bio/intro/2021-08-xx.markdown @ 97111cd8535b

author Steve Losh <>
date Mon, 08 May 2023 13:46:28 -0400
parents (none)
children (none)
Try to find places where biologists hang out.

Email graduate admissions and just ask them.

Look into more background on protein structure.


Consider taking a few classes at RIT.

Search around for schools with bioinformatics/computational biology programs.
Read their papers and find things that seem interesting. Look over their code

Look through recent journals and try to pick a couple of recent papers that seem


Try branching out a little bit -- look at immunology, virology, microbiology.

Start learning cell biology next.


Find the top 5 people/grad schools whose work sound interesting.

Find faculty members look at lab websites, look at open positions and projects.


Get transcripts, see if any of my previous credits would transfer into a BS/MS.
Might be able to cut some years off a BS.

* MIT OpenCourseware
* Harvard extension school
* Start looking into cell and molecular biology
* Biotechnology class