scratch.lisp @ 902b736dfedb

author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 05 Dec 2017 20:54:59 -0500
parents 11607ca439c4
children (none)
    ;;;; Spirals -------------------------------------------------------------------
    (defun layer-side-length (layer)
      "Return the length of one side of `layer`."
      (1+ (* 2 layer)))
    (defun layer-size (layer)
      "Return the total size of a number spiral with a final layer of `layer`."
      (square (layer-side-length layer)))
    (defun layer-for-number (number)
      "Return the index of the layer containing `number`."
      (ceiling (/ (1- (sqrt number)) 2)))
    (defun layer-start (layer)
      "Return the smallest number in `layer`."
      (if (zerop layer)
        (1+ (layer-size (1- layer)))))
    (defun layer-leg-length (layer)
      "Return the length of one \"leg\" of `layer`."
      (1- (layer-side-length layer)))
    (defun leg (layer number)
      "Return the leg index and offset of `number` in `layer`."
      (if (= 1 number)
        (values 0 0)
        (let ((idx (- number (layer-start layer)))
              (legsize (layer-leg-length layer)))
          (values (floor idx legsize)
                  (1+ (mod idx legsize))))))
    (defun corner-coordinates (layer leg)
      "Return the coordinates of the corner starting `leg` in `layer`.
      Leg | Corner
       0  | Bottom Right
       1  | Top Right
       2  | Top Left
       3  | Bottom Left
      ;; 2   1
      ;; 3   0
      (ccase leg
        (0 (complex layer (- layer)))
        (1 (complex layer layer))
        (2 (complex (- layer) layer))
        (3 (complex (- layer) (- layer)))))
    (defun leg-direction (leg)
      "Return the direction vector for the given `leg`.
      ;;    <--
      ;;   11110
      ;; | 2   0 ^
      ;; | 2   0 |
      ;; v 2   0 |
      ;;   23333
      ;;    -->
      (ccase leg
        (0 (complex 0 1))
        (1 (complex -1 0))
        (2 (complex 0 -1))
        (3 (complex 1 0))))
    (defun number-coordinates (number)
        ;; Find the layer the number falls in.
        (let ((layer (layer-for-number number))))
        ;; Find which leg of that layer it's in, and how far along the leg it is.
        (multiple-value-bind (leg offset) (leg layer number))
        ;; Find the coordinates of the leg's corner, and its direction vector.
        (let ((corner (corner-coordinates layer leg))
              (direction (leg-direction leg))))
        ;; Start at the corner and add the offset in the leg's direction to find the
        ;; number's coordinates.
        (+ corner (* direction offset))))
    ;;;; Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    (defun day-3-part-1 ()
      (labels ((manhattan-distance (a b)
                 (+ (abs (- (realpart a)
                            (realpart b)))
                    (abs (- (imagpart a)
                            (imagpart b)))))
               (distance-to-origin (p)
                 (manhattan-distance #c(0 0) p)))
        (distance-to-origin (number-coordinates 325489))))
    (defun day-3-part-2 ()
      (flet ((neighbors (coord)
               (iterate (for-nested ((dx :from -1 :to 1)
                                     (dy :from -1 :to 1)))
                        (unless (= 0 dx dy)
                          (collect (+ coord (complex dx dy)))))))
          (with memory = (make-hash-table))
          (initially (setf (gethash #c(0 0) memory) 1))
          (for n :from 2)
          (for coord = (number-coordinates n))
          (for value = (summation (neighbors coord) :key (rcurry #'gethash memory 0)))
          (finding value :such-that (> value 325489))
          (setf (gethash coord memory) value))))