# HG changeset patch # User Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com> # Date 1276300445 14400 # Node ID 6c968c9121c3f817dce2b60a7e5fbedea8742f05 # Parent 77623ec598c6940c36880aadaa5946e6849b733a Kill whitespace. I use vim now. diff -r 77623ec598c6 -r 6c968c9121c3 review/extension_ui.py --- a/review/extension_ui.py Fri Jun 11 19:51:10 2010 -0400 +++ b/review/extension_ui.py Fri Jun 11 19:54:05 2010 -0400 @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ read_only = opts.pop('read_only') address = opts.pop('address') port = int(opts.pop('port')) - + import web_ui web_ui.load_interface( ui, repo, read_only=read_only, @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def _init_command(ui, repo, **opts): ui.note(messages.INIT_START) - + try: ReviewDatastore(ui, repo, rpath=opts.pop('remote_path'), create=True) if '.hgreview' not in repo['tip'].manifest(): @@ -49,24 +49,24 @@ rev = opts.pop('rev') message = opts.pop('message') lines = opts.pop('lines') - + rd = ReviewDatastore(ui, repo) rcset = rd[rev] - + if lines and not len(fnames) == 1: raise util.Abort(messages.COMMENT_LINES_REQUIRE_FILE) - + if not message: raise util.Abort(messages.COMMENT_REQUIRES_MESSAGE) - + if lines: lines=lines.split(',') - + if fnames: fnames = map(lambda f: sanitize_path(f, repo), fnames) else: fnames = [''] - + for fn in fnames: try: rcset.add_comment(message=message, filename=fn, lines=lines) @@ -79,15 +79,15 @@ rd = ReviewDatastore(ui, repo) rcset = rd[opts.pop('rev')] message = opts.pop('message') - + if not message: raise util.Abort(messages.SIGNOFF_REQUIRES_MESSAGE) - + yes, no = opts.pop('yes'), opts.pop('no') if yes and no: raise util.Abort(messages.SIGNOFF_OPINION_CONFLICT) opinion = 'yes' if yes else ('no' if no else '') - + try: rcset.add_signoff(message=message, opinion=opinion, force=opts.pop('force')) @@ -97,35 +97,35 @@ def _review_command(ui, repo, *fnames, **opts): rev = opts.pop('rev') context = int(opts.pop('unified')) - + rd = ReviewDatastore(ui, repo) cset = repo[rev] rcset = rd[rev] - + comment_count = len(rcset.comments) author_count = len(set(comment.author for comment in rcset.comments)) - + ui.write(messages.REVIEW_LOG_CSET % (cset.rev(), short(cset.node()))) ui.write(messages.REVIEW_LOG_AUTHOR % cset.user()) ui.write(messages.REVIEW_LOG_SUMMARY % cset.description().split('\n')[0]) - + signoffs = rcset.signoffs signoffs_yes = filter(lambda s: s.opinion == 'yes', signoffs) signoffs_no = filter(lambda s: s.opinion == 'no', signoffs) signoffs_neutral = set(signoffs).difference(signoffs_yes + signoffs_no) - + ui.write(messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFFS % ( len(signoffs), len(signoffs_yes), len(signoffs_no), len(signoffs_neutral)) ) ui.write(messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENTS % (comment_count, author_count)) - + def _build_item_header(item, author_template, author_extra=None): author = templatefilters.person(item.author) author_args = (author,) if author_extra: author_args = author_args + author_extra author_part = author_template % author_args - + age = templatefilters.age(item.hgdate) age_part = messages.REVIEW_LOG_AGE % age if ui.debugflag: @@ -135,74 +135,74 @@ else: hash_part = '' detail_part = age_part + hash_part - + spacing = 80 - (len(author_part) + len(detail_part)) if spacing <= 0: spacing = 1 spacing = ' ' * spacing - + return author_part + spacing + detail_part + '\n' - - + + def _print_comment(comment, before='', after=''): ui.write(before) ui.write(_build_item_header(comment, messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_AUTHOR)) - + for line in comment.message.splitlines(): ui.write(messages.REVIEW_LOG_COMMENT_LINE % line) - + ui.write(after) - + def _print_signoff(signoff, before='', after=''): ui.write(before) - + opinion = signoff.opinion or 'neutral' ui.write(_build_item_header(signoff, messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_AUTHOR, (opinion,))) - + for line in signoff.message.splitlines(): ui.write(messages.REVIEW_LOG_SIGNOFF_LINE % line) - + ui.write(after) - - + + if rcset.signoffs: ui.write('\n') for signoff in rcset.signoffs: _print_signoff(signoff, before='\n') - + review_level_comments = rcset.review_level_comments() if review_level_comments: ui.write('\n') for comment in review_level_comments: _print_comment(comment, before='\n') - + if ui.quiet: return - + if not fnames: fnames = rcset.files() fnames = [sanitize_path(fname, repo) for fname in fnames] fnames = [fname for fname in fnames if rcset.has_diff(fname)] - + for filename in fnames: header = messages.REVIEW_LOG_FILE_HEADER % filename print '\n\n%s %s' % (header, '-'*(80-(len(header)+1))) - + for comment in rcset.file_level_comments(filename): _print_comment(comment) - + annotated_diff = rcset.annotated_diff(filename, context) prefix = '%%%dd: ' % len(str(annotated_diff.next())) - + for line in annotated_diff: if line['skipped']: ui.write(messages.REVIEW_LOG_SKIPPED % line['skipped']) for comment in line['comments']: _print_comment(comment) continue - + ui.write('%s %s\n' % (prefix % line['number'], line['content'])) - + for comment in line['comments']: _print_comment(comment) @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ render_effects(m.group('colorized'), _review_effects[style])) break return '\n'.join(lines) - + orig(*[_colorize(s) for s in args]) def colorreview(orig, ui, repo, *fnames, **opts): @@ -264,25 +264,25 @@ def review(ui, repo, *fnames, **opts): """code review changesets in the current repository - + To start using the review extension with a repository, you need to initialize the code review data: - + hg help review-init - + Once you've initialized it (and cloned the review data repo to a place where others can get to it), you can start reviewing changesets. - + See the following help topics if you want to use the command-line interface: - + hg help review-review hg help review-comment hg help review-signoff - + Once you've reviewed some changesets, don't forget to push your comments and signoffs so other people can view them. - + """ if opts.pop('web'): return _web_command(ui, repo, **opts) @@ -322,102 +322,102 @@ ('Initializing code review for a repository'), (r""" hg review --init --remote-path PATH - + Initialize code review for the current repository. - + When run for the first time in a project, it will do two things: - + * Create a new Mercurial repository to hold the review data at .hg/review/ - + * Create and 'hg add' a .hgreview file in the current repository. You will need to commit this file yourself with: hg commmit .hgreview -m 'Initialize code review data.' - + This repository contains code review data such as comments and signoffs. It is a normal Mercurial repository, so you can push and pull review data to and from other clones of it to share your comments and signoffs. - + The --remote-path option is required, and specifies the path where the canonical code review data for this project will live. This is the path that will be cloned when someone else runs 'hg review --init' on the project. - + Examples: - + hg review --init --remote-path 'http://bitbucket.org/u/project-review' hg review --init --remote-path '../project-review' - + """)), (['review-review'], ('Viewing code review data for changesets'), (r""" hg review [-r REV] [-U CONTEXT] [--quiet] [FILE] - + Show code review information about a specific revision. Diffs of all changed files will be shown, and the line numbers printed are the ones that should be used with 'hg review --comment --lines LINES FILE'. - + If no revision is given, the current parent of the working directory will be shown. - + The number of lines of context in diffs can be changed with the -U option. If any FILEs are given, only those diffs will be shown. If --quiet is used no diffs will be shown. - + If --verbose is used the short identifier of each comment/signoff will also be shown. - + If --debug is used the full identifier of each comment/signoff will also be shown. - + """)), (['review-comment'], ('Adding code review comments for changesets'), (r""" hg review --comment -m MESSAGE [-r REV] [-l LINES] [FILE] - + If no revision is given, the current parent of the working directory will be used. - + If no FILEs are given, the comment will be attached to the changeset as a whole. - + If one or more FILEs are given but no LINES are given, the comment will be attached to the each file as a whole. - + If a FILE is given and LINES is given the comment will be attached to those specific lines. LINES should be a comma-separated list of line numbers (as numbered in the output of 'hg review'), such as '3' or '2,3' - + Examples: - + hg review --comment -m 'This changeset needs to go in branch X.' hg review --comment -m 'This file should just be deleted.' script.py hg review --comment -m 'Trailing whitespace!' --lines 1,2,30 utils.py - + """)), (['review-signoff'], ('Adding code review signoffs for changesets'), (r""" hg review --signoff -m MESSAGE [--yes | --no] [-r REV] [--force] - + If no revision is given, the current parent of the working directory will be used. - + The --yes and --no options can be used to indicate whether you think the changeset is "good" or "bad". It's up to the collaborators of each individual project to decide exactly what that means. If neither option is given the signoff will be marked as "neutral". - + If you've already signed off on a changeset, you can use --force to overwrite your previous signoff with a new one. - + Examples: - + hg review --signoff -m 'I do not work on this part of the code.' hg review --signoff --yes -m 'Thanks, this change looks good.' hg review --signoff --no -m 'This would break backwards compatibility!' hg review --signoff --yes --force -m 'Nevermind, this is fine.' - + """)), )