author |
Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com> |
date |
Wed, 30 Aug 2023 18:56:29 -0400 (19 months ago) |
parents |
6010cf0d03ee |
children |
e20df9752955 |
# June 2023
Time to reboot this thing once again.
## 2023-06-18
Spilled coffee on my keyboard (Keebio Sinc Rev2), so I took the caps off to wash
them & it. While they're drying I figured I should try using the new keyboard
I got to use at school (Keebio Sinc Rev3), to get used to it and discover any
Had to remember (again) how to flash this new one with a fresh QMK
configuration, because of course the process completely changed between r2 and
r3 so I need to keep track of two different methods. Figured it out and added
a note in my repo so I'll remember for next time.
Once I was able to flash it, I had to figure out how to disable the RGB Gamer
Crud™ the stupid thing has enabled by default. Googled around and found plenty
about how to enable the RGB crap, but less about how to disable it. Eventually
I figured out the correct incantation to put into `rules.mk` and got it to look
like a normal keyboard.
Wanted to push those changes to GitHub but my GH personal access token seems to
have expired some time recently. Went to create a new one and somehow the list
of permissions doesn't manage to make it clear which goddamn box you have to
check to say "just let me push and pull code". For future reference: it's
## 2023-06-21
Pushed some changes to `cl-digraph` I've had sitting around for a while after
writing up a couple of quick tests.
# July 2023
## 2023-07-15
Installing Debian LTS on my laptop so I don't have to do it again any time soon
while in grad school. Taking notes to remember for when I put it on my desktop.
First, back up everything:
* Faster on wired ethernet.
* Don't forget password-store!
* Don't forget hidden dotfiles!
Partitioned everything, installed nothing.
Boot into a command line as root (no `sudo` yet).
Add user account to groups:
usermod -a -G sudo sjl
usermod -a -G netdev sjl
Allow non-free packages:
vim /etc/apt/sources.list
edit to add non-free to lines, e.g.:
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian bookworm main contrib non-free
apt update
Install first round of stuff:
apt install \
nmtui sudo make
curl wget network-manager
fish rlwrap
mercurial git
xcape xautolock
pulseaudio alsa-utils
libzstd-dev libx11-dev libxft-dev
build-essential autoconf pkg-config
bzip2 udisks2 lm-sensors htop
fonts-ubuntu w3m atool psmisc
suckless-tools trash-cli
Make wired connection manageable by network manager (might not need this?)
* Remove from `/etc/network/interfaces`
* `sudo service NetworkManager restart`
`chsh` to `/usr/bin/fish`.
Set up `.ssh` and keys.
Bootstrap lisp:
sudo apt install sbcl
git clone https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl
git checkout sbcl-2.3.6
sh make.sh --with-sb-core-compression
sudo sh install.sh
sudo apt remove sbcl
curl -O https://beta.quicklisp.org/quicklisp.lisp
sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp
(quicklisp-quickstart:install :path "/home/sjl/.quicklisp/")
TODO CCL and others
Get dotfiles:
hg clone ssh://hsl/repos/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
TODO build hg from scratch to get hg-git working maybe
TODO bootstrap script might fuck up the fish config because shit's already created, thanks a lot fish
git clone https://github.com/sjl/z-fish
Clone repos:
hg clone hsl://adopt adopt
cd adopt
cd ..
Build st:
git clone https://github.com/sjl/st
Get a desktop environment up and running:
sudo apt install xinit xdm
git clone https://github.com/stumpwm/stumpwm
(ql:quickload "clx")
(ql:quickload "cl-ppcre")
(ql:quickload "alexandria")
(ql:quickload "xembed")
sudo make install
cd ~/.stumpwm.d/
git clone https://github.com/sjl/stumpwm-contrib modules
cd modules
git co sjl
Set up `pass`:
git clone sjl@redacted:password-store .password-store
sudo apt install pass scdaemon pinentry-gtk2
gpg -a --export 5D... > public-key.txt
copy over
gpg --import < public-key.txt
Add GPU stuff:
sudo apt install vainfo radeontop
Pulseaudio crap:
sudo apt install pulseaudio alsa-utils
pulseaudio --start
(m to unmute, up/down to change vol)
Set up Firefox:
wget 'https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox&os=linux64&lang=en-US'
aunpack fi…
mv firefox /opt/
cd /opt/
chown -R root:root firefox
ln -s /usr/local/bin/firefox /opt/firefox/firefox
sudo apt install libgtk-3-0 libdbus-glib-1-2
finish the rest of this garbage https://wiki.debian.org/Firefox#Hardware_Video_Acceleration
VLC (installs the world, sigh):
sudo apt install vlc
View > Docked Playlist to unbreak the playlist
Figure out a graphical file manager solution (double commander?).