--- a/README.markdown Mon Sep 04 16:24:45 2023 -0400
+++ b/README.markdown Tue Sep 05 16:12:10 2023 -0400
@@ -902,3 +902,111 @@
Continuing the EdX genetics course over breakfast.
+## 2023-09-05
+BIOSTAT-521 and BIOINF-500 classes this morning.
+Going to spend my non-class time looking into Unicycler today (and taking care
+of paperwork if anything that needs my attention crops up) and Bandage to
+visualize the results.
+Grabbed the container from StaPH-B and tried to figure out where the executable
+is. I think it's `/unicycler/unicycler-runner.py`. Grabbed the sample data
+from the Unicycler repo and got something running:
+ singularity exec containers/unicycler.sif \
+ /unicycler/unicycler-runner.py \
+ --short1 sample_data/short_reads_1.fastq.gz \
+ --short2 sample_data/short_reads_2.fastq.gz \
+ --out assembly/
+Pretty straightforward so far. The result directory contains a log and a bunch
+of GFA files. GFA apparently stands for [Graphical Fragment
+Assembly](https://gfa-spec.github.io/GFA-spec/GFA1.html), but I think it's
+"graphical" in the "directed/undirected graph" sense and not in the "pixels"
+sense. Text-based format which seems pretty straightforward to parse (maybe
+I should have a go at parsing it for fun).
+Installed Bandage and viewed the results. Not sure what exactly I'm looking at,
+but it works and looks pretty enough I guess. [This
+example](https://github.com/rrwick/Bandage/wiki/Simple-example) was helpful to
+get a sense of what it's trying to show me.
+Unicycler has some configuration knobs to tweak:
+> Unicycler can be run in three modes: conservative, normal (the default) and
+> bold, set with the --mode option. Conservative mode is least likely to produce
+> a complete assembly but has a very low risk of misassembly. Bold mode is most
+> likely to produce a complete assembly but carries greater risk of misassembly.
+> Normal mode is intermediate regarding both completeness and misassembly risk.
+Reran with both conservative and bold modes and looked at the difference in the
+results for the sample data. They're not the same, but I can't visually detect
+any major obvious differences. Maybe it's not a big deal on this sample.
+Once I got that running in a shell, I got it ported into Snakemake, shaving
+a bunch of yaks along the way.
+I noticed that Snakemake can take a JSON config file instead of YAML. Fantastic,
+switched over to that right away:
+ {
+ "containers": {
+ "fastqc": "docker://staphb/fastqc:0.12.1",
+ "unicycler": "docker://staphb/unicycler:0.5.0"
+ },
+ "samples": {
+ "short_read_example": [
+ "sample_data/short_reads_1.fastq.gz",
+ "sample_data/short_reads_2.fastq.gz"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+Got the containers downloading via snakemake as well, so it's snakes all the way
+ rule containers:
+ input:
+ expand("containers/{name}.sif", name=config["containers"].keys()),
+ rule container:
+ output:
+ "containers/{name}.sif",
+ params:
+ source=lambda wc: config["containers"][wc.name],
+ shell:
+ "singularity pull {output} {params.source}"
+Got `snakefmt` working with Neoformat so I can `F6` in Vim to reformat. Had to
+fuck around with the config because it was just emptying out the file — I think
+the key was that:
+* `snakefmt` edits in-place by default (gross).
+* Need to use `replace`: `1` in the Neoformat config to deal with this.
+And finally we can assemble:
+ def get_input_fastqs(wildcards):
+ return config["samples"][wildcards.sample]
+ rule unicycler_assemble:
+ log:
+ "logs/unicycler_assemble/{sample}.log",
+ container:
+ "containers/unicycler.sif"
+ threads: 8
+ input:
+ "containers/unicycler.sif",
+ get_input_fastqs,
+ output:
+ "assemblies/{sample}/assembly.gfa",
+ "assemblies/{sample}/assembly.fasta",
+ shell:
+ logged(
+ "/unicycler/unicycler-runner.py"
+ " --threads {threads}"
+ " --short1 {input[0]}"
+ " --short2 {input[1]}"
+ " --out assemblies/{wildcards.sample}/"
+ )