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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 14 Jan 2020 19:18:57 -0500
parents 4ff338f90b6f (diff) 65ae96549ad8 (current diff)
children dab1f38ba625
branches/tags (none)
files README.markdown


--- a/README.markdown	Tue Jul 09 12:06:51 2019 -0400
+++ b/README.markdown	Tue Jan 14 19:18:57 2020 -0500
@@ -667,6 +667,26 @@
 # July 2019
+## 2019-07-02
+My Linux machine has been randomly hanging completely when playing Youtube
+videos in Firefox.  I have to hard reboot the machine to get it back.  I have no
+idea how to debug this.
+Then, today, after one of these reboots the machine wouldn't even get to the
+BIOS at all.  Fantastic.  Looking inside at the motherboard's debug screen
+showed `C0`.  This code isn't mentioned in the manual at all.  Searching online
+showed a bunch of children flailing around in forums, but there was one useful
+nugget: resetting the CMOS.  Apparently you're supposed to do this when you
+install new RAM, and I did not.  It's worked fine for months, but oh well, may
+as well give it a try.  The button on the x399 is just to the left of the debug
+screen, and the computer needs to be completely unplugged for it to work.  After
+resetting the CMOS the machine took a long time to boot, but did eventually POST
+to the BIOS and boot normally.
+I think I want to update the BIOS at some point, but for now I'm just happy to
+have the machine back and working again.
 ## 2019-07-09
 To get a black new tab page in Firefox, add the following to
@@ -675,3 +695,44 @@
     .browserContainer { background-color: #000000 !important; }
 And in `about:config` set `browser.display.background_color` to black.
+# August 2019
+## 2019-08-27
+BitBucket is shitcanning Mercurial support next year, so I have to run on the
+Hamster Wheel of Backwards Incompatibility and fix all my repositories and
+Started by setting up <http://docs.stevelosh.com> to serve the repo that was
+formerly served by BitBucket pages.  Added a hook into `.hg/hgrc` on the remote
+repo to autoupdate when pushed:
+    [hooks]
+    changegroup = hg update
+Then reconfigured nginx to serve the repo (which is full of plain old HTML files
+so it Just Works).  Decided to be lazy and just use `autoindex on` to generate
+the index page.  Good enough.
+Added `docs.stevelosh.com` to DNS.
+I still need to update all my `pubdocs` make targets, and also update all the
+links everywhere, but that can wait.  One step at a time.
+# December 2019
+## 2019-12-23
+Enabled HTTPS for `stevelosh.com` and `docs.stevelosh.com` and
+`learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com`.  Used Let's Encrypt which was… okay
+I guess.  Hopefully the cron machinery works and I don't have to dick around
+with it again in the future.
+Spent some time migrating all my Bitbucket repos to Source Hut and updating the
+links, so that when Atlassian tells us all to eat shit next year I don't have to
+## 2020-01-03
+Converted `paste.stevelosh.com` to HTTPS.  Forgot it in the previous conversion.