src/main.lisp @ 35cff9a179f4

Add all the stuff from dogfooding
author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 18 Dec 2018 21:08:00 -0500
parents 2adae5be4089
children 49a9f77d515f
(in-package :adopt)

;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun flip (function)
  "Return a function of two arguments X and Y that calls `function` with Y and X.

  Useful for wrapping existing functions that expect their arguments in the
  opposite order.


    (funcall #'cons 1 2)        ; => (1 . 2)
    (funcall (flip #'cons) 1 2) ; => (2 . 1)
    (reduce (flip #'cons) '(1 2 3) :initial-value nil)
    ; => (3 2 1)

  (lambda (x y)
    (funcall function y x)))

(defun collect (list el)
  "Append element `el` to the end of `list`.

  It is useful as a `:reduce` function when you want to collect all values given
  for an option.

  This is implemented as `(append list (list el))`.  It is not particularly
  fast.  If you can live with reversed output consider `(flip #'cons)`  instead.

  (append list (list el)))

(defun newest (old new)
  "Return `new`.

  It is useful as a `:reduce` function when you want to just keep the last-given
  value for an option.

  (declare (ignore old))

(defun oldest (old new)
  "Return `new` if `old` is `nil`, otherwise return `old`.

  It is useful as a `:reduce` function when you want to just keep the
  first-given value for an option.

  (if (null old)

(defun argv ()
  "Return a list of the program name and command line arguments.

  This is not implemented for every Common Lisp implementation.  You can always
  pass your own values to `parse-options` and `print-usage` if it's not
  implemented for your particular Lisp.

  #+sbcl sb-ext:*posix-argv*
  #+ccl ccl:*unprocessed-command-line-arguments*
  #-(or sbcl ccl) (error "ARGV is not supported on this implementation."))

(defun exit (&optional (code 0))
  #+sbcl (sb-ext:exit :code 0)
  #-(or sbcl) (error "EXIT is not supported on this implementation."))

(defun funcall% (value function)
  (funcall function value))

(define-modify-macro funcallf (function) funcall%)

;;;; Definition ---------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass option ()
  ((name :initarg :name :accessor name)
   (documentation :initarg :documentation :accessor documentation)
   (short :initarg :short :accessor short)
   (long :initarg :long :accessor long)
   (parameter :initarg :parameter :accessor parameter)
   (initial-value :initarg :initial-value :accessor initial-value)
   (key :initarg :key :accessor key)
   (result-key :initarg :result-key :accessor result-key)
   (finally :initarg :finally :accessor finally)
   (reducer :initarg :reduce :accessor reducer)))

(defmethod print-object ((o option) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (o stream :type t)
    (format stream "~A ~A/~A" (name o) (short o) (long o))))

(defun make-option (name result-key documentation &key
                    (initial-value nil initial-value?)
                    (reduce (constantly t))
                    (key #'identity)
                    (finally #'identity))
  (apply #'make-instance 'option
    :name name
    :result-key result-key
    :documentation documentation
    :long long
    :short short
    :parameter parameter
    :reduce reduce
    :key key
    :finally finally
    (when initial-value?
      (list :initial-value initial-value))))

(defclass interface ()
  ((options :initarg :options :accessor options)
   (short-options :initarg :short-options :accessor short-options)
   (long-options :initarg :long-options :accessor long-options)
   (usage :initarg :usage :accessor usage)
   (documentation :initarg :documentation :accessor documentation)))

(defmethod print-object ((i interface) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (i stream :type t)
    (format stream "~{~A~^ ~}"
            (mapcar (lambda (o)
                      (format nil "(~A ~A/~A)"
                              (name o)
                              (short o)
                              (long o)))
                    (options i)))))

(defun make-interface (usage documentation &rest options)
  (let ((interface (make-instance 'interface
                     :options nil
                     :usage usage
                     :documentation documentation
                     :short-options (make-hash-table)
                     :long-options (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))
    (dolist (option options)
      (push option (options interface))
      (let ((short (short option))
            (long (long option)))
        (when short
          (setf (gethash short (short-options interface)) option))
        (when long
          (setf (gethash long (long-options interface)) option))))
    (funcallf (options interface) #'nreverse)

(defun resolve-names (name)
  (etypecase name
    (symbol (list name name))
    ((cons symbol null)
     (list (first name) (first name)))
    ((cons symbol (cons symbol null))

(defmacro define-interface (symbol usage documentation &rest options)
  `(defparameter ,symbol
           :for (name-and-result-key documentation . args) :in options
           :for (option-name result-key) = (resolve-names name-and-result-key)
           :collect `(make-option ',option-name ',result-key ,documentation ,@args)))))

;;;; Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun shortp (arg)
  (and (> (length arg) 1)
       (char= #\- (aref arg 0))
       (char/= #\- (aref arg 1))))

(defun longp (arg)
  (and (> (length arg) 2)
       (char= #\- (aref arg 0))
       (char= #\- (aref arg 1))))

(defun terminatorp (arg)
  (string= "--" arg))

(defun parse-long (interface results arg remaining)
  (let* ((= (position #\= arg))
         (long-name (subseq arg 2 =))
         (option (gethash long-name (long-options interface)))
         (k (result-key option))
         (current (gethash k results)))
    (setf (gethash k results)
          (if (parameter option)
            (let ((param (funcall (key option)
                                  (if =
                                    (subseq arg (1+ =))
                                    (pop remaining)))))
              (funcall (reducer option) current param))
            (funcall (reducer option) current))))

(defun parse-short (interface results arg remaining)
  (let* ((short-name (aref arg 1))
         (option (gethash short-name (short-options interface)))
         (k (result-key option))
         (current (gethash k results)))
    (setf (gethash k results)
          (if (parameter option)
            (let ((param (funcall (key option)
                                  (if (> (length arg) 2)
                                    (subseq arg 2) ; -xfoo
                                    (pop remaining))))); -x foo
              (funcall (reducer option) current param))
            (prog1 (funcall (reducer option) current)
              (if (> (length arg) 2)
                (push (format nil "-~A" (subseq arg 2)) remaining))))))

(defun initialize-results (interface results)
  (dolist (option (options interface))
    (when (slot-boundp option 'initial-value)
      (setf (gethash (result-key option) results)
            (initial-value option))))

(defun finalize-results (interface results)
  (dolist (option (options interface))
    (funcallf (gethash (result-key option) results)
              (finally option)))

(defun parse-options (interface &optional (arguments (rest (argv))))
  "Parse `arguments` according to `interface`.

  Two values are returned:

  1. A fresh list of top-level, unaccounted-for arguments that don't correspond
     to any options defined in `interface`.
  2. An `EQL` hash table of option `name`s to values.

  See the full usage documentation for more information.

  (let ((toplevel nil)
        (results (make-hash-table))
        (options (options interface)))
    (initialize-results interface results)
        ((recur (arguments)
           (if (null arguments)
             (values (nreverse toplevel)
                     (finalize-results interface results))
             (destructuring-bind (arg . remaining) arguments
                   ((terminatorp arg) (dolist (r remaining) (push r toplevel)))
                   ((shortp arg) (parse-short interface results arg remaining))
                   ((longp arg) (parse-long interface results arg remaining))
                   (t (push arg toplevel) remaining)))))))
      (recur arguments))))

;;;; Printing Usage -----------------------------------------------------------
(defun option-string (option)
  (let* ((long (long option))
         (short (short option))
         (parameter (parameter option))
         (parameter-string (if parameter
                             (format nil " ~A" parameter)
    (format nil "~{~A~^, ~}"
            (remove nil
                    (list (when short
                            (format nil "-~A~A" short parameter-string))
                          (when long
                            (format nil "--~A~A" long parameter-string)))))))

(defun print-option-usage (stream option option-column doc-column doc-width)
  "Print `option`'s usage to `stream`, indented/wrapped properly.

  Assumes the last thing printed to `stream` was a newline.

  The option string will start at `option-column`.  The documentation will start
  at `doc-column` and be line-wrapped to `doc-width`.

  (let ((option-string (option-string option))
        (lines (bobbin:wrap (split-sequence:split-sequence
                              #\newline (documentation option))
        (col 0))
    (flet ((print-at (c string &optional newline)
             "Print `string` starting at column `c`, adding padding/newline if needed."
             (when (> col c)
               (terpri stream)
               (setf col 0))
             (format stream "~vA~A" (- c col) #\space string)
             (if newline
               (progn (terpri stream)
                      (setf col 0))
               (setf col (+ c (length string))))))
      (print-at option-column option-string)
      (dolist (line lines)
        (print-at doc-column line t)))))

(defun print-usage (interface &key
                    (stream *standard-output*)
                    (program-name (first (argv)))
                    (width 80)
                    (option-width 20))
  "Print a pretty usage document for `interface` to `stream`.

  `width` should be the total width (in characters) for line-wrapping purposes.
  Care will be taken to ensure lines are no longer than this, though some edge
  cases (extremely long short/long option names and parameters) may slip

  `option-width` should be the width of the column of short/long options (in
  characters).  If the short/long option documentation is shorter than this, the
  option's documentation string will start on the same line.  Otherwise the
  option's documentation string will start on the next line.

  The result will look something like (assuming a usage string of
  `\"[options] FILES\"` and a documentation string of `\"Intro.\"`):

    (print-usage *program-interface* :width 60 :option-width 15)
    ; =>
    ; USAGE: /bin/foo [options] FILES
    ; Intro.
    ; Options:
    ;   -v, --verbose    Output extra information.
    ;   -q, --quiet      Shut up.
    ;   --ignore FILE    Ignore FILE.  May be specified multiple
    ;                    times.
    ;   -n NAME, --name NAME
    ;                    Your name.  May be specified many times,
    ;                    last one wins.
    ;   -m, --meow       Meow.
    ;   0.........1.... option-width
    ; 0........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6

  (assert (> width (+ 2 option-width 2)) (width option-width)
    "WIDTH (~D) must be at least 4 greater than OPTION-WIDTH (~D)"
    width option-width)
  (format stream "USAGE: ~A ~A~2%" program-name (usage interface))
  (format stream (bobbin:wrap (documentation interface) width))
  (format stream "~2%Options:~%")
  (let* ((option-column 2)
         (option-padding 2)
         (doc-column (+ option-column option-width option-padding))
         (doc-width (- width doc-column)))
    (dolist (option (options interface))
      (print-option-usage stream option option-column doc-column doc-width))))