src/2017/days/day-13.lisp @ baf889db8d40
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Sat, 07 Dec 2019 16:58:32 -0500 |
parents |
cd781337a694 |
children |
182bdd87fd9e |
(defpackage :advent/2017/13*advent-use*)
(in-package :advent/2017/13)
;; There's a magical insight that you need to get if you want to do this
;; problem: the length of a scanner of range R is `2(R-1)`.
;; Examples:
;; R = 2: S. 1
;; .S 2 = 2(R-1) = 2(2-1) = 2(1) = 2
;; R = 3: S.. 1
;; .S. 2
;; ..S 3
;; .S. 4 = 2(R-1) = 2(3-1) = 2(2) = 4
;; R = 4: S... 1
;; .S.. 2
;; ..S. 3
;; ...S 4
;; ..S. 5
;; .S.. 6 = 2(R-1) = 2(4-1) = 2(3) = 6
;; The best "intuition" I can come up with for this is:
;; * We spend 1 turn at each end position.
;; * We spend 2 turns at each inner position.
;; * We have R positions, 2 of which are an end and (R-2) of which are inner.
;; * So we have (2 * 1) + ((R-2) * 2) = 2 + 2(R-2) turns.
;; * Factor out the 2 and simplify: 2(1 + (R-2)) = 2(R-1).
;; Figuring out the exact position of a scanner at a given time it tricky
;; because you need to wrap the position around properly during the second half,
;; but we can skip that because all we care about is whether it's at zero.
(defun catchesp (range time)
(zerop (mod time (* (1- range) 2))))
(defun make-scanners (specs)
(with scanners = (make-array (1+ (caar (last specs))) :initial-element nil))
(for (level range) :in specs)
(setf (aref scanners level) range)
(finally (return scanners))))
(defun severity (level range)
(* level range))
(defun traverse (scanners start-time)
(for level :from 0)
(for time :from start-time)
(for range :in-vector scanners)
(for caught = (and range (catchesp range time)))
(oring caught :into ever-caught)
(when caught
(summing (severity level range) :into score))
(returning score ever-caught)))
(define-problem (2017 13) (data read-lines-of-numbers-and-garbage)
(2604 3941460)
(let ((scanners (make-scanners data)))
(traverse scanners 0)
(for delay :from 0)
(for (values score caught) = (traverse scanners delay))
(finding delay :such-that (not caught))))))