src/2016/days/day-10.lisp @ ecdb89564123
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Sun, 05 Dec 2021 11:43:10 -0500 |
parents |
182bdd87fd9e |
children |
2848a4548adf |
(advent:defpackage* :advent/2016/10)
(in-package :advent/2016/10)
(defun tree-collect (predicate tree) ; todo from quickutil, remove this
"Returns a list of every node in the `tree` that satisfies the `predicate`. If there are any improper lists in the tree, the `predicate` is also applied to their dotted elements."
(let ((sentinel (gensym)))
(flet ((my-cdr (obj)
(cond ((consp obj)
(let ((result (cdr obj)))
(if (listp result)
(list result sentinel))))
(list sentinel)))))
(loop :for (item . rest) :on tree :by #'my-cdr
:until (eq item sentinel)
:if (funcall predicate item) collect item
:if (listp item)
:append (tree-collect predicate item)))))
(defun parse-line (line)
(or (ppcre:register-groups-bind
((#'parse-integer value bot))
("value (\\d+) goes to bot (\\d+)" line)
`(input ,value (:bot . ,bot)))
((#'parse-integer sender)
(#'ensure-keyword lo-type) (#'parse-integer lo)
(#'ensure-keyword hi-type) (#'parse-integer hi))
("bot (\\d+) gives low to (bot|output) (\\d+) and high to (bot|output) (\\d+)" line)
`(send ,sender (,lo-type . ,lo) (,hi-type . ,hi)))
(error "Bad line: ~S" line)))
(defun make-buckets (instructions type)
(make-array (_ instructions
(tree-collect (lambda (node)
(and (consp node) (eql (car node) type)))
(alexandria:extremum _ #'> :key #'cdr)
(1+ (cdr _)))
:initial-element nil))
(defun filter-instructions (instructions type)
(_ instructions
(remove type _ :test-not #'eql :key #'car)
(mapcar #'rest _)))
(define-condition* bot-comparison () (actor lo hi))
(defun run-bots (instructions)
(let ((bots (make-buckets instructions :bot))
(outputs (make-buckets instructions :output))
(input-instructions (filter-instructions instructions 'input))
(send-instructions (alexandria:alist-hash-table
(filter-instructions instructions 'send))))
(flet ((dest (type)
(ecase type
(:bot bots)
(:output outputs))))
(for (value (nil . id)) :in input-instructions)
(push value (aref bots id)))
(for ready = (positions 2 bots :key #'length))
(while ready)
(for id :in ready)
(for ((lo-type . lo-id) (hi-type . hi-id)) = (gethash id send-instructions))
(for (a b) = (aref bots id))
(for lo = (min a b))
(for hi = (max a b))
(signal 'bot-comparison :actor id :lo lo :hi hi)
(push lo (aref (dest lo-type) lo-id))
(push hi (aref (dest hi-type) hi-id))
(setf (aref bots id) nil))))
(define-problem (2016 10) (data read-lines) (157 1085)
(let ((part1 nil))
(handler-bind ((bot-comparison
(lambda (c)
(when (and (= (lo c) 17)
(= (hi c) 61))
(setf part1 (actor c))))))
(let ((outputs (run-bots (mapcar #'parse-line data))))
(values part1
(* (first (aref outputs 0))
(first (aref outputs 1))
(first (aref outputs 2))))))))
#; Scratch --------------------------------------------------------------------
(run '(
"value 5 goes to bot 2"
"bot 2 gives low to bot 1 and high to bot 0"
"value 3 goes to bot 1"
"bot 1 gives low to output 1 and high to bot 0"
"bot 0 gives low to output 2 and high to output 0"
"value 2 goes to bot 2"