Commit Log

commit description author date
b0cb724b7831 Implement exit for CCL Steve Losh 2018-12-24
a26990c05739 Actually fix CCL arguments Steve Losh 2018-12-24
1dfdaf51ac28 Hack CCL argv to be slightly less wrong Steve Losh 2018-12-22
58b85ffbf146 Merge. Steve Losh 2018-12-22
16b92b8ab5d9 Add define-string Steve Losh 2018-12-21
45ccf0952128 Print examples in usage if requested Steve Losh 2018-12-21
4691a8636f3f Add support for generating man pages Steve Losh 2018-12-21
49a9f77d515f Add restarts and more Steve Losh 2018-12-19
35cff9a179f4 Add all the stuff from dogfooding Steve Losh 2018-12-19
23baaf9d4f31 Wrong Distro- Steve Losh 2018-11-22
2adae5be4089 ROC and more sketching Steve Losh 2018-11-22
c297e32bbfda Docs Steve Losh 2018-11-22
95aa057ce3a4 Everybody gets ONE Steve Losh 2018-11-22
9f211ca82604 dolist returns nil Steve Losh 2018-11-22
152830fa3f85 Start the docs Steve Losh 2018-11-22
845fc8785d54 Initial commit Steve Losh 2018-11-22
No more entries