src/2019/days/day-03.lisp @ bf4373f04499
2016 day 3 and 4
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Sat, 07 Dec 2019 00:59:04 -0500 |
parents |
0a241f64eebb |
children |
ebd2a1bb4889 |
(defpackage :advent/2019/03*advent-use*)
(in-package :advent/2019/03)
(defun bounds (grid)
(multiple-value-bind (bottom top)
(losh:extrema #'< (alexandria:hash-table-keys grid) :key #'y)
(multiple-value-bind (left right)
(losh:extrema #'< (alexandria:hash-table-keys grid) :key #'x)
(values (x left)
(x right)
(y top)
(y bottom)))))
(defun print-grid (grid)
(multiple-value-bind (left right top bottom) (bounds grid)
(for y :from (1+ top) :downto (1- bottom))
(for x :from (1- left) :to (1+ right))
(princ (gethash (complex x y) grid #\.)))
(defun parse-path (string)
(for ((#'first-character direction) (#'parse-integer distance))
:matching "([UDLR])(\\d+)" :against string)
(collect (cons direction distance))))
(defun delta (direction)
(ecase direction
(#\U #c( 0 1))
(#\D #c( 0 -1))
(#\L #c(-1 0))
(#\R #c( 1 0))))
(defun place-wire (grid path label)
(with scores = (make-hash-table))
(with steps = 0)
(with pos = #c(0 0))
(for (direction . distance) :in path)
(for delta = (delta direction))
(repeat distance)
(incf pos delta)
(incf steps)
(for cur = (gethash pos grid))
(cond ((null cur) (setf (gethash pos grid) label ; never seen anything
(gethash pos scores) steps))
((char= cur label)) ; already seen
((char= cur #\X)) ; already seen
(t (setf (gethash pos grid) #\X ; seen the other wire
(gethash pos scores) steps))))
(finally (return scores))))
(defun find-intersections (grid)
(iterate (for (k v) :in-hashtable grid)
(when (eql #\X v) (collect k))))
(defun make-grid ()
(let-result (grid (make-hash-table))
(setf (gethash #c(0 0) grid) #\o)))
(define-problem (2019 3) (data read-lines) (5357 101956)
(let* ((path1 (parse-path (first data)))
(path2 (parse-path (second data)))
(grid (make-grid))
(scores1 (place-wire grid path1 #\1))
(scores2 (place-wire grid path2 #\2))
(intersections (find-intersections grid)))
(flet ((intersection-cost (point)
(+ (gethash point scores1)
(gethash point scores2))))
(alexandria:extremum (mapcar #'manhattan-distance intersections) #'<)
(alexandria:extremum (mapcar #'intersection-cost intersections) #'<)))))
;; (run '("R8,U5,L5,D3" "U7,R6,D4,L4"))
;; (run '(
;; "R75,D30,R83,U83,L12,D49,R71,U7,L72"
;; "U62,R66,U55,R34,D71,R55,D58,R83"
;; ))
;; (run '(
;; "R98,U47,R26,D63,R33,U87,L62,D20,R33,U53,R51"
;; "U98,R91,D20,R16,D67,R40,U7,R15,U6,R7"
;; ))