--- a/advent.lisp Tue Dec 08 10:56:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/advent.lisp Wed Dec 09 11:35:23 2015 +0000
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ql:quickload "ironclad")
(ql:quickload "smug")
(ql:quickload "bit-smasher")
+(ql:quickload "optima")
(defpackage #:advent
(:use #:cl)
@@ -436,6 +437,65 @@
:sum (- (length chars)
(length line))))
+;;;; Day 9
+(defun advent-9-data ()
+ (beef:slurp-lines "data/9" :ignore-trailing-newline t))
+; Thanks Norvig
+; http://norvig.com/paip/gps.lisp
+(defun permutations (bag)
+ "Return a list of all the permutations of the input."
+ ;; If the input is nil, there is only one permutation:
+ ;; nil itself
+ (if (null bag)
+ '(())
+ ;; Otherwise, take an element, e, out of the bag.
+ ;; Generate all permutations of the remaining elements,
+ ;; And add e to the front of each of these.
+ ;; Do this for all possible e to generate all permutations.
+ (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (p) (cons e p))
+ (permutations
+ (remove e bag :count 1 :test #'eq))))
+ bag)))
+(defun advent-9 (data)
+ (let ((distances (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+ (loop :for line :in data
+ :for (a to b _ dist) = (split-sequence #\space line)
+ :for distance = (parse-integer dist)
+ :do (progn
+ (setf (gethash (cons a b) distances) distance)
+ (setf (gethash (cons b a) distances) distance)))
+ (labels ((score-route (route)
+ (optima:match route
+ ((list _) 0)
+ ((list* a b _) (+ (gethash (cons a b) distances)
+ (score-route (cdr route))))))
+ (dedupe (l)
+ (remove-duplicates l :test #'equal)))
+ (loop :for route :in (->> distances
+ beef:hash-keys
+ (mapcar #'car)
+ dedupe
+ permutations)
+ :for score = (score-route route)
+ :minimizing score :into min-dist
+ :maximizing score :into max-dist
+ :finally (return (cons min-dist max-dist))))))
+(defmethod print-object ((object hash-table) stream)
+ (format stream "#HASH{~%~{~{ (~s : ~s)~}~%~}}"
+ (loop for key being the hash-keys of object
+ using (hash-value value)
+ collect (list key value))))
;;;; Scratch
#+comment (advent-8-2 '("\"dogs\""))
-#+comment (advent-8-2 (advent-8-data))
+#+comment (advent-9 (advent-9-data))