src/utils.lisp @ e3e015ad324c

Implement rings
author Steve Losh <>
date Mon, 10 Dec 2018 00:51:46 -0500
parents 8ffd80cd99aa
children 75998992ab3c
(in-package :advent)

;;;; Problems -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro define-problem ((year day &optional part)
                          (data-symbol &optional reader)
                          &body body)
  (let ((function-name (if part
                         (symb 'advent- year '- day '/ part)
                         (symb 'advent- year '- day)))
        (path (format nil "data/~D/~2,'0D.txt" year day)))
    `(defun ,function-name ()
       ,(if (null reader)
          `(with-open-file (,data-symbol ,path)
          `(let ((,data-symbol (,reader ,path)))

;;;; Readers ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun read-form-from-file (path)
  "Read the first form from `path`."
  (with-open-file (s path)
    (read s)))

(defun read-lines-from-file (path)
  "Read the lines in `path` into a list of strings."
  (iterate (for line :in-file path :using #'read-line)
           (collect line)))

(defun read-file-of-digits (path)
  "Read all the ASCII digits in `path` into a list of integers.

  Any character in the file that's not an ASCII digit will be silently ignored.

  (-<> path
    (map 'list #'digit-char-p <>)
    (remove nil <>)))

(defun read-file-of-lines-of-numbers (path)
  "Read the lines of numbers in `path` into a list of lists of numbers.

  Each line must consist of whitespace-separated integers.  Empty lines will be

  (iterate (for line :in-file path :using #'read-line)
           (for numbers = (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:words line)))
           (when numbers
             (collect numbers))))

(defun read-file-of-lines-of-words (path)
  (iterate (for line :in-file path :using #'read-line)
           (collect (str:words line))))

;;;; Rings --------------------------------------------------------------------
(declaim (inline ring-prev ring-next ring-data))

(defstruct (ring (:constructor make-ring%))
  (prev nil :type (or null ring))
  (next nil :type (or null ring)))

(defmethod print-object ((ring ring) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (ring stream :type t :identity t)
    (format stream "~S" (ring-list ring))))

(defun map-ring (function ring)
  (if (null ring)
    (cons (funcall function (ring-data ring))
            :for r = (ring-next ring) :then (ring-next r)
            :until (eql r ring)
            :collect (funcall function (ring-data r))))))

(defmacro do-ring ((el ring) &body body)
  (once-only (ring)
    (with-gensyms (r started)
      `(if (null ,ring)
         (do* ((,r ,ring (ring-next ,r))
               (,started nil t))
             ((and ,started (eql ,ring ,r)) (values))
           (let ((,el (ring-data ring)))

(defun ring-list (ring)
  (map-ring #'identity ring))

(defun ring-length (ring)
  (let ((result 0))
    (do-ring (el ring)
      (declare (ignore el))
      (incf result))

(defun ring-move (ring n)
  (check-type n fixnum)
  (if (minusp n)
    (loop :repeat (- n) :do (setf ring (ring-prev ring)))
    (loop :repeat n :do (setf ring (ring-next ring))))

(defun ring-insert-after (ring element)
  (if (null ring)
    (ring element)
    (let* ((p ring)
           (n (ring-next ring))
           (new (make-ring% :data element :prev p :next n)))
      (setf (ring-next p) new
            (ring-prev n) new)

(defun ring-insert-before (ring element)
  (if (null ring)
    (ring element)
    (let* ((p (ring-prev ring))
           (n ring)
           (new (make-ring% :data element :prev p :next n)))
      (setf (ring-next p) new
            (ring-prev n) new)

(defun ring-cut (ring &key prev)
  (assert (not (null ring)) (ring) "Cannot cut from empty ring ~S" ring)
  (let ((n (ring-next ring)))
    (if (eql ring n)
      (let ((p (ring-prev ring)))
        (setf (ring-next p) n
              (ring-prev n) p
              (ring-next ring) nil
              (ring-prev ring) nil)
        (if prev p n)))))

(define-modify-macro ring-cutf (&rest keywords) ring-cut)
(define-modify-macro ring-movef (n) ring-move)
(define-modify-macro ring-nextf () ring-next)
(define-modify-macro ring-prevf () ring-prev)
(define-modify-macro ring-insertf-after (element) ring-insert-after)
(define-modify-macro ring-insertf-before (element) ring-insert-before)

(defun ring (&rest elements)
  (if (null elements)
      (with start)
      (for element :in elements)
      (for prev = ring)
      (for ring = (if-first-time
                    (setf start (make-ring% :data element))
                    (make-ring% :data element :prev prev)))
      (when prev
        (setf (ring-next prev) ring
              (ring-prev ring) prev))
      (finally (setf (ring-next ring) start
                     (ring-prev start) ring)
               (return start)))))

;;;; Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------------------------
(defun hash-table= (h1 h2 &optional (test #'eql))
  "Return whether `h1` and `h2` have the same keys and values.

  The consequences are undefined if `h1` and `h2` use different key tests.

  `test` is used to compare values.

  (and (= (hash-table-count h1)
          (hash-table-count h2))
       (iterate (for (k v) :in-hashtable h1)
                (always (funcall test v (gethash k h2))))))

(defun hamming-distance (sequence1 sequence2 &key (test #'eql))
  "Return the Hamming distance between `sequence1` and `sequence2`."
  ;; todo assert length=?
  (let ((result 0))
    (map nil (lambda (x y)
               (unless (funcall test x y)
                 (incf result)))

(defun unique (list &key (test #'eql))
  "Return a fresh list of the unique elements in `LIST`.

  This differs from REMOVE-DUPLICATES in that *all* duplicate elements will be
  removed, not just all-but-the-last.

  This is O(n²).


    (remove-duplicates '(3 1 3 2 3))
    ; => (1 2 3)

    (unique '(3 1 3 2 3))
    ; => (1 2)

    (for a :in list)
    (for i :from 0)
    (unless (iterate (for b :in list)
                     (for j :from 0)
              (unless (= i j)
                (thereis (funcall test a b))))
      (collect a))))

(defun extremum+ (sequence predicate)
  "Like ALEXANDRIA:EXTREMUM but also return the position as a second value."
    (with value = nil)
    (with position = nil)
    (for i :from 0)
    (for v :in-whatever sequence)
      (setf value v
            position i)
      (when (funcall predicate v value)
        (setf value v
              position i)))
    (finally (return (values value position)))))

(defun extremums (sequence predicate &key (key #'identity))
  "Like ALEXANDRIA:EXTREMUM but return *all* values in case of a tie."
    (with results = nil)
    (with prev = nil)
    (for v :in-whatever sequence)
    (for k = (funcall key v))
      (progn (push v results)
             (setf prev k))
        ((funcall predicate k prev) (setf results (list v)
                                          prev k))
        ((funcall predicate prev k) nil) ; noop
        (t (progn (push v results)
                  (setf prev k)))))
    (finally (return results))))

(defun char-invertcase (char)
  "Return `char` with its case inverted, if possible."
  (if (lower-case-p char)
    (char-upcase char)
    (char-downcase char)))

(defun manhattan-distance (point1 point2)
  "Return the Manhattan distance between the two points on the complex plane."
  (+ (abs (- (realpart point1)
             (realpart point2)))
     (abs (- (imagpart point1)
             (imagpart point2)))))

(defun manhattan-neighbors (point)
  "Return points adjacent to point (excluding diagonals) on the complex plane."
  (list (+ point #c(0 1))
        (+ point #c(1 0))
        (+ point #c(0 -1))
        (+ point #c(-1 0))))

(defgeneric emptyp (collection)
  (:documentation "Return whether `collection` is empty."))

(defmethod emptyp ((list list))
  (null list))

(defmethod emptyp ((vector vector))
  (zerop (length vector)))

(defmethod emptyp ((hash-table hash-table))
  (zerop (hash-table-count hash-table)))

(defmethod emptyp ((digraph digraph:digraph))
  (digraph:emptyp digraph))

(defmethod emptyp ((hset hash-set))
  (hset-empty-p hset))