
+    :read-2d-array
+    :read-and-collect
+    :read-before
+    :read-chunks
+    :read-comma-separated-values
+    :read-digits
+    :read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage
-    :read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage
-    :read-comma-separated-values
-    :read-2d-array
-    :read-before
-    :read-digits
-    :read-chunks
+    :read-word
+    :with-eof-handled
@@ -87,9 +90,11 @@
+    :bold
+    :underline
--- a/src/2021/days/day-03.lisp	Fri Dec 03 12:43:45 2021 -0500
+++ b/src/2021/days/day-03.lisp	Sat Dec 04 13:11:25 2021 -0500
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 (in-package :advent/2021/03)
 (defun-inline bool->bit (b) (if b 1 0))
 (defun-inline char->δ (ch) (ecase ch (#\0 -1) (#\1 1)))
 (defun count-bits (data)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2021/days/day-04.lisp	Sat Dec 04 13:11:25 2021 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+(advent:defpackage* :advent/2021/04)
+(in-package :advent/2021/04)
+(defun cell (num) (cons num nil))
+(defun num (cell) (car cell))
+(defun markedp (cell) (cdr cell))
+(defun unmarkedp (cell) (not (markedp cell)))
+(defun mark (cell) (setf (cdr cell) t))
+(defun read-bingo-numbers (stream)
+  (read-numbers-from-string (read-line stream)))
+(defun read-board (&optional (stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
+  (peek-char t stream nil)
+  (with-eof-handled (stream eof-error-p eof-value)
+    (do-array (v (make-array '(5 5)))
+      (setf v (cell (parse-integer (read-word stream)))))))
+(defun parse (stream)
+  (values (read-bingo-numbers stream)
+          (read-and-collect stream #'read-board)))
+(defun copy-board (board)
+  (do-array (cell (alexandria:copy-array board))
+    (setf cell (cons (car cell) (cdr cell)))))
+(defun print-board (board)
+  (print-2d-array board :printer (lambda (cell)
+                                   (when (markedp cell) (green) (bold))
+                                   (format t "~3D" (num cell))
+                                   (when (markedp cell) (reset)))))
+(defun print-boards (boards &optional heading)
+  (when heading (write-line heading))
+  (dolist (board boards)
+    (print-board board)
+    (terpri)))
+(defun mark-number-on-board (n board)
+  (do-array (cell board)
+    (when (= n (num cell))
+      (return (mark cell)))))
+(defun mark-number-on-boards (n boards)
+  (dolist (board boards)
+    (mark-number-on-board n board)))
+(defun winning-row-p (board row)
+  (iterate (for col :below 5) (always (markedp (aref board row col)))))
+(defun winning-col-p (board col)
+  (iterate (for row :below 5) (always (markedp (aref board row col)))))
+(defun winning-board-p (board)
+  (or (iterate (for row :below 5) (thereis (winning-row-p board row)))
+      (iterate (for col :below 5) (thereis (winning-col-p board col)))))
+(defun play-first (numbers boards)
+  (iterate
+    (with boards = (mapcar #'copy-board boards))
+    (for n :in numbers)
+    (mark-number-on-boards n boards)
+    (dolist (board boards)
+      (when (winning-board-p board)
+        (return-from play-first (values n board))))))
+(defun play-last (numbers boards)
+  (iterate
+    (with boards = (mapcar #'copy-board boards))
+    (for n :in numbers)
+    (mark-number-on-boards n boards)
+    (if (null (rest boards))
+      (when (winning-board-p (first boards)) ;; Run last board to completion.
+        (return-from play-last (values n (first boards))))
+      (setf boards (delete-if #'winning-board-p boards))))) ;; Still pruning boards.
+(defun unmarked-sum (board)
+  (iterate (for cell :across-flat-array board)
+           (when (unmarkedp cell)
+             (summing (num cell)))))
+(defun score (last-number board)
+  (* last-number (unmarked-sum board)))
+(define-problem (2021 4) (data) (49860 24628)
+  (multiple-value-bind (numbers boards) (parse data)
+    (values
+      (multiple-value-call #'score (play-first numbers boards))
+      (multiple-value-call #'score (play-last numbers boards)))))
+#; Scratch --------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Fri Dec 03 12:43:45 2021 -0500
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Sat Dec 04 13:11:25 2021 -0500
@@ -73,6 +73,10 @@
 ;;;; Readers ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(alexandria:define-constant +whitespace-chars+
+  '(#\Space #\Newline #\Backspace #\Tab #\Linefeed #\Page #\Return #\Rubout)
+  :test #'equal)
 (defun read-numbers-from-string (line)
   (mapcar #'parse-integer (ppcre:all-matches-as-strings "-?\\d+" line)))
@@ -81,6 +85,14 @@
            (collect value)))
+(defmacro with-eof-handled ((stream eof-error-p eof-value) &body body)
+  (once-only (stream eof-error-p eof-value)
+    `(if (null (peek-char nil ,stream nil))
+       (if ,eof-error-p
+         (error 'end-of-file)
+         ,eof-value)
+       (progn ,@body))))
 (defun read-before (char &optional (discard-delimiter t) (stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
   "Read characters from `stream` up to, but *not* including, `char`.
@@ -94,10 +106,7 @@
-  (if (null (peek-char nil stream nil))
-    (if eof-error-p
-      (error 'end-of-file)
-      eof-value)
+  (with-eof-handled (stream eof-error-p eof-value) 
       (for c = (peek-char nil stream nil))
       (until (null c))
@@ -117,16 +126,27 @@
-  (if (null (peek-char nil stream nil))
-    (if eof-error-p
-      (error 'end-of-file)
-      eof-value)
+  (with-eof-handled (stream eof-error-p eof-value)
       (for c = (peek-char nil stream nil))
       (until (null c))
       (collect (read-char stream) :result-type 'string)
       (until (char= char c)))))
+(defun read-word (&optional (stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
+  "Read the next word from `stream` and return it as a string.
+  A word is a sequence of non-whitespace characters.  Leading whitespace will be
+  skipped.
+  "
+  (peek-char t stream nil)
+  (with-eof-handled (stream eof-error-p eof-value)
+    (iterate
+      (for c = (read-char stream nil #\space))
+      (until (member c +whitespace-chars+))
+      (collect c :result-type 'string))))
 (defun read-all (stream)
   "Read all forms from `stream` and return them as a fresh list."
@@ -139,6 +159,7 @@
   "Read all lines from `stream` and return them as a fresh list of strings."
   (read-and-collect stream #'read-line))
 (defun read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage (stream)
   "Read the lines of numbers in `stream` into a list of lists of numbers.
@@ -839,18 +860,17 @@
   (esc "[2J")
   (esc "[;H"))
-(defun green ()
-  (esc "[32m"))
-(defun reset ()
-  (esc "[0m"))
+(defun green () (esc "[32m"))
+(defun bold () (esc "[1m"))
+(defun underline () (esc "[4m"))
+(defun reset () (esc "[0m"))
-(defun print-2d-array (array)
+(defun print-2d-array (array &key (printer #'princ) (key #'identity))
   (destructuring-bind (rows cols) (array-dimensions array)
     (dotimes (r rows)
       (dotimes (c cols)
-        (princ (aref array r c)))
+        (funcall printer (funcall key (aref array r c))))