author |
Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com> |
date |
Tue, 17 Jul 2018 02:52:27 +0000 (2018-07-17) |
parents |
11f171e0b8b6 |
children |
62f9d2267878 |
# June 2018
## 2018-06-06
Rebooting this `.plan` after a long absence. Again.
More work on switching to Linux.
Switched to [pass](http://passwordstore.org) from 1Password so I can use it
everywhere. 1Password has been pushing the cloud version pretty hard, so it's
probably only a matter of time before they deprecate the real app. This was
painful. I had to hack apart the `1password2pass.rb` file to handle my naming
conventions, and of course the version of that script in the `pass` repo was out
of date.
Got `weechat` up and running. I can communicate again.
Got `offlineimap` running, but didn't finish the syncing yet (I have a lot of
Tore Roswell out of my `lispindent` and `clhs` scripts so it just builds with
vanilla SBCL now. So much easier and less brittle.
Backlight support (specifically `xbacklight`) required editing `xorg.conf` as
described in the Arch wiki. The backlight keys on the keyboard still don't
work, but at least I can dim the screen.
`xcape` remains busted in stumpwm for now. Will debug later.
## 2018-06-07
Getting VPN set up. Mostly used the network manager GUI to handle the settings.
To disable saving of the password I had to click the silly little icon in the
right of each password field.
Got my `xrandr` bullshit mostly tamed, thanks to some Lisp code from katco.
It's really nice to be able to script my window manager to add hotkeys with
Common Lisp.
## 2018-06-21
More math review. I'm rusty.
More homework from the Prolog class. This time it was the classic Family Tree
style exercise. Wasn't too tough, even though my Prolog is *really* rusty.
Still on OS X for personal stuff until the rest of the parts for my
Linux/Windows machine arrive.
## 2018-06-22
Math review.
## 2018-06-23
Finished the Trains exercise for the Prolog class. It was harder than
I expected — my Prolog skills definitely need work. But I guess that's what the
class is for, right?
# July 2018
## 2018-07-03
The quest to make my new Linux machine usable continues. Finally managed to
build Weechat from source after screwing around in dependency hell for a while
(apparently there's no `libgnutls30-dev` for Ubuntu 18.04?). Also managed to
get the sound coming out the right ports after some dark incantation with
`pactl`. Not using Gnome as a WM apparently means I'm going to be perpetually
confused about how to configure anything on this damn machine, I guess.
Catching up in the Prolog class. Thankfully tomorrow is a holiday so I can
hopefully make some good progress there too.
## 2018-07-04
Managed to get Weechat to work with Unicode support. I had installed
`libncursesw` and reran `cmake ..` but apparently that wasn't enough, I had to
fully blow away the `build/` directory and redo the `cmake` from scratch to get
it to link against `libncursesw` (rather than `libncurses`). What a shitshow.
I really need to take a month off and write my own IRC client in CL.
Looked into an SBCL bug, but it turns out the standard is just kind of
ambiguous, and the current behavior is probably fine.
## 2018-07-07
Did the [Prolog modules tutorial][] for the Prolog class. This made me really
appreciate Common Lisp's package system... the Prolog module system seems really
crufty in comparison.
Fixed a display issue for my blog, but I don't have Hugo set up on this machine
yet, so it'll have to wait to be deployed.
[Prolog modules tutorial]: http://chiselapp.com/user/ttmrichter/repository/gng/doc/trunk/output/tutorials/swiplmodtut.html
## 2018-07-08
Got mutt running on the new Linux machine. The quest to convert my dotfiles
fully over to Linux continues.
Got ABCL, ECL, SBCL, and CCL all installed and working on the Linux machine.
I had originally installed SBCL (for bootstrapping a new build of it) and
StumpWM through the package manager and forgotten about them. This meant I had
a `/usr/share/common-lisp` laying around which was getting loaded for other
installs too, which borked a few things. I had to remove the old packages, blow
away `~/.cache/common-lisp`, and everything works now. ECL is still installed
through the package manager, the rest aren't.
Started getting my Lisp test infrastructure up and running on the Linux box.
Previously I used [figlet][] and [lolcat][] to print nice headers during the
test runs. I don't want to install Ruby on this machine if possible, so
I looked for a replacement for lolcat and found [toilet][], which includes the
functionality of both. Great! Had to download the figlet contrib fonts
manually, which was annoying (Homebrew on OS X did it automatically, but the
Ubuntu package doesn't). Toilet's rainbows aren't as nice as lolcat's, but the
tradeoff of not needing ruby is worth it.
Got Hugo installed on the Linux box and made a build of my site. I hope
I didn't break anything. Made a couple of tweaks to fix a couple of issues
I noticed in Firefox on Linux. Hand-compiled the LessCSS to avoid having to
install NodeJS on the machine. Removed the timeago jQuery plugin -- the quest
to exterminate all JS on my website continues.
Wrote a blog post. Will post it tomorrow.
Looked into why StumpWM's `remove` command is making the widths weird. Gotta
dive in more when my mind is fresh.
[figlet]: http://www.figlet.org/
[lolcat]: https://github.com/busyloop/lolcat
[toilet]: http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/toilet
## 2018-07-10
Figured out why StumpWM wasn't noticing my timezone changes. I tracked it down
to SBCL itself not noticing the timzeone changes — e.g. you can run
`(get-decoded-time)`, change your timezone, and run `(get-decoded-time)` again
and SBCL will still return the old timezone until you restart it. Eventually
I narrowed this down to `get_timezone` in SBCL's
[`time.c`](https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/blob/master/src/runtime/time.c), which
uses `localtime_r`. The problem is that `localtime` and `localtime_r` don't
check for a timezone change, you have to call `tzset` yourself, according to
`man 3 localtime`. So the solution is to run `(cffi:foreign-funcall "tzset")`
in your StumpWM process whenever you change your timezone.
Watched the Prolog class presentation from a couple days ago. I'm still
a little bit behind, gotta hopefully catch up this weekend.
## 2018-07-14
Got `notmuch` set up on the new box. Forgot how dang fast it is.
## 2018-07-15
Got `pass` sharing sanely on my phone and desktop.
## 2018-07-16
Installed the Arduino IDE on my desktop. The quest to switch fully to Linux