--- a/README.markdown Sun Feb 23 17:41:04 2020 -0500
+++ b/README.markdown Sun Feb 23 18:59:29 2020 -0500
@@ -935,3 +935,49 @@
just… did nothing at all. Looks like there's a *second* Hershey Text plugin,
this time under the AxiDraw extension menu. I guess I'm supposed to use that
one now? Who knows?
+Played around with how to make a dot plot in gnuplot while the AxiDraw drew
+Rochester. First I grabbed the read counts for our various FASTQ files, pulled
+from the FastQC output files:
+ ffind _data.txt \
+ | xargs grep 'Total Sequences' \
+ | sed -Ee 's|./([^/]+)_fastqc/.*\t|\1 |' \
+ | sort --stable -k1,1 -r \
+ | sort -k2,2 -n \
+ > seqs.txt
+ cat seqs.txt | head -n2
+ C3_1 21081615
+ C3_2 21081615
+Then I can plot a dot plot with something like:
+ # https://twitter.com/stevelosh/status/1231434196213796864
+ set termoption font "Routed Gothic,12"
+ # I wonder if there's a way to capitalize stylistically
+ set xlabel "READS (MILLIONS)"
+ # major x tics every 2 million, with 2 minor divisions per major (i.e. minor tics are every 1 million)
+ set xtics 2
+ set mxtics 2
+ set grid y nox
+ # left justify
+ set ytics left offset -2.2, 0.0
+ unset key
+ # scale to millions by hand
+ # read FASTQ names from file
+ plot [20:35][-1:26] "seqs.txt" using ($2 / 1000000.0):0:ytic(1) lc rgb 'black'
+And I get something like: