
Happy new year
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 02 Jan 2019 17:31:28 -0500 (2019-01-02)
parents d9a6192b7679
children 0473355d05a2
branches/tags (none)
files 2018.markdown README.markdown


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2018.markdown	Wed Jan 02 17:31:28 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+# June 2018
+## 2018-06-06
+Rebooting this `.plan` after a long absence.  Again.
+More work on switching to Linux.
+Switched to [pass](http://passwordstore.org) from 1Password so I can use it
+everywhere.  1Password has been pushing the cloud version pretty hard, so it's
+probably only a matter of time before they deprecate the real app.  This was
+painful.  I had to hack apart the `1password2pass.rb` file to handle my naming
+conventions, and of course the version of that script in the `pass` repo was out
+of date.
+Got `weechat` up and running.  I can communicate again.
+Got `offlineimap` running, but didn't finish the syncing yet (I have a lot of
+Tore Roswell out of my `lispindent` and `clhs` scripts so it just builds with
+vanilla SBCL now.  So much easier and less brittle.
+Backlight support (specifically `xbacklight`) required editing `xorg.conf` as
+described in the Arch wiki.  The backlight keys on the keyboard still don't
+work, but at least I can dim the screen.
+`xcape` remains busted in stumpwm for now.  Will debug later.
+## 2018-06-07
+Getting VPN set up.  Mostly used the network manager GUI to handle the settings.
+To disable saving of the password I had to click the silly little icon in the
+right of each password field.
+Got my `xrandr` bullshit mostly tamed, thanks to some Lisp code from katco.
+It's really nice to be able to script my window manager to add hotkeys with
+Common Lisp.
+## 2018-06-21
+More math review.  I'm rusty.
+More homework from the Prolog class.  This time it was the classic Family Tree
+style exercise.  Wasn't too tough, even though my Prolog is *really* rusty.
+Still on OS X for personal stuff until the rest of the parts for my
+Linux/Windows machine arrive.
+## 2018-06-22
+Math review.
+## 2018-06-23
+Finished the Trains exercise for the Prolog class.  It was harder than
+I expected — my Prolog skills definitely need work.  But I guess that's what the
+class is for, right?
+# July 2018
+## 2018-07-03
+The quest to make my new Linux machine usable continues.  Finally managed to
+build Weechat from source after screwing around in dependency hell for a while
+(apparently there's no `libgnutls30-dev` for Ubuntu 18.04?).  Also managed to
+get the sound coming out the right ports after some dark incantation with
+`pactl`.  Not using Gnome as a WM apparently means I'm going to be perpetually
+confused about how to configure anything on this damn machine, I guess.
+Catching up in the Prolog class.  Thankfully tomorrow is a holiday so I can
+hopefully make some good progress there too.
+## 2018-07-04
+Managed to get Weechat to work with Unicode support.  I had installed
+`libncursesw` and reran `cmake ..` but apparently that wasn't enough, I had to
+fully blow away the `build/` directory and redo the `cmake` from scratch to get
+it to link against `libncursesw` (rather than `libncurses`).  What a shitshow.
+I really need to take a month off and write my own IRC client in CL.
+Looked into an SBCL bug, but it turns out the standard is just kind of
+ambiguous, and the current behavior is probably fine.
+## 2018-07-07
+Did the [Prolog modules tutorial][] for the Prolog class.  This made me really
+appreciate Common Lisp's package system... the Prolog module system seems really
+crufty in comparison.
+Fixed a display issue for my blog, but I don't have Hugo set up on this machine
+yet, so it'll have to wait to be deployed.
+[Prolog modules tutorial]: http://chiselapp.com/user/ttmrichter/repository/gng/doc/trunk/output/tutorials/swiplmodtut.html
+## 2018-07-08
+Got mutt running on the new Linux machine.  The quest to convert my dotfiles
+fully over to Linux continues.
+Got ABCL, ECL, SBCL, and CCL all installed and working on the Linux machine.
+I had originally installed SBCL (for bootstrapping a new build of it) and
+StumpWM through the package manager and forgotten about them.  This meant I had
+a `/usr/share/common-lisp` laying around which was getting loaded for other
+installs too, which borked a few things.  I had to remove the old packages, blow
+away `~/.cache/common-lisp`, and everything works now.  ECL is still installed
+through the package manager, the rest aren't.
+Started getting my Lisp test infrastructure up and running on the Linux box.
+Previously I used [figlet][] and [lolcat][] to print nice headers during the
+test runs.  I don't want to install Ruby on this machine if possible, so
+I looked for a replacement for lolcat and found [toilet][], which includes the
+functionality of both.  Great!  Had to download the figlet contrib fonts
+manually, which was annoying (Homebrew on OS X did it automatically, but the
+Ubuntu package doesn't).  Toilet's rainbows aren't as nice as lolcat's, but the
+tradeoff of not needing ruby is worth it.
+Got Hugo installed on the Linux box and made a build of my site.  I hope
+I didn't break anything.  Made a couple of tweaks to fix a couple of issues
+I noticed in Firefox on Linux.  Hand-compiled the LessCSS to avoid having to
+install NodeJS on the machine.  Removed the timeago jQuery plugin -- the quest
+to exterminate all JS on my website continues.
+Wrote a blog post.  Will post it tomorrow.
+Looked into why StumpWM's `remove` command is making the widths weird.  Gotta
+dive in more when my mind is fresh.
+[figlet]: http://www.figlet.org/
+[lolcat]: https://github.com/busyloop/lolcat
+[toilet]: http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/toilet
+## 2018-07-10
+Figured out why StumpWM wasn't noticing my timezone changes.  I tracked it down
+to SBCL itself not noticing the timzeone changes — e.g. you can run
+`(get-decoded-time)`, change your timezone, and run `(get-decoded-time)` again
+and SBCL will still return the old timezone until you restart it.  Eventually
+I narrowed this down to `get_timezone` in SBCL's
+[`time.c`](https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/blob/master/src/runtime/time.c), which
+uses `localtime_r`.  The problem is that `localtime` and `localtime_r` don't
+check for a timezone change, you have to call `tzset` yourself, according to
+`man 3 localtime`.  So the solution is to run `(cffi:foreign-funcall "tzset")`
+in your StumpWM process whenever you change your timezone.
+Watched the Prolog class presentation from a couple days ago.  I'm still
+a little bit behind, gotta hopefully catch up this weekend.
+## 2018-07-14
+Got `notmuch` set up on the new box.  Forgot how dang fast it is.
+## 2018-07-15
+Got `pass` sharing sanely on my phone and desktop.
+## 2018-07-16
+Installed the Arduino IDE on my desktop.  The quest to switch fully to Linux
+## 2018-07-18
+Started setting up my new Yubikeys.  The process is... not friendly.  I'm mostly
+following [this guide](https://www.palkeo.com/sys/perfect-password-manager.html).
+## 2018-07-19
+Finished setting up the Yubikeys.  I think.
+There's still a few fiddly bits -- handling multiple different Yubikeys seems
+like it's gonna take a bit of scripting grease, and I don't think there's a way
+to time out the PIN on the Yubikey after a certain amount of inactivity.
+I think this should mostly be alright, since the only one I'll leave plugged in
+is the Nano: that's plugged into my desktop monitor that I use for a KVM, so
+whenever I switch the computers or turn off the monitor it'll lock.  I think
+that's a good enough mix of practicality and security for what I need.
+## 2018-07-20
+Finally got around to fixing StumpWM's frame splitting/removing/balancing.  Got
+a work-in-progress/proof-of-concept PR at https://github.com/stumpwm/stumpwm/pull/481
+Debugged why my `scrot` keyboard shortcuts that work fine on Debian weren't
+working on my Ubuntu machine.  It took a while because shell commands you run
+through StumpWM's key mappings have their output blackholed to god only knows
+where.  Eventually I split the commands into a separate shell script and
+redirected all the output to a file (I should have done this much earlier),
+which let me see giblib complaining about the keyboard being busy.  Once I found
+that error it led me to https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=86507 which
+shows a solution: add a `sleep 0.2` before the call to `scrot`.  Jesus.
+## 2018-07-21
+Did some coding interview-style programming exercises.  I'm rusty at this stuff.
+Started writing a blog post.  It's turning out to be longer than I expected it
+would be.  By now I should expect this.
+## 2018-07-23
+Cleaned up my Vim bundle folder.  Removed a bunch of things I never use.
+Figured out how to do wildcard blocking in uBlock.  Again.  Here's for my future
+self: the uBlock rule should look like `##[class^="prefix-"]` or
+I think I found a setting to eliminate the screen tearing I've been seeing in
+Ubuntu with my Radeon card.  It was described
+Got Inkscape installed in preparation for setting up my AxiDraw again this
+weekend.  Used the PPA to install the latest version (0.92).  EMSL recommends
+0.91, but apparently I can use the prerelease version on one file for the
+AxiDraw (`plot_utils.py`) and it should work okay.  I went ahead and version
+controlled `.config/inkscape/extensions` this time for when I inevitably have to
+dick around with the source again — I learned my lesson last time.
+## 2018-07-25
+Got `stumpish` set up so I can poke at stumpwm from within scripts.  Hacked my
+`pass` binary to pop up the copied message with `stumpish` so it's a little less
+opaque when I use the stumpwm shortcut to grab a pass.
+## 2018-07-28
+Finally got my VPN setup on the Linux machine.  Had to disable IPv6 at the
+router because PIA doesn't support it, and leaving it enabled will leak my
+actual IP, and I wanted to use OpenVPN instead of PIA's custom app thing.
+Networking is a mess.
+Got Project 1999 set up on Linux.  Fonts are a mess, but otherwise it's working
+fine.  Had to add this to `~/.wine/user.reg` to get it to stop fucking up my
+    [Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver] 1269299093
+    "UseXVidMode"="N"
+# August 2018
+## 2018-08-10
+Tried to get Folding at Home working, but after about an hour of screwing around
+with GPU drivers on Linux I gave up.  Sorry, I'd like to help, but I can't
+invest the time to debug a basic install process.
+Set up my own lightweight personal pastebin as outlined
+[here](https://pinafore.social/statuses/100475132430233694).  The hardest part
+was getting a working `pbcopy` and `pbpaste` inside a bash script.  I was using
+`xsel` which works at my main shell but wouldn't work at all from inside a bash
+script.  I assume this has something to do with `$DISPLAY`, but then I tried
+`xclip` and it worked just fine, so fuck it.  Clipboards on Linux are such
+a mess.
+## 2018-08-12
+Traveling.  Trying to use my second Yubikey on my work machine, and of course
+it's a fucking mess because why would anyone ever possibly want to use more than
+ONE single smartcard in their life, right?
+The problem is that even though the secret keys for decrypting my `pass`
+archives are on this second Yubikey, GPG always wants me to insert the original
+Yubikey and pops up the "Please insert smartcard with serial number ..." dialog.
+Even after I run `gpg --card-status` to forcibly tell its dumb ass to notice the
+new card.
+I tried the usual "delete the secret key and reimport the pubkey, then run
+`--card-status` to make it notice" dance, but this time even *that* didn't work.
+I ended up having to delete some files by hand:
+How is any normal person supposed to actually *use* this software?
+## 2018-08-13
+At the office, trying to get my Thinkpad set up again.  Linux is a Journey.
+Had trouble getting the external monitor to work.  Again.  First attempt: used
+a USB-C to MiniDP dongle to a MiniDP to DP cable.  It saw the correct
+resolution, but something in the dongle prevented it from calculating the
+correct timing, and the monitor wouldn't work.
+Second attempt: scavenged a raw USB-C to DP cable.  This actually worked.
+Also had to scavenge a mouse.  Took a while to find the not-bluetooth USB
+dongle.  I checked in all the USB ports on the monitors but didn't see it, til
+a coworker pointed out the Apple keyboards also have a spare USB port and that's
+where it was.
+## 2018-08-20
+Back in Rochester, and GPG is being an asshole once again.  Much the same
+problem as on 8/12 — I'm trying to switch back to my normal Yubikey.  The
+* I have two Yubikeys, A and B, which hold my GPG key K.
+* I normally use A.
+* I want to switch to using B.
+* GPG still thinks the private keys for K are stored only on A, even when I plug
+  in B.
+The solution is:
+1. Blow away the "keygrip" files in `~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d` corresponding
+   to the keys on the Yubikeys, but **not** other keygrip files.  An easy way to
+   do this is something like `grep -rl shadowed-private-key ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/ | xargs rm`.
+2. Run `gpg --card-status` so GPG will notice the missing keygrips and realize
+   they're on this *new* Yubikey.
+I should probably wrap this up into a script.
+## 2018-08-27
+Tad says I need some kind of "udev rule" for my Switch controller under Linux:
+    KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2009", MODE="0666"
+I don't know what this means, but I'm dumping it in here for later.
+Published http://stevelosh.com/blog/2018/08/a-road-to-common-lisp/ after many
+plane rides and weekends.
+## 2018-08-30
+Another Ubuntu setup.  Practice makes perfect I guess.
+Things I needed to `apt install` to get something usable:
+* `arandr`
+* `aspell-en`
+* `aspell-is`
+* `autoconf`
+* `build-essential`
+* `chromium-browser`
+* `cmake`
+* `curl`
+* `dunst`
+* `exfat-fuse`
+* `exfat-utils`
+* `fish`
+* `git`
+* `gnupg-agent`
+* `htop`
+* `hugo`
+* `inkscape`
+* `libx11-dev`
+* `mmv`
+* `msmtp`
+* `neomutt`
+* `neovim`
+* `network-manager-openvpn-gnome`
+* `notmuch`
+* `offlineimap`
+* `pcscd`
+* `python-neovim`
+* `python3-pip`
+* `restic`
+* `rlwrap`
+* `scdaemon`
+* `scrot`
+* `slock`
+* `texinfo`
+* `tmux`
+* `toilet`
+* `tree`
+* `vlc`
+* `w3m`
+* `wget`
+* `xautolock`
+* `xcape`
+* `xclip`
+Updated my dotfiles bootstrap script to include the new linux symlinks.
+Bootstrapping the system is still an uphill fight.
+## 2018-08-31
+Continuing bootstrapping.
+Installing Dropbox makes things a lot easier because I can easily sync little
+bits of state between computers.  But the Dropbox site sure doesn't make it
+easy.  To my future self: here's how to install Dropbox on Ubuntu:
+* Download the `.deb` file from their site.
+* `sudo dpkg -i thefile.deb`
+* `dropbox start -i`
+Important: **do not run the last command with sudo**, because if you do your
+entire installation will be totally fucked (`~/Dropbox` will be owned by root)
+and you'll have to start all over.
+Building Mercurial from source.  Had to install `python-dev` first.
+As always, `hg-git` is fucking broken on install.  Had to symlink
+`dulwich/dulwich` into the Mercurial directory, but it was still broken.
+[This](https://bitbucket.org/durin42/hg-git/issues/252/hg-47-error) is the
+problem.  Mercurial's lack of a stable plugin API is why I no longer really
+maintain my hg plugins.  It sucks.  For now I'm just gonna downgrade Mercurial.
+# September 2018
+I quit my job at the end of August and spent September traveling and not
+thinking about computers.
+# October 2018
+I spent the first three weeks of October in SF at my new job, to onboard in
+meatspace before starting remote work.
+## 2018-10-22
+Continuing game jam work.
+## 2018-10-23
+More work on the Lisp Game Jam.  I don't think my entry will be ready in time,
+but if nothing else at least I've accomplished a couple of things:
+* Done some actual testing of Mansion.  I really need to come up with a more
+  stringy syntax, and also start thinking about how to define colors (just use
+  constants?).
+* Figured out how to use esrap.  It's a little clumsy, but better than doing
+  everything by hand.  I still like Smug better, I think, though it has its own
+  clumsiness.
+## 2018-10-28
+Finally got back to the electronics book.  Learned about 555 timer chips.
+# November 2018
+## 2018-11-08
+Did a couple of Rosalind problems after work:
+* `cl-ppcre`'s `all-matches` only returns non-overlapping matches, not *all*
+  matches.  Had to write my own.  Dammit.
+* `~*` will skip over `format` arguments.
+* Drakma follows HTTP redirects by default, which is nice.
+* Uniprot is slow until you warm up their caches.
+## 2018-11-09
+Added some support for arbitrary data to CACL.  After using `jq` and being
+miserable, I think it might be possible to do RPN JSON processing.  (Re)learned how
+to use the CL pretty printer in the process, from the CLR book, so I can print
+hash tables much more nicely now.
+## 2018-11-10
+Changed the battery in my Thinkpad.  Mostly straightforward, except that the
+original was missing some screws and one of the plastic tabs had broken off and
+was jamming things when I tried to reassemble it.  Once I figured that out it
+went back together fine.
+Did some more Rosalind problems.  One was trivial.  Implemented
+`longest-monotonic-subsequence` for another, which was tricky.
+## 2018-11-11
+Got the backlight control working in my Thinkpad.  Had to edit
+`/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf` to contain:
+    Section "Device"
+        Identifier  "Intel Graphics" 
+        Driver      "intel"
+        Option      "Backlight"  "intel_backlight"
+    EndSection
+Then reboot, and `xbacklight` would finally work.
+Played some DCSS for the first time in a long while.  Still fun.
+# December 2018
+## 2018-12-22
+Trying to debug why `ccl:*unprocessed-command-line-arguments*` isn't working.
+I can run CCL and connect to it with Vlime to jump around, which is great, but
+this particular problem is about command line argument processing so I had to
+figure out how to rebuild CCL to add some logging.  Turns out you just
+`(rebuild-ccl)` in a running CCL to tell it to rebuild itself.  I can even do
+that in the Vlime process, and then run the binary in another terminal.  Cool.
+I eventually [tracked
+down](https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/issues/177#issuecomment-449586557) why the
+command line arguments are wonky.  No idea if this is a bug or intended
+behavior, but at last I understand what is happening now.
+Dusted off the old AxiDraw to make Christmas gift tags and cards for people.
+Fun!  I've learned now to not try to switch pens and redraw over the old lines
+— switching pens moves things around enough that it won't work cleanly.
+## 2018-12-23
+Refactored the split-sequence PR fork thing.  Surprisingly tricky to get all its
+weird edge cases around number-of-elements-examined correct.
+Still getting used to this split keyboard.  Finally starting to press the `b`
+key with the correct finger.  The numbers and arrows and stuff are still
+a challenge.
+Cleaned up CACL to work with CCL and Adopt.  Need to do some more work on the
+other CLI utils and write some docs for Adopt and then a blog post, I think.
+Tried to get Weechat up and running on this laptop so I can communicate with the
+world.  Unfortunately there's no nice list of Weechat's dependencies anywhere
+because fuck me, and I'm an idiot and didn't log it in this plan file the last
+time I had to deal with this bullshit, so here we are:
+    sudo apt install cmake libncursesw5-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev zlib1g-dev libgcrypt20-dev gnutls-bin ca-certificates aspell aspell-en aspell-is libgnutls28-dev
+    cd ~/src/weechat
+    mkdir -p build
+    cd build
+    cmake ..
+    make
+    sudo make install
+That `libgnutls28-dev` is important.
+Did another couple of Rosalind problems.  They were pretty easy, but it was good
+to get back into the swing of things, and I came up with some nice utils that
+make them pretty clean.
+## 2018-12-24
+Fixed a bug in one of my Rosalind problems.
+Pinned `python-markdown` to version `2.6.11` in `d` because the last release is
+fucking broken (it double-escapes characters in codehilited blocks).  They fixed
+it months ago but still haven't pushed a new release, so whatever, I'll just pin
+to one that seems to work.  At least I can build my documentation again.
+## 2018-12-25
+Merry Christmas.
+Whipped up a CSV library because the existing ones are a little bonkers.  Way
+less code and much faster.  There are still a couple of features I need to think
+about but I think it's pretty solid already.
+## 2018-12-26
+Wrote unit tests for the CSV library and got them running on SBCL, CCL, and ECL.
+`cl-csv` doesn't let you use a string as the newline delimiter on CCL, fun.  Had
+to install ECL on this laptop.  Built it from source this time.  It worked
+Got my pastebin access set up on this machine.  Apparently I forgot to add this
+machine's public key to my main Linode box.  Had to do it through Lish.
+Finally got around to installing LispWorks.  The personal edition is janky as
+hell.  Brain dump for next time:
+* The personal edition is 32-bit, so it will just Not Work™ out of the box.
+  Have to install 32-bit deps to get it to even run: `sudo apt install
+  libgtk2.0-0:i386 gtk2-engines-murrine:i386`.
+* The personal edition is an older version, which bundles ASDF 2, which can't
+  build shit any more.
+* Need to build ASDF 3 first by running `make` in the ASDF repo on the `release` branch.
+* Then in LispWorks run `(load "~/src/asdf/build/asdf.lisp") (provide "asdf")`.
+* Then you can run the Quicklisp bootstrap and everything works.
+* The personal edition won't run init files, you have to do it manually.
+* The personal edition can't run a non-GUI (jesus).  I guess I'm not adding it
+  to my automated tests.
+What the hell, let's get Allegro running too.  Allegro worked out of the box
+because I had already done the 32 bit bullshit for LispWorks, but it too is
+janky.  At least Allegro provides a command line REPL in `alisp`.  That's nice.
+Installed ABCL on this laptop to run tests there too.  The installation process
+is just:
+* Download the `-bin` from the site.  You don't also need to grab the contrib,
+  it's all bundled together.
+* Put the two JARs in `/usr/local/bin`.
+* Make a shell script to call `java -jar abcl.jar`.
+Renamed `trivial-ppm` to `cl-netpbm` since it's grown more functionality.
+## 2018-12-31
+Figured out how to get my external hard drives mounted on Ubuntu as a non-root
+user.  Have to add a line like the following to `/etc/fstab`:
+    UUID=40098415-2c77-35dc-a3ed-4b286c7ed542 /media/sjl/external-drives/western-digital/ auto user,force,rw 0 0
+Get the UUID from `sudo blkid -sUUID`.  Then you can just `mount
--- a/README.markdown	Mon Dec 31 12:22:29 2018 -0500
+++ b/README.markdown	Wed Jan 02 17:31:28 2019 -0500
@@ -1,595 +1,17 @@
-# June 2018
-## 2018-06-06
-Rebooting this `.plan` after a long absence.  Again.
-More work on switching to Linux.
-Switched to [pass](http://passwordstore.org) from 1Password so I can use it
-everywhere.  1Password has been pushing the cloud version pretty hard, so it's
-probably only a matter of time before they deprecate the real app.  This was
-painful.  I had to hack apart the `1password2pass.rb` file to handle my naming
-conventions, and of course the version of that script in the `pass` repo was out
-of date.
-Got `weechat` up and running.  I can communicate again.
-Got `offlineimap` running, but didn't finish the syncing yet (I have a lot of
-Tore Roswell out of my `lispindent` and `clhs` scripts so it just builds with
-vanilla SBCL now.  So much easier and less brittle.
-Backlight support (specifically `xbacklight`) required editing `xorg.conf` as
-described in the Arch wiki.  The backlight keys on the keyboard still don't
-work, but at least I can dim the screen.
-`xcape` remains busted in stumpwm for now.  Will debug later.
-## 2018-06-07
-Getting VPN set up.  Mostly used the network manager GUI to handle the settings.
-To disable saving of the password I had to click the silly little icon in the
-right of each password field.
-Got my `xrandr` bullshit mostly tamed, thanks to some Lisp code from katco.
-It's really nice to be able to script my window manager to add hotkeys with
-Common Lisp.
-## 2018-06-21
-More math review.  I'm rusty.
-More homework from the Prolog class.  This time it was the classic Family Tree
-style exercise.  Wasn't too tough, even though my Prolog is *really* rusty.
-Still on OS X for personal stuff until the rest of the parts for my
-Linux/Windows machine arrive.
-## 2018-06-22
-Math review.
-## 2018-06-23
-Finished the Trains exercise for the Prolog class.  It was harder than
-I expected — my Prolog skills definitely need work.  But I guess that's what the
-class is for, right?
-# July 2018
-## 2018-07-03
-The quest to make my new Linux machine usable continues.  Finally managed to
-build Weechat from source after screwing around in dependency hell for a while
-(apparently there's no `libgnutls30-dev` for Ubuntu 18.04?).  Also managed to
-get the sound coming out the right ports after some dark incantation with
-`pactl`.  Not using Gnome as a WM apparently means I'm going to be perpetually
-confused about how to configure anything on this damn machine, I guess.
-Catching up in the Prolog class.  Thankfully tomorrow is a holiday so I can
-hopefully make some good progress there too.
-## 2018-07-04
-Managed to get Weechat to work with Unicode support.  I had installed
-`libncursesw` and reran `cmake ..` but apparently that wasn't enough, I had to
-fully blow away the `build/` directory and redo the `cmake` from scratch to get
-it to link against `libncursesw` (rather than `libncurses`).  What a shitshow.
-I really need to take a month off and write my own IRC client in CL.
-Looked into an SBCL bug, but it turns out the standard is just kind of
-ambiguous, and the current behavior is probably fine.
-## 2018-07-07
-Did the [Prolog modules tutorial][] for the Prolog class.  This made me really
-appreciate Common Lisp's package system... the Prolog module system seems really
-crufty in comparison.
-Fixed a display issue for my blog, but I don't have Hugo set up on this machine
-yet, so it'll have to wait to be deployed.
-[Prolog modules tutorial]: http://chiselapp.com/user/ttmrichter/repository/gng/doc/trunk/output/tutorials/swiplmodtut.html
-## 2018-07-08
-Got mutt running on the new Linux machine.  The quest to convert my dotfiles
-fully over to Linux continues.
-Got ABCL, ECL, SBCL, and CCL all installed and working on the Linux machine.
-I had originally installed SBCL (for bootstrapping a new build of it) and
-StumpWM through the package manager and forgotten about them.  This meant I had
-a `/usr/share/common-lisp` laying around which was getting loaded for other
-installs too, which borked a few things.  I had to remove the old packages, blow
-away `~/.cache/common-lisp`, and everything works now.  ECL is still installed
-through the package manager, the rest aren't.
-Started getting my Lisp test infrastructure up and running on the Linux box.
-Previously I used [figlet][] and [lolcat][] to print nice headers during the
-test runs.  I don't want to install Ruby on this machine if possible, so
-I looked for a replacement for lolcat and found [toilet][], which includes the
-functionality of both.  Great!  Had to download the figlet contrib fonts
-manually, which was annoying (Homebrew on OS X did it automatically, but the
-Ubuntu package doesn't).  Toilet's rainbows aren't as nice as lolcat's, but the
-tradeoff of not needing ruby is worth it.
-Got Hugo installed on the Linux box and made a build of my site.  I hope
-I didn't break anything.  Made a couple of tweaks to fix a couple of issues
-I noticed in Firefox on Linux.  Hand-compiled the LessCSS to avoid having to
-install NodeJS on the machine.  Removed the timeago jQuery plugin -- the quest
-to exterminate all JS on my website continues.
-Wrote a blog post.  Will post it tomorrow.
-Looked into why StumpWM's `remove` command is making the widths weird.  Gotta
-dive in more when my mind is fresh.
-[figlet]: http://www.figlet.org/
-[lolcat]: https://github.com/busyloop/lolcat
-[toilet]: http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/toilet
-## 2018-07-10
-Figured out why StumpWM wasn't noticing my timezone changes.  I tracked it down
-to SBCL itself not noticing the timzeone changes — e.g. you can run
-`(get-decoded-time)`, change your timezone, and run `(get-decoded-time)` again
-and SBCL will still return the old timezone until you restart it.  Eventually
-I narrowed this down to `get_timezone` in SBCL's
-[`time.c`](https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/blob/master/src/runtime/time.c), which
-uses `localtime_r`.  The problem is that `localtime` and `localtime_r` don't
-check for a timezone change, you have to call `tzset` yourself, according to
-`man 3 localtime`.  So the solution is to run `(cffi:foreign-funcall "tzset")`
-in your StumpWM process whenever you change your timezone.
-Watched the Prolog class presentation from a couple days ago.  I'm still
-a little bit behind, gotta hopefully catch up this weekend.
+# January 2018
-## 2018-07-14
-Got `notmuch` set up on the new box.  Forgot how dang fast it is.
-## 2018-07-15
-Got `pass` sharing sanely on my phone and desktop.
-## 2018-07-16
-Installed the Arduino IDE on my desktop.  The quest to switch fully to Linux
-## 2018-07-18
-Started setting up my new Yubikeys.  The process is... not friendly.  I'm mostly
-following [this guide](https://www.palkeo.com/sys/perfect-password-manager.html).
-## 2018-07-19
-Finished setting up the Yubikeys.  I think.
-There's still a few fiddly bits -- handling multiple different Yubikeys seems
-like it's gonna take a bit of scripting grease, and I don't think there's a way
-to time out the PIN on the Yubikey after a certain amount of inactivity.
-I think this should mostly be alright, since the only one I'll leave plugged in
-is the Nano: that's plugged into my desktop monitor that I use for a KVM, so
-whenever I switch the computers or turn off the monitor it'll lock.  I think
-that's a good enough mix of practicality and security for what I need.
-## 2018-07-20
-Finally got around to fixing StumpWM's frame splitting/removing/balancing.  Got
-a work-in-progress/proof-of-concept PR at https://github.com/stumpwm/stumpwm/pull/481
-Debugged why my `scrot` keyboard shortcuts that work fine on Debian weren't
-working on my Ubuntu machine.  It took a while because shell commands you run
-through StumpWM's key mappings have their output blackholed to god only knows
-where.  Eventually I split the commands into a separate shell script and
-redirected all the output to a file (I should have done this much earlier),
-which let me see giblib complaining about the keyboard being busy.  Once I found
-that error it led me to https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=86507 which
-shows a solution: add a `sleep 0.2` before the call to `scrot`.  Jesus.
-## 2018-07-21
-Did some coding interview-style programming exercises.  I'm rusty at this stuff.
-Started writing a blog post.  It's turning out to be longer than I expected it
-would be.  By now I should expect this.
-## 2018-07-23
-Cleaned up my Vim bundle folder.  Removed a bunch of things I never use.
-Figured out how to do wildcard blocking in uBlock.  Again.  Here's for my future
-self: the uBlock rule should look like `##[class^="prefix-"]` or
-I think I found a setting to eliminate the screen tearing I've been seeing in
-Ubuntu with my Radeon card.  It was described
-Got Inkscape installed in preparation for setting up my AxiDraw again this
-weekend.  Used the PPA to install the latest version (0.92).  EMSL recommends
-0.91, but apparently I can use the prerelease version on one file for the
-AxiDraw (`plot_utils.py`) and it should work okay.  I went ahead and version
-controlled `.config/inkscape/extensions` this time for when I inevitably have to
-dick around with the source again — I learned my lesson last time.
-## 2018-07-25
+Happy new year!
-Got `stumpish` set up so I can poke at stumpwm from within scripts.  Hacked my
-`pass` binary to pop up the copied message with `stumpish` so it's a little less
-opaque when I use the stumpwm shortcut to grab a pass.
-## 2018-07-28
-Finally got my VPN setup on the Linux machine.  Had to disable IPv6 at the
-router because PIA doesn't support it, and leaving it enabled will leak my
-actual IP, and I wanted to use OpenVPN instead of PIA's custom app thing.
-Networking is a mess.
-Got Project 1999 set up on Linux.  Fonts are a mess, but otherwise it's working
-fine.  Had to add this to `~/.wine/user.reg` to get it to stop fucking up my
-    [Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver] 1269299093
-    "UseXVidMode"="N"
-# August 2018
-## 2018-08-10
-Tried to get Folding at Home working, but after about an hour of screwing around
-with GPU drivers on Linux I gave up.  Sorry, I'd like to help, but I can't
-invest the time to debug a basic install process.
-Set up my own lightweight personal pastebin as outlined
-[here](https://pinafore.social/statuses/100475132430233694).  The hardest part
-was getting a working `pbcopy` and `pbpaste` inside a bash script.  I was using
-`xsel` which works at my main shell but wouldn't work at all from inside a bash
-script.  I assume this has something to do with `$DISPLAY`, but then I tried
-`xclip` and it worked just fine, so fuck it.  Clipboards on Linux are such
-a mess.
-## 2018-08-12
-Traveling.  Trying to use my second Yubikey on my work machine, and of course
-it's a fucking mess because why would anyone ever possibly want to use more than
-ONE single smartcard in their life, right?
-The problem is that even though the secret keys for decrypting my `pass`
-archives are on this second Yubikey, GPG always wants me to insert the original
-Yubikey and pops up the "Please insert smartcard with serial number ..." dialog.
-Even after I run `gpg --card-status` to forcibly tell its dumb ass to notice the
-new card.
-I tried the usual "delete the secret key and reimport the pubkey, then run
-`--card-status` to make it notice" dance, but this time even *that* didn't work.
-I ended up having to delete some files by hand:
-How is any normal person supposed to actually *use* this software?
-## 2018-08-13
-At the office, trying to get my Thinkpad set up again.  Linux is a Journey.
-Had trouble getting the external monitor to work.  Again.  First attempt: used
-a USB-C to MiniDP dongle to a MiniDP to DP cable.  It saw the correct
-resolution, but something in the dongle prevented it from calculating the
-correct timing, and the monitor wouldn't work.
-Second attempt: scavenged a raw USB-C to DP cable.  This actually worked.
-Also had to scavenge a mouse.  Took a while to find the not-bluetooth USB
-dongle.  I checked in all the USB ports on the monitors but didn't see it, til
-a coworker pointed out the Apple keyboards also have a spare USB port and that's
-where it was.
-## 2018-08-20
-Back in Rochester, and GPG is being an asshole once again.  Much the same
-problem as on 8/12 — I'm trying to switch back to my normal Yubikey.  The
+## 2019-01-01
-* I have two Yubikeys, A and B, which hold my GPG key K.
-* I normally use A.
-* I want to switch to using B.
-* GPG still thinks the private keys for K are stored only on A, even when I plug
-  in B.
-The solution is:
-1. Blow away the "keygrip" files in `~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d` corresponding
-   to the keys on the Yubikeys, but **not** other keygrip files.  An easy way to
-   do this is something like `grep -rl shadowed-private-key ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/ | xargs rm`.
-2. Run `gpg --card-status` so GPG will notice the missing keygrips and realize
-   they're on this *new* Yubikey.
-I should probably wrap this up into a script.
-## 2018-08-27
-Tad says I need some kind of "udev rule" for my Switch controller under Linux:
-    KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2009", MODE="0666"
-I don't know what this means, but I'm dumping it in here for later.
-Published http://stevelosh.com/blog/2018/08/a-road-to-common-lisp/ after many
-plane rides and weekends.
-## 2018-08-30
-Another Ubuntu setup.  Practice makes perfect I guess.
-Things I needed to `apt install` to get something usable:
+Started poking around at Fern again.  Need lots more thinking on this.  Slow and
+steady wins the race.
-* `arandr`
-* `aspell-en`
-* `aspell-is`
-* `autoconf`
-* `build-essential`
-* `chromium-browser`
-* `cmake`
-* `curl`
-* `dunst`
-* `exfat-fuse`
-* `exfat-utils`
-* `fish`
-* `git`
-* `gnupg-agent`
-* `htop`
-* `hugo`
-* `inkscape`
-* `libx11-dev`
-* `mmv`
-* `msmtp`
-* `neomutt`
-* `neovim`
-* `network-manager-openvpn-gnome`
-* `notmuch`
-* `offlineimap`
-* `pcscd`
-* `python-neovim`
-* `python3-pip`
-* `restic`
-* `rlwrap`
-* `scdaemon`
-* `scrot`
-* `slock`
-* `texinfo`
-* `tmux`
-* `toilet`
-* `tree`
-* `vlc`
-* `w3m`
-* `wget`
-* `xautolock`
-* `xcape`
-* `xclip`
-Updated my dotfiles bootstrap script to include the new linux symlinks.
-Bootstrapping the system is still an uphill fight.
-## 2018-08-31
-Continuing bootstrapping.
-Installing Dropbox makes things a lot easier because I can easily sync little
-bits of state between computers.  But the Dropbox site sure doesn't make it
-easy.  To my future self: here's how to install Dropbox on Ubuntu:
-* Download the `.deb` file from their site.
-* `sudo dpkg -i thefile.deb`
-* `dropbox start -i`
-Important: **do not run the last command with sudo**, because if you do your
-entire installation will be totally fucked (`~/Dropbox` will be owned by root)
-and you'll have to start all over.
-Building Mercurial from source.  Had to install `python-dev` first.
-As always, `hg-git` is fucking broken on install.  Had to symlink
-`dulwich/dulwich` into the Mercurial directory, but it was still broken.
-[This](https://bitbucket.org/durin42/hg-git/issues/252/hg-47-error) is the
-problem.  Mercurial's lack of a stable plugin API is why I no longer really
-maintain my hg plugins.  It sucks.  For now I'm just gonna downgrade Mercurial.
-# September 2018
-I quit my job at the end of August and spent September traveling and not
-thinking about computers.
-# October 2018
-I spent the first three weeks of October in SF at my new job, to onboard in
-meatspace before starting remote work.
-## 2018-10-22
-Continuing game jam work.
-## 2018-10-23
-More work on the Lisp Game Jam.  I don't think my entry will be ready in time,
-but if nothing else at least I've accomplished a couple of things:
-* Done some actual testing of Mansion.  I really need to come up with a more
-  stringy syntax, and also start thinking about how to define colors (just use
-  constants?).
-* Figured out how to use esrap.  It's a little clumsy, but better than doing
-  everything by hand.  I still like Smug better, I think, though it has its own
-  clumsiness.
-## 2018-10-28
-Finally got back to the electronics book.  Learned about 555 timer chips.
-# November 2018
-## 2018-11-08
-Did a couple of Rosalind problems after work:
-* `cl-ppcre`'s `all-matches` only returns non-overlapping matches, not *all*
-  matches.  Had to write my own.  Dammit.
-* `~*` will skip over `format` arguments.
-* Drakma follows HTTP redirects by default, which is nice.
-* Uniprot is slow until you warm up their caches.
-## 2018-11-09
+## 2019-01-02
-Added some support for arbitrary data to CACL.  After using `jq` and being
-miserable, I think it might be possible to do RPN JSON processing.  (Re)learned how
-to use the CL pretty printer in the process, from the CLR book, so I can print
-hash tables much more nicely now.
-## 2018-11-10
-Changed the battery in my Thinkpad.  Mostly straightforward, except that the
-original was missing some screws and one of the plastic tabs had broken off and
-was jamming things when I tried to reassemble it.  Once I figured that out it
-went back together fine.
-Did some more Rosalind problems.  One was trivial.  Implemented
-`longest-monotonic-subsequence` for another, which was tricky.
-## 2018-11-11
-Got the backlight control working in my Thinkpad.  Had to edit
-`/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf` to contain:
-    Section "Device"
-        Identifier  "Intel Graphics" 
-        Driver      "intel"
-        Option      "Backlight"  "intel_backlight"
-    EndSection
-Then reboot, and `xbacklight` would finally work.
-Played some DCSS for the first time in a long while.  Still fun.
-# December 2018
-## 2018-12-22
-Trying to debug why `ccl:*unprocessed-command-line-arguments*` isn't working.
-I can run CCL and connect to it with Vlime to jump around, which is great, but
-this particular problem is about command line argument processing so I had to
-figure out how to rebuild CCL to add some logging.  Turns out you just
-`(rebuild-ccl)` in a running CCL to tell it to rebuild itself.  I can even do
-that in the Vlime process, and then run the binary in another terminal.  Cool.
-I eventually [tracked
-down](https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/issues/177#issuecomment-449586557) why the
-command line arguments are wonky.  No idea if this is a bug or intended
-behavior, but at last I understand what is happening now.
-Dusted off the old AxiDraw to make Christmas gift tags and cards for people.
-Fun!  I've learned now to not try to switch pens and redraw over the old lines
-— switching pens moves things around enough that it won't work cleanly.
-## 2018-12-23
-Refactored the split-sequence PR fork thing.  Surprisingly tricky to get all its
-weird edge cases around number-of-elements-examined correct.
-Still getting used to this split keyboard.  Finally starting to press the `b`
-key with the correct finger.  The numbers and arrows and stuff are still
-a challenge.
-Cleaned up CACL to work with CCL and Adopt.  Need to do some more work on the
-other CLI utils and write some docs for Adopt and then a blog post, I think.
-Tried to get Weechat up and running on this laptop so I can communicate with the
-world.  Unfortunately there's no nice list of Weechat's dependencies anywhere
-because fuck me, and I'm an idiot and didn't log it in this plan file the last
-time I had to deal with this bullshit, so here we are:
-    sudo apt install cmake libncursesw5-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev zlib1g-dev libgcrypt20-dev gnutls-bin ca-certificates aspell aspell-en aspell-is libgnutls28-dev
-    cd ~/src/weechat
-    mkdir -p build
-    cd build
-    cmake ..
-    make
-    sudo make install
-That `libgnutls28-dev` is important.
-Did another couple of Rosalind problems.  They were pretty easy, but it was good
-to get back into the swing of things, and I came up with some nice utils that
-make them pretty clean.
-## 2018-12-24
-Fixed a bug in one of my Rosalind problems.
-Pinned `python-markdown` to version `2.6.11` in `d` because the last release is
-fucking broken (it double-escapes characters in codehilited blocks).  They fixed
-it months ago but still haven't pushed a new release, so whatever, I'll just pin
-to one that seems to work.  At least I can build my documentation again.
-## 2018-12-25
-Merry Christmas.
-Whipped up a CSV library because the existing ones are a little bonkers.  Way
-less code and much faster.  There are still a couple of features I need to think
-about but I think it's pretty solid already.
-## 2018-12-26
-Wrote unit tests for the CSV library and got them running on SBCL, CCL, and ECL.
-`cl-csv` doesn't let you use a string as the newline delimiter on CCL, fun.  Had
-to install ECL on this laptop.  Built it from source this time.  It worked
-Got my pastebin access set up on this machine.  Apparently I forgot to add this
-machine's public key to my main Linode box.  Had to do it through Lish.
-Finally got around to installing LispWorks.  The personal edition is janky as
-hell.  Brain dump for next time:
-* The personal edition is 32-bit, so it will just Not Work™ out of the box.
-  Have to install 32-bit deps to get it to even run: `sudo apt install
-  libgtk2.0-0:i386 gtk2-engines-murrine:i386`.
-* The personal edition is an older version, which bundles ASDF 2, which can't
-  build shit any more.
-* Need to build ASDF 3 first by running `make` in the ASDF repo on the `release` branch.
-* Then in LispWorks run `(load "~/src/asdf/build/asdf.lisp") (provide "asdf")`.
-* Then you can run the Quicklisp bootstrap and everything works.
-* The personal edition won't run init files, you have to do it manually.
-* The personal edition can't run a non-GUI (jesus).  I guess I'm not adding it
-  to my automated tests.
-What the hell, let's get Allegro running too.  Allegro worked out of the box
-because I had already done the 32 bit bullshit for LispWorks, but it too is
-janky.  At least Allegro provides a command line REPL in `alisp`.  That's nice.
-Installed ABCL on this laptop to run tests there too.  The installation process
-is just:
-* Download the `-bin` from the site.  You don't also need to grab the contrib,
-  it's all bundled together.
-* Put the two JARs in `/usr/local/bin`.
-* Make a shell script to call `java -jar abcl.jar`.
-Renamed `trivial-ppm` to `cl-netpbm` since it's grown more functionality.
-## 2018-12-31
-Figured out how to get my external hard drives mounted on Ubuntu as a non-root
-user.  Have to add a line like the following to `/etc/fstab`:
-    UUID=40098415-2c77-35dc-a3ed-4b286c7ed542 /media/sjl/external-drives/western-digital/ auto user,force,rw 0 0
-Get the UUID from `sudo blkid -sUUID`.  Then you can just `mount
+Had trouble booting my Ubuntu partition, it took forever and tossed me at a root
+prompt with "You are in Emergency Mode".  Turns out the line I added to
+`/etc/fstab` broke things when the external drive isn't plugged in.  Need to
+figure out how to fix that.