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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 17 May 2019 22:47:35 -0400 (2019-05-18)
parents 860e10544652
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files docs/01-usage.markdown src/main.lisp


--- a/docs/01-usage.markdown	Tue Apr 02 17:58:03 2019 -0400
+++ b/docs/01-usage.markdown	Fri May 17 22:47:35 2019 -0400
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Adopt is a simple library for parsing UNIX-style command line arguments in
-Common Lisp.  It was made because none of the other libraries did what I needed.
+Adopt is a library for parsing UNIX-style command line arguments in Common Lisp.
+It was made because none of the other libraries did what I needed.
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
-To get started with Adopt, you should create an interface with the
-`adopt:make-interface` function.  This returns an object representing the
-command line interface presented to your users.
+To get started with Adopt you can create an interface object with
+`adopt:make-interface`.  This returns an object representing the command line
+interface presented to your users.
 ### Creating an Interface
@@ -33,13 +33,20 @@
         :usage "[OPTIONS] PATTERN [FILE]..."
         :help "Search the contents of each FILE for the regular expression PATTERN.  If no files are specified, searches standard input instead."))
-You can now print some help text for your CLI with `adopt:print-help`:
+`make-interface` takes several required arguments:
+* `:name` is the name of the program.
+* `:summary` is a concise one-line summary of what it does.
+* `:usage` is a UNIX-style the command line usage string.
+* `:help` is a longer description of the program.
+You can now print some pretty help text for the CLI with `adopt:print-help`:
     (adopt:print-help *ui*)
     ; =>
     search - search files for a regular expression
+    USAGE: /path/to/binary [OPTIONS] PATTERN [FILE]...
     Search the contents of each FILE for the regular expression PATTERN.  If no
     files are specified, searches standard input instead.
@@ -47,10 +54,14 @@
 ### Line Wrapping
 Adopt will handle line-wrapping your help text, so you don't need to (and
-shouldn't) add extra line breaks when creating your interface.  If you want to
-line break the text in your source code to fit nicely in your editor, remember
-that `adopt:make-interface` is just a function — you can use `format` (possibly
-with its `~Newline` directive) to preprocess the help text argument:
+shouldn't) add extra line breaks when creating your interface.
+If you want to line break the text in your source code to fit nicely in your
+text editor, remember that `adopt:make-interface` is just a function — you can
+use `format` (possibly with its [`~Newline` directive][tilde-newline]) to
+preprocess the help text argument:
+[tilde-newline]: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw71/CLHS/Body/22_cic.htm
     (defparameter *ui*
@@ -62,19 +73,57 @@
                            no files are specified, searches ~
                            standard input instead.")))
-Adopt's line-wrapping library [Bobbin][] will only ever *add* line breaks, never
-remove them, which means you can include breaks in the output if you want to
-have multiple paragraphs in your help text:
+If you want to pull out the documentation string into its own variable to keep
+that `make-interface` call from getting too unwieldy, you can certainly do that:
+    (defparameter *help-text*
+      (format nil "Search the contents of each FILE for the ~
+                   regular expression PATTERN.  If no files ~
+                   are specified, searches standard input ~
+                   instead."))
     (defparameter *ui*
         :name "search"
         :summary "search files for a regular expression"
         :usage "[OPTIONS] PATTERN [FILE]..."
-        :help (format nil
-                "Search the contents of each FILE for the regular expression PATTERN.~@
-                 ~@
-                 If no files are specified (or if - is given as a file name) standard input will be searched instead.")))
+        :help *help-text*))
+The `(defparameter … (format nil …))` pattern can be tedious to write, so Adopt
+provides a helper macro `define-string` that does exactly that:
+    (adopt:define-string *help-text*
+      "Search the contents of each FILE for the regular ~
+       expression PATTERN.  If no files are specified, ~
+       searches standard input instead.")
+    (defparameter *ui*
+      (adopt:make-interface
+        :name "search"
+        :summary "search files for a regular expression"
+        :usage "[OPTIONS] PATTERN [FILE]..."
+        :help *help-text*))
+Adopt's line-wrapping library [Bobbin][] will only ever *add* line breaks, never
+remove them, which means you can include breaks in the output if you want to
+have multiple paragraphs in your help text.  Once again, `format` is your
+[Bobbin]: https://sjl.bitbucket.io/bobbin/
+    (adopt:define-string *help-text*
+      "Search the contents of each FILE for the regular ~
+       expression PATTERN.~@
+       ~@
+       If no files are specified (or if - is given as a ~
+       file name), standard input will be searched instead.")
+    (defparameter *ui*
+      (adopt:make-interface
+        :name "search"
+        :summary "search files for a regular expression"
+        :usage "[OPTIONS] PATTERN [FILE]..."
+        :help *help-text*))
 If you want to control the width of the help text lines when they are printed,
 `adopt:print-help` takes a `:width` argument:
@@ -89,18 +138,17 @@
     expression PATTERN.
     If no files are specified (or if - is given as a
-    file name) standard input will be searched
+    file name), standard input will be searched
 `adopt:print-help` takes a number of other options — see the API Reference for
 more information.
-### Examples
+### Adding Examples
 Describing the CLI in detail is helpful, but users can often learn a lot more by
-seeing a few examples of its usage.  `adopt:make-interface` can take an
-`:examples` argument, which should be an alist of `(description . example)`
+seeing a few examples of its usage.  `make-interface` can take an `:examples`
+argument, which should be an alist of `(description . example)` conses:
     (defparameter *ui*
@@ -157,7 +205,7 @@
-    (adopt:exit 1) 
+    (adopt:exit 1)
     (adopt:print-help-and-exit *ui*)
@@ -171,7 +219,7 @@
 These functions are not implemented for every Lisp implementation.  PRs are
 welcome, or you can just write the implementation-specific calls in your program
+yourself if you prefer.
@@ -226,13 +274,13 @@
       -l, --literal         treat PATTERN as a literal string instead of a regular
-The first argument to `adopt:make-option` is the name of the option, which we'll
-see put to use shortly.  At least one of `:short` and `:long` is required, and
-`:help` text must be specified.  We'll talk more about `:reduce` in a bit, but
-it too is required.
+The first argument to `make-option` is the name of the option, which we'll see
+put to use shortly.  At least one of `:short` and `:long` is required, and
+`:help` text must be specified.  We'll talk more about `:reduce` in a little
+while, but it too is required.
 I prefer to define each option as its own global variable to keep the call to
-`adopt:make-interface` from getting too large and unwieldy, but feel free to do
+`make-interface` from getting too large and unwieldy, but feel free to do
 something like this if you prefer to avoid cluttering your package:
     (defparameter *ui*
@@ -247,20 +295,14 @@
 At this point we've got an interface with some options, so we can use it to
-parse a list of strings we've received as command line arguments:
+parse a list of strings we've received as command line arguments with
     (adopt:parse-options *ui* '("foo.*" "--literal" "a.txt" "b.txt"))
     ; =>
     ("foo.*" "a.txt" "b.txt")
     #<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQL :COUNT 3 {10103142A3}>
-`adopt:parse-options` returns two values: a list of non-option arguments, and
-a hash table of the option values.
-The keys of the hash table are (by default) the option names given as the first
-argument to `adopt:make-option`.  We'll see how the option values are determined
 From now on I'll use a special pretty printer for hash tables to make it easier
 to see what's inside them:
@@ -269,11 +311,43 @@
     ("foo.*" "a.txt" "b.txt")
+`parse-options` returns two values:
+1. A list of non-option arguments.
+2. An `eql` hash table of the option keys and values.
+We'll talk about how the option values are determined soon.  The keys of the
+hash table are (by default) the option names given as the first argument to
+`make-option`.  You can specify a different key for a particular option with the
+`:result-key` argument to `make-option`:
+    (defparameter *option-literal*
+      (adopt:make-option 'literal
+        :result-key 'pattern-is-literal
+        :long "literal"
+        :short #\l
+        :help "treat PATTERN as a literal string instead of a regular expression"
+        :reduce (constantly t)))
+    ;; …
+    (adopt:parse-options *ui* '("foo.*" "--literal" "a.txt" "b.txt"))
+    ; =>
+    ("foo.*" "a.txt" "b.txt")
+This can come in useful if you want multiple options that affect the same result
+(e.g. `--verbose` and `--silent` flags that toggle extra log output on and off).
 Top-Level Structure
 We'll look at how the option values are computed shortly, but first let's see
-the overall structure of the programs you create with Adopt:
+the overall structure of the programs you'll typically create with Adopt:
+    (defun run (pattern files &key literal)
+      ;; Actually do something here.
+      )
     (defun toplevel ()
@@ -291,25 +365,525 @@
         (error (c)
           (adopt:print-error-and-exit c))))
-    (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "search" :toplevel #'toplevel)
+    (defun build ()
+      (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "search" :executable t :toplevel #'toplevel))
+This is a typical way to use Adopt.  There are three functions important
+functions here:
-The `toplevel` function first uses a `handler-case` to trap all `error`s.  If
-any error occurs it will print the error message and exit, to avoid confusing
-users by dropping them into a Lisp debugger REPL (which they probably won't
-understand).  When you're developing your program yourself you'll want to omit
-this part and let yourself land in the debugger as usual.
+* The `toplevel` function takes care of parsing arguments and exiting with an
+  appropriate status code if necessary.
+* The `run` function takes parsed, Lispy arguments and actually *does*
+  something.  When developing (in SLIME, VLIME, etc) you'll call `run`, because
+  you don't want the program to exit when you're developing interactively.
+* The `build` function dumps an executable binary.  For more complicated
+  programs you might use something fancier, like ASDF or Shinmera's Deploy
+  library instead.
-Next we use `adopt:parse-options` to parse the command line arguments and
-options.  We do some initial checks to see if the user wants `--help` or
-`--version` information.  If not, we destructure the arguments into the items we
-expect and call a `run` function with all the information it needs to do its
+In this example the `toplevel` function first uses a `handler-case` to trap all
+errors.  If any error occurs it will print the error message and exit, to avoid
+confusing users by dropping them into a Lisp debugger REPL (which they probably
+won't understand).  If you're developing a program just for yourself, you might
+want to omit this part and let yourself land in the debugger as usual.
-If the `destructuring-bind` fails an error will be signaled, and the
-`handler-case` will print it and exit.  If you want to be a nice person you
-could check that the `arguments` have the correct shape first, and return
-a friendlier error message to your users if they don't.
+Next it uses `adopt:parse-options` to parse the command line arguments and
+options.  It them does some initial checks to see if the user wants `--help` or
+`--version` information.  If so, it prints the requested information and exits.
+Otherwise it destructures the arguments into the expected items and calls `run`
+with all the information it needs to do its job.  If the `destructuring-bind`
+fails an error will be signaled, and the `handler-case` will print it and exit.
+If you want to be a nice person you could check that the `arguments` have the
+correct shape first, and return a friendlier error message to your users if they
 Computing Values with Reduce
+So far we've talked about how to define an interface, print help text, parse
+a list of options, and the overall structure of the program you'll create with
+Adopt.  Now we need to talk about how the options the user specifies are parsed
+and turned into the resulting hash table.
+Not all command-line options are the same.  There are several common types of
+options in the UNIX world:
+* Simple options that are either given or not, like `--help` or `--version`.
+* Boolean options, like git's `-p/--paginate` and `--no-pager`, where both options affect a single boolean flag.
+* Counted options, where the number of times they are given has an effect, like SSH's `-v` option (more `-v`'s means more verbosity).
+* Options that take a single parameter, like Mercurial's `--repository /path/to/repo` option, which specifies the path to a repository to work on.
+* Options that collect all parameters they are given, like rsync's `--exclude PATTERN`, which you can pass multiple times to add several exclusions.
+An option-parsing library needs to give you the tools to handle all of these
+cases (and more).  Python's [argparse][ap-actions] library, for example, has
+a number of different "actions" to account to handle these various use cases.
+Adopt works differently: it uses an interface similar to [reduce][] to let you
+do whatever you need.
+[ap-actions]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html#action
+[reduce]: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_reduce.htm
+First: before any options are parsed, all entries in the options hash table have
+their values set to the `:initial-value` given to `make-option` (or `nil` if
+none was specified).
+Next: When you create an option you must specify a `:reduce` function that takes
+the current value (and, for options that take a parameter, the given parameter)
+and produces a new value each time the option is given.
+You may also specify a `:finally` function that will be called on the final
+value after all parsing is done.
+For convenience, if an option takes a parameter you may also specify a `:key`
+function, which will be called on the given string before it is passed to the
+`:reduce` function.  For example: you might use this for an option that takes
+integers as arguments with something like `:key #'parse-integer`.
+The combination of these four pieces will let you do just about anything you
+might want.  Let's look at how to do some common option parsing tasks using
+these as our building blocks.
+### Simple Options
+To define an option that just tracks whether it's ever been given, you can do
+something like:
+    (defparameter *option-help*
+      (adopt:make-option 'help
+        :long "help"
+        :short #\h
+        :help "display help information and exit"
+        :initial-value nil
+        :reduce (lambda (current-value)
+                  (declare (ignore current-value))
+                  t)))
+But since `nil` is the default initial value and Common Lisp provides the handy
+function, we can do this more concisely:
+    (defparameter *option-help*
+      (adopt:make-option 'help
+        :long "help"
+        :short #\h
+        :help "display help information and exit"
+        :reduce (constantly t)))
+### Boolean Options
+If we want to have multiple options that both affect the same key in the
+results, we can use `:result-key` to do this:
+    (defparameter *option-paginate*
+      (adopt:make-option 'paginate
+        :long "paginate"
+        :short #\p
+        :help "turn pagination on"
+        :reduce (constantly t)))
+    (defparameter *option-no-paginate*
+      (adopt:make-option 'no-paginate
+        :result-key 'paginate
+        :long "no-paginate"
+        :short #\P
+        :help "turn pagination off (the default)"
+        :reduce (constantly nil)))
+The way we've written this, if the user gives multiple options the last-given
+one will take precedence.  This is generally what you want, because it allows
+someone to add a shell alias with these options like this:
+    alias g='git --paginate --color=always'
+but still lets them override an option at runtime for a single invocation:
+    g --no-paginate log
+    # expands to: git --paginate --color=always --no-paginate log
+If the last-given option didn't take precedence, they would have to fall back to
+the non-alias version of the command, and type out all the options they *do*
+want by hand.  This is annoying, so it's usually better to let the last one win.
+### Counting Options
+To define an option that counts how many times it's been given, like SSH's `-v`,
+we can say:
+    (defparameter *option-verbosity*
+      (adopt:make-option 'verbosity
+        :short #\v
+        :help "output more verbose logs"
+        :initial-value 0
+        :reduce #'1+))
+### Single-Parameter Options
+To define an option that takes a parameter and only keeps the last one given, we
+can do something like:
+    (defparameter *option-repository*
+      (adopt:make-option 'repository
+        :parameter "PATTERN"
+        :long "repository"
+        :short #\R
+        :help "path to the repository (default .)"
+        :initial-value "."
+        :reduce (lambda (prev new)
+                  (declare (ignore prev))
+                  new)))
+Specifying the `:parameter` argument makes this option a parameter-taking
+option, which means the `:reduce` function will be called with the current value
+and the given parameter each time.
+Writing that `lambda` out by hand every time would be tedious.  Adopt provides
+a function called `last` (as in "keep the *last* parameter given") that does
+exactly that:
+    (defparameter *option-repository*
+      (adopt:make-option 'repository
+        :long "repository"
+        :short #\R
+        :help "path to the repository (default .)"
+        :initial-value "."
+        :reduce #'adopt:last))
+### Multiple-Parameter Options
+Collecting every parameter given can be done in a number of different ways.  One
+way could be:
+    (defparameter *option-exclude*
+      (adopt:make-option 'exclude
+        :long "exclude"
+        :parameter "PATTERN"
+        :help "exclude PATTERN (may be given multiple times)"
+        :initial-value nil
+        :reduce (lambda (patterns new)
+                  (cons new patterns))))
+You might notice that the `:reduce` function here is just `cons` with its
+arguments flipped.  Common Lisp doesn't have a function like Haskell's
+so Adopt provides it:
+    (defparameter *option-exclude*
+      (adopt:make-option 'exclude
+        :long "exclude"
+        :parameter "PATTERN"
+        :help "exclude PATTERN (may be given multiple times)"
+        :initial-value nil
+        :reduce (adopt:flip #'cons)))
+Note that the result of this will be a fresh list of all the given parameters,
+but their order will be reversed because `cons` adds each new parameter to the
+front of the list.  If the order doesn't matter, you're all set.  Otherwise,
+there are several ways to get around this problem.  The first is to add the
+parameter to the end of the list in the `:reduce` function:
+    (defparameter *option-exclude*
+      (adopt:make-option 'exclude
+        :long "exclude"
+        :parameter "PATTERN"
+        :help "exclude PATTERN (may be given multiple times)"
+        :initial-value nil
+        :reduce (lambda (patterns new)
+                  (append patterns (list new)))))
+This is tedious and inefficient if you have a lot of arguments.  If you don't
+care much about argument parsing speed, Adopt provides a function called
+`collect` that does exactly this, so you don't have to type out that `lambda`
+    (defparameter *option-exclude*
+      (adopt:make-option 'exclude
+        :long "exclude"
+        :parameter "PATTERN"
+        :help "exclude PATTERN (may be given multiple times)"
+        :initial-value nil
+        :reduce #'adopt:collect))
+A more efficient (though slightly uglier) solution could be to use `nreverse` at
+the end:
+    (defparameter *option-exclude*
+      (adopt:make-option 'exclude
+        :long "exclude"
+        :parameter "PATTERN"
+        :help "exclude PATTERN (may be given multiple times)"
+        :initial-value nil
+        :reduce (adopt:flip #'cons)
+        :finally #'nreverse))
+If you really need maximum efficiency when parsing command line options (you
+probably don't) you could use a queue library, or use a vector and
+`vector-push-extend`, or anything else you might dream up.  The combination of
+`:reduce`, `:initial-value`, and `:finally` will let you do just about anything.
+Required Options
+Adopt doesn't have a concept of a required option.  Not only is "required
+option" an oxymoron, but it's almost never what you want — if a user types
+`program --help` they shouldn't get an error about a missing required option.
+In cases where you really do need to require an option (perhaps only if some
+other one is also given) you can check it yourself:
+    (defun toplevel ()
+      (handler-case
+          (multiple-value-bind (arguments options)
+              (adopt:parse-options *ui*)
+            (when (gethash 'help options)
+              (adopt:print-help-and-exit *ui*))
+            (unless (gethash 'some-required-option options)
+              (adopt:print-error-and-exit "Required option foo is missing."))
+            (run …))
+        (error (c)
+          (adopt:print-error-and-exit c))))
+Option Groups
+Related options can be grouped together in the help text to make them easier for
+users to understand.  Groups can have their own name, title, and help text.
+Here's a example of how this works.  It's fairly long, but shows how Adopt can
+help you make a command line interface with all the fixins:
+    (defparameter *option-help*
+      (adopt:make-option 'help
+        :help "display help and exit"
+        :long "help"
+        :short #\h
+        :reduce (constantly t)))
+    (defparameter *option-literal*
+      (adopt:make-option 'literal
+        :help "treat PATTERN as a literal string instead of a regex"
+        :long "literal"
+        :short #\l
+        :reduce (constantly t)))
+    (defparameter *option-no-literal*
+      (adopt:make-option 'no-literal
+        :help "treat PATTERN as a regex (the default)"
+        :long "no-literal"
+        :short #\L
+        :result-key 'literal
+        :reduce (constantly nil)))
+    (defparameter *option-case-sensitive*
+      (adopt:make-option 'case-sensitive
+        :help "match case-sensitively (the default)"
+        :long "case-sensitive"
+        :short #\c
+        :initial-value t
+        :reduce (constantly t)))
+    (defparameter *option-case-insensitive*
+      (adopt:make-option 'case-insensitive
+        :help "ignore case when matching"
+        :long "case-insensitive"
+        :short #\C
+        :result-key 'case-sensitive
+        :reduce (constantly nil)))
+    (defparameter *option-color*
+      (adopt:make-option 'color
+        :help "highlight matches with color"
+        :long "color"
+        :reduce (constantly t)))
+    (defparameter *option-no-color*
+      (adopt:make-option 'no-color
+        :help "don't highlight matches (the default)"
+        :long "no-color"
+        :result-key 'color
+        :reduce (constantly nil)))
+    (defparameter *option-context*
+      (adopt:make-option 'context
+        :parameter "N"
+        :help "show N lines of context (default 0)"
+        :long "context"
+        :short #\U
+        :initial-value 0
+        :reduce #'adopt:last
+        :key #'parse-integer))
+    (defparameter *group-matching*
+      (adopt:make-group 'matching-options
+        :title "Matching Options"
+        :help "These options affect how lines are matched."
+        :options (list *option-literal*
+                       *option-no-literal*
+                       *option-case-sensitive*
+                       *option-case-insensitive*)))
+    (defparameter *group-output*
+      (adopt:make-group 'output-options
+        :title "Output Options"
+        :help "These options affect how matching lines are printed."
+        :options (list *option-color*
+                       *option-no-color*
+                       *option-context*)))
+    (adopt:define-string *help-text*
+      "Search FILEs for lines that match the regular expression ~
+       PATTERN and print them to standard out.  Several options ~
+       are available to control how the matching lines are printed.~@
+       ~@
+       If no files are given (or if - is given as a filename) ~
+       standard input will be searched.")
+    (defparameter *ui*
+      (adopt:make-interface
+        :name "search"
+        :usage "PATTERN [FILE...]"
+        :summary "print lines that match a regular expression"
+        :help *help-text*
+        :contents (list *option-help*
+                        *group-matching*
+                        *group-output*)))
+And with all that out of the way, you've got some nicely-organized help text
+for your users:
+    (adopt:print-help *ui* :width 60 :option-width 16)
+    ; =>
+    search - print lines that match a regular expression
+    USAGE: /usr/local/bin/sbcl PATTERN [FILE...]
+    Search FILEs for lines that match the regular expression
+    PATTERN and print them to standard out.  Several options are
+    available to control how the matching lines are printed.
+    If no files are given (or if - is given as a filename)
+    standard input will be searched.
+    Options:
+      -h, --help        display help and exit
+    Matching Options:
+      -l, --literal     treat PATTERN as a literal string
+                        instead of a regex
+      -L, --no-literal  treat PATTERN as a regex (the default)
+      -c, --case-sensitive
+                        match case-sensitively (the default)
+      -C, --case-insensitive
+                        ignore case when matching
+    Output Options:
+      --color           highlight matches with color
+      --no-color        don't highlight matches (the default)
+      -U N, --context N show N lines of context (default 0)
+Error Handling
+For the most part Adopt doesn't try to be too smart about error handling and
+leaves it up to you.
+However, when Adopt is parsing the command line options it *will* signal an
+error of type `adopt:unrecognized-option` if the user passes a command line
+option that wasn't defined in the interface:
+    (defparameter *ui*
+      (adopt:make-interface
+        :name "meow"
+        :summary "say meow"
+        :usage "[OPTIONS]"
+        :help "Say meow.  Like a cat."
+        :contents (list
+                    (make-option 'times
+                      :parameter "N"
+                      :long "times"
+                      :initial-value 1
+                      :help "say meow N times (default 1)"
+                      :reduce #'adopt:last
+                      :key #'parse-integer))))
+    (adopt:parse-options *ui* '("--times" "5"))
+    ; =>
+    NIL
+    {TIMES: 5}
+    (adopt:parse-options *ui* '("--bark"))
+    ; =>
+    No such option "--bark".
+       [Condition of type UNRECOGNIZED-OPTION]
+    Restarts:
+      R 0.  DISCARD-OPTION    - Discard the unrecognized option.
+      R 1.  TREAT-AS-ARGUMENT - Treat the unrecognized option as a plain argument.
+      R 2.  SUPPLY-NEW-VALUE  - Supply a new value to parse.
+      R 3.  RETRY             - Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
+      R 4. *ABORT             - Return to SLIME's top level.
+      R 5.  ABORT             - abort thread (#<THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {100AF48413}>)
+Adopt provides three possible restarts for this condition as seen above.  Adopt
+also provides functions with the same names that invoke the restarts properly,
+to make it easier to use them programatically with `handler-bind`.  For example:
+    (handler-bind
+        ((adopt:unrecognized-option 'adopt:discard-option))
+      (adopt:parse-options *ui* '("--bark")))
+    ; =>
+    NIL
+    {TIMES: 1}
+    (handler-bind
+        ((adopt:unrecognized-option 'adopt:treat-as-argument))
+      (adopt:parse-options *ui* '("--bark")))
+    ; =>
+    ("--bark")
+    {TIMES: 1}
+    (handler-bind
+        ((adopt:unrecognized-option
+           (alexandria:rcurry 'adopt:supply-new-value "--times")))
+      (adopt:parse-options *ui* '("--bark" "5")))
+    ; =>
+    NIL
+    {TIMES: 5}
+Generating Man Pages
+We've already seen that Adopt can print a pretty help document, but it can also
+render `man` pages for you:
+    (with-open-file (out "man/man1/search.1"
+                      :direction :output
+                      :if-exists :supersede)
+      (adopt:print-manual *ui* :stream out))
+The generated `man` page will contain the same information as the help text by
+default.  If you want to override this (e.g. to provide a short summary of an
+option in the help text, but elaborate more in the manual), you can use the
+`:manual` argument to `make-interface` and `make-option`:
+    (defparameter *option-exclude*
+      (adopt:make-option 'exclude
+        :long "exclude"
+        :parameter "PATTERN"
+        :help "exclude PATTERN"
+        :manual "Exclude lines that match PATTERN (a PERL-compatible regular expression) from the search results.  Multiple PATTERNs can be specified by giving this option multiple times."
+        :reduce (adopt:flip #'cons)))
+In order for `man` to find the pages, they need to be in the correct place.  By
+default `man` is usually smart enough to look next to every directory in your
+`$PATH` to find a directory called `man`.  So if you put your binaries in
+`/home/me/bin/` you can put your man pages in `/home/me/man/` under the
+appropriate subdirectories and it should all Just Work™.  Consult the `man`
+documentation for more information.
+Implementation Specifics
+### SBCL
+### ClozureCL
--- a/src/main.lisp	Tue Apr 02 17:58:03 2019 -0400
+++ b/src/main.lisp	Fri May 17 22:47:35 2019 -0400
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
         (col 0))
     (flet ((print-at (c string &optional newline)
              "Print `string` starting at column `c`, adding padding/newline if needed."
-             (when (> col c)
+             (when (>= col c)
                (terpri stream)
                (setf col 0))
              (format stream "~vA~A" (- c col) #\space string)