
Rename for easier ctrlping
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 16 Dec 2018 18:11:25 -0500 (2018-12-16)
parents 75998992ab3c
children a19c9e1fd077
branches/tags (none)
files src/2018/01.lisp src/2018/02.lisp src/2018/03.lisp src/2018/04.lisp src/2018/05.lisp src/2018/06.lisp src/2018/07.lisp src/2018/08.lisp src/2018/09.lisp src/2018/10.lisp src/2018/11.lisp src/2018/12.lisp src/2018/day-01.lisp src/2018/day-02.lisp src/2018/day-03.lisp src/2018/day-04.lisp src/2018/day-05.lisp src/2018/day-06.lisp src/2018/day-07.lisp src/2018/day-08.lisp src/2018/day-09.lisp src/2018/day-10.lisp src/2018/day-11.lisp src/2018/day-12.lisp


--- a/src/2018/01.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/01 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/01)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(define-problem (2018 1) (data read-all)
-  (values
-    (summation data)
-    (progn
-      (setf (cdr (last data)) data) ; make data a circular list for easy looping
-      (iterate
-        (with seen = (make-hash-set :initial-contents '(0)))
-        (for number :in data)
-        (summing number :into frequency)
-        (if (hset-contains-p seen frequency)
-          (return frequency)
-          (hset-insert! seen frequency))))))
--- a/src/2018/02.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/02 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/02)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(define-problem (2018 2) (data read-lines)
-  (values
-    (let* ((freqs (mapcar #'frequencies data))
-           (counts (mapcar #'hash-table-values freqs)))
-      (* (count 2 counts :test #'member)
-         (count 3 counts :test #'member)))
-    ;; just brute force it
-    (multiple-value-bind (a b)
-        (iterate
-          (for (a . remaining) :on data)
-          (for b = (find 1 remaining :key (curry #'hamming-distance a)))
-          (when b
-            (return (values a b))))
-      (let ((i (mismatch a b)))
-        (str:concat (subseq a 0 i)
-                    (subseq a (1+ i)))))))
--- a/src/2018/03.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/03 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/03)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defstruct claim id left right top bottom)
-(define-with-macro claim id left right top bottom)
-(defun parse-claim (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      ((#'parse-integer id col row width height))
-      (#?r"#(\d+) @ (\d+),(\d+): (\d+)x(\d+)" line)
-    (make-claim :id id
-                :left col
-                :top row
-                :right (+ col width)
-                :bottom (+ row height))))
-(defun claims-intersect-p (claim1 claim2)
-  (with-claim (claim1 id1 left1 right1 top1 bottom1)
-    (with-claim (claim2 id2 left2 right2 top2 bottom2)
-      (not (or (<= right2 left1)
-               (<= right1 left2)
-               (>= top2 bottom1)
-               (>= top1 bottom2))))))
-(defun make-fabric (claims)
-  (let ((fabric (make-array (list 1000 1000) :initial-element 0)))
-    (dolist (claim claims)
-      (with-claim (claim)
-        (do-range ((row top bottom)
-                   (col left right))
-                  (incf (aref fabric row col)))))
-    fabric))
-(define-problem (2018 3) (data read-lines)
-  (let* ((claims (mapcar #'parse-claim data))
-         (fabric (make-fabric claims)))
-    (values
-      (iterate (for uses :in-array fabric)
-               (counting (> uses 1)))
-      (claim-id (first (unique claims :test #'claims-intersect-p))))))
--- a/src/2018/04.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/04 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/04)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-;; This problem gets much easier after you've unlocked the second question and
-;; realize you can solve everything by building histograms of each guard's
-;; sleeping minutes.
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  "Parse `line` into `(minute :event id?)`"
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      ((#'parse-integer minute) event)
-      (#?r"\[\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:(\d+)\] (.*)" line)
-    (list* minute
-           (cond
-             ((string= "falls asleep" event) (list :sleep nil))
-             ((string= "wakes up" event) (list :wake nil))
-             (t (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-                    ((#'parse-integer id))
-                    (#?r"Guard #(\d+) begins shift" event)
-                  (list :guard id)))))))
-(defun sleep-intervals (events &aux start guard)
-  "Transform `events` into a list of `(guard-id start end)`"
-  (iterate
-    (for (minute event id?) :in events)
-    (ecase event
-      (:guard (setf guard id?))
-      (:wake (collect (list guard start minute)))
-      (:sleep (setf start minute)))))
-(defun guard-histograms (intervals)
-  "Return a hash-table of histograms of the guards' sleeping minutes."
-  (iterate
-    (with result = (make-hash-table))
-    (for (guard start end) :in intervals)
-    (for histogram = (ensure-gethash guard result
-                                     (make-array 60 :initial-element 0)))
-    (do-range ((minute start end))
-      (incf (aref histogram minute)))
-    (finally (return result))))
-(define-problem (2018 4) (data read-lines)
-  (let ((guard-histograms (-<> data
-                            (sort <> #'string<)
-                            (mapcar #'parse-line <>)
-                            sleep-intervals
-                            guard-histograms)))
-    (nest
-      (destructuring-bind
-          (sleepy-guard sleepy-guard-preferred-minute)
-          (iterate
-            (for (guard histogram) :in-hashtable guard-histograms)
-            (finding (list guard
-                           (nth-value 1 (extremum+ histogram #'>)))
-                     :maximizing (summation histogram))))
-      (destructuring-bind
-          (predictable-guard predictable-guard-time)
-          (iterate
-            (for (guard histogram) :in-hashtable guard-histograms)
-            (for (values time preferred-minute) = (extremum+ histogram #'>))
-            (finding (list guard preferred-minute) :maximizing time)))
-      (values (* sleepy-guard
-                 sleepy-guard-preferred-minute)
-              (* predictable-guard
-                 predictable-guard-time)))))
--- a/src/2018/05.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/05 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/05)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun reactivep (x y)
-  (char= x (char-invertcase y)))
-(defun react (string &aux result)
-  (doseq (char string)
-    (if (and result (reactivep char (car result)))
-      (pop result)
-      (push char result)))
-  (coerce (nreverse result) 'string))
-(define-problem (2018 5) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string)
-  (deletef data #\newline)
-  (values
-    (length (react data))
-    (iterate
-      (for unit :in-vector (remove-duplicates data :test #'char-equal))
-      (for candidate = (react (remove unit data :test #'char-equal)))
-      (minimizing (length candidate)))))
--- a/src/2018/06.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/06 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/06)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  (apply #'complex (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:split ", " line))))
-(defun closest (point coordinates)
-  (let ((results (extremums coordinates '<
-                            :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point))))
-    (case (length results)
-      (1 (car results))
-      (t nil))))
-(define-problem (2018 6) (data read-lines)
-  (let* ((coordinates (mapcar #'parse-line data))
-         (xs (mapcar #'realpart coordinates))
-         (ys (mapcar #'imagpart coordinates))
-         (left (extremum xs #'<))
-         (bottom (extremum ys #'<))
-         (right (extremum xs #'>))
-         (top (extremum ys #'>))
-         (counts (make-hash-table))
-         (infinite (make-hash-set)))
-    (iterate
-      (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
-                   (y :from bottom :to top)))
-      (for closest = (closest (complex x y) coordinates))
-      (when closest
-        (incf (gethash closest counts 0))
-        (when (or (= left x) (= bottom y)
-                  (= right x) (= top y))
-          (hset-insert! infinite closest))))
-    (values
-      (iterate
-        (for (point size) :in-hashtable counts)
-        (unless (hset-contains-p infinite point)
-          (maximizing size)))
-      (iterate
-        (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
-                     (y :from bottom :to top)))
-        (for point = (complex x y))
-        (for total-distance = (summation coordinates :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point)))
-        (counting (< total-distance 10000))))))
--- a/src/2018/07.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/07 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/07)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      (((rcurry #'aref 0) requirement target))
-      (#?r"Step (\w) must be finished before step (\w) can begin." line)
-    (list target requirement)))
-(defun make-graph (edges)
-  (let* ((vertices (remove-duplicates (flatten-once edges)))
-         (graph (digraph:make-digraph :initial-vertices vertices)))
-    (dolist (edge edges)
-      (digraph:insert-edge graph (first edge) (second edge)))
-    graph))
-(defun char-number (char)
-  (1+ (- (char-code char) (char-code #\A))))
-(defun task-length (task)
-  (+ 60 (char-number task)))
-(defun decrement-workers (workers)
-  (gathering
-    (do-array (worker workers)
-      (when worker
-        (when (zerop (decf (cdr worker)))
-          (gather (car worker))
-          (setf worker nil))))))
-(define-problem (2018 7) (data read-lines)
-  (values
-    (let ((graph (make-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data))))
-      ;; (digraph.dot:draw graph)
-      (recursively ((result nil))
-        (if (emptyp graph)
-          (coerce (nreverse result) 'string)
-          (let ((next (extremum (digraph:leafs graph) 'char<)))
-            (digraph:remove-vertex graph next)
-            (recur (cons next result))))))
-    (iterate
-      (with graph = (make-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data)))
-      ;; workers is a vector of (task . remaining-time), or NILs for idle workers
-      (with workers = (make-array 5 :initial-element nil))
-      (for elapsed :from 0)
-      (for finished-tasks = (decrement-workers workers))
-      (map nil (curry #'digraph:remove-vertex graph) finished-tasks)
-      (for current-tasks = (remove nil (map 'list #'car workers)))
-      (for available-tasks = (-<> graph
-                               digraph:leafs
-                               (set-difference <> current-tasks)
-                               (sort <> 'char<)))
-      (do-array (worker workers)
-        (when (null worker)
-          (when-let ((task (pop available-tasks)))
-            (setf worker (cons task (task-length task))))))
-      (when (and (emptyp graph) (every #'null workers))
-        (return elapsed)))))
--- a/src/2018/08.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/08 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/08)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defstruct (node (:conc-name nil))
-  children metadata)
-(defun read-node (stream)
-  (let ((children-count (read stream))
-        (metadata-count (read stream)))
-    (make-node :children (iterate
-                           (repeat children-count)
-                           (collect (read-node stream) :result-type vector))
-               :metadata (iterate
-                           (repeat metadata-count)
-                           (collect (read stream))))))
-(defun node-value (node &aux (children (children node)))
-  (if (emptyp children)
-    (summation (metadata node))
-    (iterate
-      (for meta :in (metadata node))
-      (for index = (1- meta))
-      (when (array-in-bounds-p children index)
-        (summing (node-value (aref children index)))))))
-(define-problem (2018 8) (data)
-  (let ((root (read-node data)))
-    (values
-      (recursively ((node root))
-        (+ (summation (metadata node))
-           (summation (children node) :key #'recur)))
-      (node-value root))))
--- a/src/2018/09.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/09 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/09)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun parse-input (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      ((#'parse-integer players marbles))
-      (#?r"(\d+) players\D*(\d+) points" line)
-    (values players marbles)))
-(defun play (players marbles)
-  (let ((circle (ring 0))
-        (elves (make-array players :initial-element 0)))
-    (iterate
-      (declare (iterate:declare-variables))
-      (for elf :first 0 :then (mod (1+ elf) players))
-      (for marble :from 1 :to marbles)
-      (if (dividesp marble 23)
-        (progn (incf (aref elves elf) marble)
-               (ring-movef circle -7)
-               (incf (aref elves elf) (ring-data circle))
-               (ring-cutf circle))
-        (progn (ring-movef circle 1)
-               (ring-insertf-after circle marble))))
-    (extremum elves '>)))
-(define-problem (2018 9) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string)
-  (multiple-value-bind (players marbles) (parse-input data)
-    #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
-    (values (play players marbles)
-            (play players (* marbles 100)))))
--- a/src/2018/10.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/10 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/10)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun parse-line (line)
-  (destructuring-bind (x y vx vy) line
-    (cons (complex x y)
-          (complex vx vy))))
-(defun x (star)
-  (realpart (car star)))
-(defun y (star)
-  (imagpart (car star)))
-(defun tick (stars)
-  (dolist (star stars)
-    (incf (car star) (cdr star))))
-(defun bounds (stars)
-  (values (x (extremum stars '< :key #'x)) ; left
-          (x (extremum stars '> :key #'x)) ; right
-          (y (extremum stars '< :key #'y)) ; bottom
-          (y (extremum stars '> :key #'y)))) ; top
-(defun field-size (stars)
-  (multiple-value-bind (left right bottom top)
-      (bounds stars)
-    (* (- right left) (- top bottom))))
-(defun draw (stars)
-  (multiple-value-bind (left right bottom top) (bounds stars)
-    (let* ((height (1+ (- top bottom)))
-           (width (1+ (- right left)))
-           (field (make-array height)))
-      (do-array (line field)
-        (setf line (make-string width :initial-element #\space)))
-      (dolist (star stars)
-        (setf (aref (aref field (- (y star) bottom))
-                    (- (x star) left))
-              #\*))
-      (map nil #'write-line field))))
-(define-problem (2018 10) (data read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage)
-  (iterate
-    (with stars = (mapcar #'parse-line data))
-    (with ticks = 0)
-    (initially (iterate
-                 (tick stars)
-                 (incf ticks)
-                 (until (< (field-size stars) 3000))))
-    (format t "After tick ~D:~%" ticks)
-    (draw stars)
-    (until (string= "q" (read-line)))
-    (tick stars)))
--- a/src/2018/11.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/11 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/11)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defun cell (x y)
-  (complex x y))
-(defun x (cell)
-  (realpart cell))
-(defun y (cell)
-  (imagpart cell))
-(defun rack-id (cell)
-  (+ (x cell) 10))
-(defun power-level (serial-number cell)
-  (-<> (rack-id cell)
-    (* <> (y cell))
-    (+ <> serial-number)
-    (* <> (rack-id cell))
-    (nth-digit 2 <>)
-    (- <> 5)))
-(define-problem (2018 11) (serial-number read)
-  (let ((totals (make-array (list 300 300))))
-    (flet ((gref (x y)
-             (let ((x (1- x))
-                   (y (1- y)))
-               (if (array-in-bounds-p totals x y)
-                 (aref totals x y)
-                 0)))
-           ((setf gref) (value x y)
-            (setf (aref totals (1- x) (1- y)) value)))
-      (iterate (for-nested ((x :from 300 :downto 1)
-                            (y :from 300 :downto 1)))
-               (setf (gref x y)
-                     (+ (power-level serial-number (cell x y))
-                        (gref (1+ x) y)
-                        (gref x (1+ y))
-                        (- (gref (1+ x) (1+ y))))))
-      (labels ((square-power (x y n)
-                 (let ((xn (+ x n))
-                       (yn (+ y n)))
-                   (+ (gref x y)
-                      (- (gref xn y))
-                      (- (gref x yn))
-                      (gref xn yn))))
-               (largest-square (n)
-                 (iterate
-                   (for-nested ((x :from 1 :to (- 301 n))
-                                (y :from 1 :to (- 301 n))))
-                   (for power = (square-power x y n))
-                   (finding (list x y power) :maximizing power))))
-        (values (subseq (largest-square 3) 0 2)
-                (iterate (for n :from 1 :to 300)
-                         (for (x y power) = (largest-square n))
-                         (finding (list x y n) :maximizing power)))))))
--- a/src/2018/12.lisp	Sat Dec 15 16:52:29 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :advent/2018/12 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
-(in-package :advent/2018/12)
-(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
-(defstruct pots data min max)
-(defmethod print-object ((o pots) s)
-  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
-    (format s "~D to ~D: ~A" (pots-min o) (pots-max o)
-            (iterate (for i :from (pots-min o) :to (pots-max o))
-                     (collect (if (zerop (gethash i (pots-data o) 0)) #\. #\#)
-                              :result-type 'string)))))
-(defun rune-bit (rune)
-  (ecase rune
-    (#\# 1)
-    (#\. 0)))
-(defun runes-to-bits (runes)
-  (map 'list #'rune-bit runes))
-(defun list-to-hash-table (list)
-  (iterate (for value :in list)
-           (for i :from 0)
-           (when (plusp value)
-             (collect-hash (i value) :test 'eq))))
-(defun surroundings-key (ll l x r rr)
-  (declare (type bit ll l x r rr))
-  (+ (* (expt 2 0) ll)
-     (* (expt 2 1) l)
-     (* (expt 2 2) x)
-     (* (expt 2 3) r)
-     (* (expt 2 4) rr)))
-(defun parse-initial-line (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      (state)
-      (#?r"initial state: (\S+)" line)
-    (list-to-hash-table (runes-to-bits state))))
-(defun parse-rule (line)
-  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
-      (surroundings result)
-      (#?r"(\S+) => (\S)" line)
-    (values (apply #'surroundings-key (runes-to-bits surroundings))
-            (rune-bit (aref result 0)))))
-(defun surroundings (state i)
-  (let ((data (pots-data state)))
-    (surroundings-key (gethash (- i 2) data 0)
-                      (gethash (- i 1) data 0)
-                      (gethash i data 0)
-                      (gethash (+ i 1) data 0)
-                      (gethash (+ i 2) data 0))))
-(defun tick (state rules)
-  (with-slots (data min max) state
-    (iterate
-      (for i :from (- min 2) :to (+ max 2))
-      (for current = (gethash i data 0))
-      (for surroundings = (surroundings state i))
-      (for next = (aref rules surroundings))
-      (when (plusp next)
-        (minimizing i :into next-min)
-        (maximizing i :into next-max))
-      (when (/= current next)
-        (if (plusp next)
-          (collect i :into add)
-          (collect i :into rem)))
-      (finally
-        (dolist (i add) (setf (gethash i data) 1))
-        (dolist (i rem) (remhash i data))
-        (setf min next-min
-              max next-max)
-        state))))
-(define-problem (2018 12) (data)
-  (let* ((initial (parse-initial-line (read-line data)))
-         (state (prog1 (make-pots :data initial
-                                  :min (extremum (hash-table-keys initial) '<)
-                                  :max (extremum (hash-table-keys initial) '>))
-                  (read-line data)))
-         (rules (iterate
-                  (with rules = (make-array (expt 2 5) :initial-element 1))
-                  (for line :in-stream data :using #'read-line)
-                  (until (string= "" line))
-                  (for (values key result) = (parse-rule line))
-                  (setf (aref rules key) result)
-                  (finally (return rules)))))
-    (values
-      (progn (do-repeat 20
-               (tick state rules))
-             (summation (hash-table-keys (pots-data state))))
-      (progn (dotimes (i (- 500000 20))
-               (when (dividesp i 1000)
-                 (pr i))
-               (tick state rules))
-             (summation (hash-table-keys (pots-data state)))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-01.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/01 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/01)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(define-problem (2018 1) (data read-all)
+  (values
+    (summation data)
+    (progn
+      (setf (cdr (last data)) data) ; make data a circular list for easy looping
+      (iterate
+        (with seen = (make-hash-set :initial-contents '(0)))
+        (for number :in data)
+        (summing number :into frequency)
+        (if (hset-contains-p seen frequency)
+          (return frequency)
+          (hset-insert! seen frequency))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-02.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/02 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/02)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(define-problem (2018 2) (data read-lines)
+  (values
+    (let* ((freqs (mapcar #'frequencies data))
+           (counts (mapcar #'hash-table-values freqs)))
+      (* (count 2 counts :test #'member)
+         (count 3 counts :test #'member)))
+    ;; just brute force it
+    (multiple-value-bind (a b)
+        (iterate
+          (for (a . remaining) :on data)
+          (for b = (find 1 remaining :key (curry #'hamming-distance a)))
+          (when b
+            (return (values a b))))
+      (let ((i (mismatch a b)))
+        (str:concat (subseq a 0 i)
+                    (subseq a (1+ i)))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-03.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/03 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/03)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defstruct claim id left right top bottom)
+(define-with-macro claim id left right top bottom)
+(defun parse-claim (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      ((#'parse-integer id col row width height))
+      (#?r"#(\d+) @ (\d+),(\d+): (\d+)x(\d+)" line)
+    (make-claim :id id
+                :left col
+                :top row
+                :right (+ col width)
+                :bottom (+ row height))))
+(defun claims-intersect-p (claim1 claim2)
+  (with-claim (claim1 id1 left1 right1 top1 bottom1)
+    (with-claim (claim2 id2 left2 right2 top2 bottom2)
+      (not (or (<= right2 left1)
+               (<= right1 left2)
+               (>= top2 bottom1)
+               (>= top1 bottom2))))))
+(defun make-fabric (claims)
+  (let ((fabric (make-array (list 1000 1000) :initial-element 0)))
+    (dolist (claim claims)
+      (with-claim (claim)
+        (do-range ((row top bottom)
+                   (col left right))
+                  (incf (aref fabric row col)))))
+    fabric))
+(define-problem (2018 3) (data read-lines)
+  (let* ((claims (mapcar #'parse-claim data))
+         (fabric (make-fabric claims)))
+    (values
+      (iterate (for uses :in-array fabric)
+               (counting (> uses 1)))
+      (claim-id (first (unique claims :test #'claims-intersect-p))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-04.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/04 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/04)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+;; This problem gets much easier after you've unlocked the second question and
+;; realize you can solve everything by building histograms of each guard's
+;; sleeping minutes.
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  "Parse `line` into `(minute :event id?)`"
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      ((#'parse-integer minute) event)
+      (#?r"\[\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:(\d+)\] (.*)" line)
+    (list* minute
+           (cond
+             ((string= "falls asleep" event) (list :sleep nil))
+             ((string= "wakes up" event) (list :wake nil))
+             (t (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+                    ((#'parse-integer id))
+                    (#?r"Guard #(\d+) begins shift" event)
+                  (list :guard id)))))))
+(defun sleep-intervals (events &aux start guard)
+  "Transform `events` into a list of `(guard-id start end)`"
+  (iterate
+    (for (minute event id?) :in events)
+    (ecase event
+      (:guard (setf guard id?))
+      (:wake (collect (list guard start minute)))
+      (:sleep (setf start minute)))))
+(defun guard-histograms (intervals)
+  "Return a hash-table of histograms of the guards' sleeping minutes."
+  (iterate
+    (with result = (make-hash-table))
+    (for (guard start end) :in intervals)
+    (for histogram = (ensure-gethash guard result
+                                     (make-array 60 :initial-element 0)))
+    (do-range ((minute start end))
+      (incf (aref histogram minute)))
+    (finally (return result))))
+(define-problem (2018 4) (data read-lines)
+  (let ((guard-histograms (-<> data
+                            (sort <> #'string<)
+                            (mapcar #'parse-line <>)
+                            sleep-intervals
+                            guard-histograms)))
+    (nest
+      (destructuring-bind
+          (sleepy-guard sleepy-guard-preferred-minute)
+          (iterate
+            (for (guard histogram) :in-hashtable guard-histograms)
+            (finding (list guard
+                           (nth-value 1 (extremum+ histogram #'>)))
+                     :maximizing (summation histogram))))
+      (destructuring-bind
+          (predictable-guard predictable-guard-time)
+          (iterate
+            (for (guard histogram) :in-hashtable guard-histograms)
+            (for (values time preferred-minute) = (extremum+ histogram #'>))
+            (finding (list guard preferred-minute) :maximizing time)))
+      (values (* sleepy-guard
+                 sleepy-guard-preferred-minute)
+              (* predictable-guard
+                 predictable-guard-time)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-05.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/05 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/05)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun reactivep (x y)
+  (char= x (char-invertcase y)))
+(defun react (string &aux result)
+  (doseq (char string)
+    (if (and result (reactivep char (car result)))
+      (pop result)
+      (push char result)))
+  (coerce (nreverse result) 'string))
+(define-problem (2018 5) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string)
+  (deletef data #\newline)
+  (values
+    (length (react data))
+    (iterate
+      (for unit :in-vector (remove-duplicates data :test #'char-equal))
+      (for candidate = (react (remove unit data :test #'char-equal)))
+      (minimizing (length candidate)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-06.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/06 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/06)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  (apply #'complex (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:split ", " line))))
+(defun closest (point coordinates)
+  (let ((results (extremums coordinates '<
+                            :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point))))
+    (case (length results)
+      (1 (car results))
+      (t nil))))
+(define-problem (2018 6) (data read-lines)
+  (let* ((coordinates (mapcar #'parse-line data))
+         (xs (mapcar #'realpart coordinates))
+         (ys (mapcar #'imagpart coordinates))
+         (left (extremum xs #'<))
+         (bottom (extremum ys #'<))
+         (right (extremum xs #'>))
+         (top (extremum ys #'>))
+         (counts (make-hash-table))
+         (infinite (make-hash-set)))
+    (iterate
+      (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
+                   (y :from bottom :to top)))
+      (for closest = (closest (complex x y) coordinates))
+      (when closest
+        (incf (gethash closest counts 0))
+        (when (or (= left x) (= bottom y)
+                  (= right x) (= top y))
+          (hset-insert! infinite closest))))
+    (values
+      (iterate
+        (for (point size) :in-hashtable counts)
+        (unless (hset-contains-p infinite point)
+          (maximizing size)))
+      (iterate
+        (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
+                     (y :from bottom :to top)))
+        (for point = (complex x y))
+        (for total-distance = (summation coordinates :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point)))
+        (counting (< total-distance 10000))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-07.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/07 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/07)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      (((rcurry #'aref 0) requirement target))
+      (#?r"Step (\w) must be finished before step (\w) can begin." line)
+    (list target requirement)))
+(defun make-graph (edges)
+  (let* ((vertices (remove-duplicates (flatten-once edges)))
+         (graph (digraph:make-digraph :initial-vertices vertices)))
+    (dolist (edge edges)
+      (digraph:insert-edge graph (first edge) (second edge)))
+    graph))
+(defun char-number (char)
+  (1+ (- (char-code char) (char-code #\A))))
+(defun task-length (task)
+  (+ 60 (char-number task)))
+(defun decrement-workers (workers)
+  (gathering
+    (do-array (worker workers)
+      (when worker
+        (when (zerop (decf (cdr worker)))
+          (gather (car worker))
+          (setf worker nil))))))
+(define-problem (2018 7) (data read-lines)
+  (values
+    (let ((graph (make-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data))))
+      ;; (digraph.dot:draw graph)
+      (recursively ((result nil))
+        (if (emptyp graph)
+          (coerce (nreverse result) 'string)
+          (let ((next (extremum (digraph:leafs graph) 'char<)))
+            (digraph:remove-vertex graph next)
+            (recur (cons next result))))))
+    (iterate
+      (with graph = (make-graph (mapcar #'parse-line data)))
+      ;; workers is a vector of (task . remaining-time), or NILs for idle workers
+      (with workers = (make-array 5 :initial-element nil))
+      (for elapsed :from 0)
+      (for finished-tasks = (decrement-workers workers))
+      (map nil (curry #'digraph:remove-vertex graph) finished-tasks)
+      (for current-tasks = (remove nil (map 'list #'car workers)))
+      (for available-tasks = (-<> graph
+                               digraph:leafs
+                               (set-difference <> current-tasks)
+                               (sort <> 'char<)))
+      (do-array (worker workers)
+        (when (null worker)
+          (when-let ((task (pop available-tasks)))
+            (setf worker (cons task (task-length task))))))
+      (when (and (emptyp graph) (every #'null workers))
+        (return elapsed)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-08.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/08 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/08)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defstruct (node (:conc-name nil))
+  children metadata)
+(defun read-node (stream)
+  (let ((children-count (read stream))
+        (metadata-count (read stream)))
+    (make-node :children (iterate
+                           (repeat children-count)
+                           (collect (read-node stream) :result-type vector))
+               :metadata (iterate
+                           (repeat metadata-count)
+                           (collect (read stream))))))
+(defun node-value (node &aux (children (children node)))
+  (if (emptyp children)
+    (summation (metadata node))
+    (iterate
+      (for meta :in (metadata node))
+      (for index = (1- meta))
+      (when (array-in-bounds-p children index)
+        (summing (node-value (aref children index)))))))
+(define-problem (2018 8) (data)
+  (let ((root (read-node data)))
+    (values
+      (recursively ((node root))
+        (+ (summation (metadata node))
+           (summation (children node) :key #'recur)))
+      (node-value root))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-09.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/09 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/09)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun parse-input (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      ((#'parse-integer players marbles))
+      (#?r"(\d+) players\D*(\d+) points" line)
+    (values players marbles)))
+(defun play (players marbles)
+  (let ((circle (ring 0))
+        (elves (make-array players :initial-element 0)))
+    (iterate
+      (declare (iterate:declare-variables))
+      (for elf :first 0 :then (mod (1+ elf) players))
+      (for marble :from 1 :to marbles)
+      (if (dividesp marble 23)
+        (progn (incf (aref elves elf) marble)
+               (ring-movef circle -7)
+               (incf (aref elves elf) (ring-data circle))
+               (ring-cutf circle))
+        (progn (ring-movef circle 1)
+               (ring-insertf-after circle marble))))
+    (extremum elves '>)))
+(define-problem (2018 9) (data alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string)
+  (multiple-value-bind (players marbles) (parse-input data)
+    #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
+    (values (play players marbles)
+            (play players (* marbles 100)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-10.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/10 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/10)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun parse-line (line)
+  (destructuring-bind (x y vx vy) line
+    (cons (complex x y)
+          (complex vx vy))))
+(defun x (star)
+  (realpart (car star)))
+(defun y (star)
+  (imagpart (car star)))
+(defun tick (stars)
+  (dolist (star stars)
+    (incf (car star) (cdr star))))
+(defun bounds (stars)
+  (values (x (extremum stars '< :key #'x)) ; left
+          (x (extremum stars '> :key #'x)) ; right
+          (y (extremum stars '< :key #'y)) ; bottom
+          (y (extremum stars '> :key #'y)))) ; top
+(defun field-size (stars)
+  (multiple-value-bind (left right bottom top)
+      (bounds stars)
+    (* (- right left) (- top bottom))))
+(defun draw (stars)
+  (multiple-value-bind (left right bottom top) (bounds stars)
+    (let* ((height (1+ (- top bottom)))
+           (width (1+ (- right left)))
+           (field (make-array height)))
+      (do-array (line field)
+        (setf line (make-string width :initial-element #\space)))
+      (dolist (star stars)
+        (setf (aref (aref field (- (y star) bottom))
+                    (- (x star) left))
+              #\*))
+      (map nil #'write-line field))))
+(define-problem (2018 10) (data read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage)
+  (iterate
+    (with stars = (mapcar #'parse-line data))
+    (with ticks = 0)
+    (initially (iterate
+                 (tick stars)
+                 (incf ticks)
+                 (until (< (field-size stars) 3000))))
+    (format t "After tick ~D:~%" ticks)
+    (draw stars)
+    (until (string= "q" (read-line)))
+    (tick stars)))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-11.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/11 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/11)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defun cell (x y)
+  (complex x y))
+(defun x (cell)
+  (realpart cell))
+(defun y (cell)
+  (imagpart cell))
+(defun rack-id (cell)
+  (+ (x cell) 10))
+(defun power-level (serial-number cell)
+  (-<> (rack-id cell)
+    (* <> (y cell))
+    (+ <> serial-number)
+    (* <> (rack-id cell))
+    (nth-digit 2 <>)
+    (- <> 5)))
+(define-problem (2018 11) (serial-number read)
+  (let ((totals (make-array (list 300 300))))
+    (flet ((gref (x y)
+             (let ((x (1- x))
+                   (y (1- y)))
+               (if (array-in-bounds-p totals x y)
+                 (aref totals x y)
+                 0)))
+           ((setf gref) (value x y)
+            (setf (aref totals (1- x) (1- y)) value)))
+      (iterate (for-nested ((x :from 300 :downto 1)
+                            (y :from 300 :downto 1)))
+               (setf (gref x y)
+                     (+ (power-level serial-number (cell x y))
+                        (gref (1+ x) y)
+                        (gref x (1+ y))
+                        (- (gref (1+ x) (1+ y))))))
+      (labels ((square-power (x y n)
+                 (let ((xn (+ x n))
+                       (yn (+ y n)))
+                   (+ (gref x y)
+                      (- (gref xn y))
+                      (- (gref x yn))
+                      (gref xn yn))))
+               (largest-square (n)
+                 (iterate
+                   (for-nested ((x :from 1 :to (- 301 n))
+                                (y :from 1 :to (- 301 n))))
+                   (for power = (square-power x y n))
+                   (finding (list x y power) :maximizing power))))
+        (values (subseq (largest-square 3) 0 2)
+                (iterate (for n :from 1 :to 300)
+                         (for (x y power) = (largest-square n))
+                         (finding (list x y n) :maximizing power)))))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/2018/day-12.lisp	Sun Dec 16 18:11:25 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+(defpackage :advent/2018/12 #.cl-user::*advent-use*)
+(in-package :advent/2018/12)
+(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+(defstruct pots data min max)
+(defmethod print-object ((o pots) s)
+  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
+    (format s "~D to ~D: ~A" (pots-min o) (pots-max o)
+            (iterate (for i :from (pots-min o) :to (pots-max o))
+                     (collect (if (zerop (gethash i (pots-data o) 0)) #\. #\#)
+                              :result-type 'string)))))
+(defun rune-bit (rune)
+  (ecase rune
+    (#\# 1)
+    (#\. 0)))
+(defun runes-to-bits (runes)
+  (map 'list #'rune-bit runes))
+(defun list-to-hash-table (list)
+  (iterate (for value :in list)
+           (for i :from 0)
+           (when (plusp value)
+             (collect-hash (i value) :test 'eq))))
+(defun surroundings-key (ll l x r rr)
+  (declare (type bit ll l x r rr))
+  (+ (* (expt 2 0) ll)
+     (* (expt 2 1) l)
+     (* (expt 2 2) x)
+     (* (expt 2 3) r)
+     (* (expt 2 4) rr)))
+(defun parse-initial-line (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      (state)
+      (#?r"initial state: (\S+)" line)
+    (list-to-hash-table (runes-to-bits state))))
+(defun parse-rule (line)
+  (ppcre:register-groups-bind
+      (surroundings result)
+      (#?r"(\S+) => (\S)" line)
+    (values (apply #'surroundings-key (runes-to-bits surroundings))
+            (rune-bit (aref result 0)))))
+(defun surroundings (state i)
+  (let ((data (pots-data state)))
+    (surroundings-key (gethash (- i 2) data 0)
+                      (gethash (- i 1) data 0)
+                      (gethash i data 0)
+                      (gethash (+ i 1) data 0)
+                      (gethash (+ i 2) data 0))))
+(defun tick (state rules)
+  (with-slots (data min max) state
+    (iterate
+      (for i :from (- min 2) :to (+ max 2))
+      (for current = (gethash i data 0))
+      (for surroundings = (surroundings state i))
+      (for next = (aref rules surroundings))
+      (when (plusp next)
+        (minimizing i :into next-min)
+        (maximizing i :into next-max))
+      (when (/= current next)
+        (if (plusp next)
+          (collect i :into add)
+          (collect i :into rem)))
+      (finally
+        (dolist (i add) (setf (gethash i data) 1))
+        (dolist (i rem) (remhash i data))
+        (setf min next-min
+              max next-max)
+        state))))
+(define-problem (2018 12) (data)
+  (let* ((initial (parse-initial-line (read-line data)))
+         (state (prog1 (make-pots :data initial
+                                  :min (extremum (hash-table-keys initial) '<)
+                                  :max (extremum (hash-table-keys initial) '>))
+                  (read-line data)))
+         (rules (iterate
+                  (with rules = (make-array (expt 2 5) :initial-element 1))
+                  (for line :in-stream data :using #'read-line)
+                  (until (string= "" line))
+                  (for (values key result) = (parse-rule line))
+                  (setf (aref rules key) result)
+                  (finally (return rules)))))
+    (values
+      (progn (do-repeat 20
+               (tick state rules))
+             (summation (hash-table-keys (pots-data state))))
+      (progn (dotimes (i (- 500000 20))
+               (when (dividesp i 1000)
+                 (pr i))
+               (tick state rules))
+             (summation (hash-table-keys (pots-data state)))))))