# HG changeset patch # User Steve Losh # Date 1330648593 18000 # Node ID 46338ddc962a5fe88b5419d53c40d4153672884c # Parent 82103e5992b37763b68c8e718c2f722ee0bdfcdd Moar. diff -r 82103e5992b3 -r 46338ddc962a .pentadactylrc --- a/.pentadactylrc Tue Feb 28 14:11:18 2012 -0500 +++ b/.pentadactylrc Thu Mar 01 19:36:33 2012 -0500 @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ nnoremap "'" go nnoremap '"' gn -" Switch tabs with J and K -nnoremap J :tn -nnoremap K :tp +" Switch tabs with parens +nnoremap ) :tn +nnoremap ( :tp " Finally I can overwrite the stupid fucking Firebug toggling correctly. " nnoremap diff -r 82103e5992b3 -r 46338ddc962a .zshrc --- a/.zshrc Tue Feb 28 14:11:18 2012 -0500 +++ b/.zshrc Thu Mar 01 19:36:33 2012 -0500 @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ alias c='clear' alias bp='bpython' +export DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE="true" + # Environment variables ------------------------------------------------------ export EDITOR='vim' export PATH="$HOME/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin:${PATH}" diff -r 82103e5992b3 -r 46338ddc962a bin/rdio-current-track-tmux --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/bin/rdio-current-track-tmux Thu Mar 01 19:36:33 2012 -0500 @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +RDIO_TRACK=$(osascript <" do activate('iDvtm') - send('') - send('3') + send('2') end map "" do activate('iDvtm') - send('') - send('2') -end -map "" do - activate('iDvtm') - send('') - send('1') + send('1') end # Leader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff -r 82103e5992b3 -r 46338ddc962a tmux/tmux.conf --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/tmux/tmux.conf Thu Mar 01 19:36:33 2012 -0500 @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +# Use something easier to type as the prefix. +set -g prefix C-f +unbind C-b +bind C-f send-prefix + +# Relax! +set -sg escape-time 0 +set -sg repeat-time 600 + +# This is hilariously absurd. How many nerds use tmux on OS X every day and +# it's still fundamentally broken? +set -g default-command "dammit-tmux -l zsh" + +# Less stretching to get to the first item. +set -g base-index 1 +setw -g pane-base-index 1 + +# Reload the config. +bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded ~/.tmux.conf" + +# Saner splitting. +bind v split-window -h +bind s split-window -v +bind S choose-session + +# Pane movement +bind h select-pane -L +bind j select-pane -D +bind k select-pane -U +bind l select-pane -R + +# DVTM style pane selection +bind 1 select-pane -t 1 +bind 2 select-pane -t 2 +bind 3 select-pane -t 3 +bind 4 select-pane -t 4 +bind 5 select-pane -t 5 +bind 6 select-pane -t 6 +bind 7 select-pane -t 7 +bind 8 select-pane -t 8 +bind 9 select-pane -t 9 + +# Pane resizing +bind -r C-h resize-pane -L 5 +bind -r C-j resize-pane -D 5 +bind -r C-k resize-pane -U 5 +bind -r C-l resize-pane -R 5 + +# Window movement +# Only really makes sense if you have your parens bound to shifts like me. +bind -r ( select-window -t :- +bind -r ) select-window -t :+ + +# 256 colors please +set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" + +# Bad Wolf +set -g status-fg white +set -g status-bg colour234 +set -g window-status-activity-attr bold +set -g pane-border-fg colour245 +set -g pane-active-border-fg colour39 +set -g message-fg colour16 +set -g message-bg colour221 +set -g message-attr bold + +# Custom status bar +# Powerline symbols: ⮂ ⮃ ⮀ ⮁ ⭤ +set -g status-left-length 32 +set -g status-right-length 150 +set -g status-interval 5 + +set -g status-left '#[fg=colour16,bg=colour254,bold] #S #[fg=colour254,bg=colour238,nobold]⮀#[fg=colour15,bg=colour238,bold] #(ls ~/.mail/steve-stevelosh.com/INBOX/cur ~/.mail/steve-stevelosh.com/INBOX/new | wc -l | tr -d " ") #[fg=colour238,bg=colour234,nobold]⮀' + +set -g status-right '#[fg=colour245]⮃ %R ⮃ %d %b #[fg=colour254,bg=colour234,nobold]#(rdio-current-track-tmux)⮂#[fg=colour16,bg=colour254,bold] #h ' + +set -g window-status-format "#[fg=white,bg=colour234] #I #W " +set -g window-status-current-format "#[fg=colour234,bg=colour39]⮀#[fg=colour16,bg=colour39,noreverse,bold] #I ⮁ #W #[fg=colour39,bg=colour234,nobold]⮀" + +# Activity +setw -g monitor-activity on +set -g visual-activity off + +# Stop it, tmux. +setw -g automatic-rename off + +# Better name management +bind c new-window \; command-prompt "rename-window '%%'" +bind C new-window +bind , command-prompt "rename-window '%%'" + +# Copy mode +setw -g mode-keys vi +bind [ copy-mode +unbind p +bind p paste-buffer +bind -t vi-copy v begin-selection +bind -t vi-copy y copy-selection diff -r 82103e5992b3 -r 46338ddc962a vim/.vimrc --- a/vim/.vimrc Tue Feb 28 14:11:18 2012 -0500 +++ b/vim/.vimrc Thu Mar 01 19:36:33 2012 -0500 @@ -39,9 +39,7 @@ set splitbelow set splitright set fillchars=diff:⣿,vert:│ -set ttimeout set notimeout -set nottimeout set autowrite set shiftround set autoread @@ -49,6 +47,12 @@ set linebreak set dictionary=/usr/share/dict/words +" Time out on key codes but not mappings. +" Basically this makes terminal Vim work sanely. +set notimeout +set ttimeout +set ttimeoutlen=10 + " Make Vim able to edit crontab files again. set backupskip=/tmp/*,/private/tmp/*" @@ -750,6 +754,10 @@ " Stop it, hash key. inoremap # X# +" Kill window +nnoremap :q +inoremap :q + " For some reason ctags refuses to ignore Python variables, so I'll just hack " the tags file with sed and strip them out myself. " @@ -770,7 +778,7 @@ vnoremap UG :w !gist -p \| pbcopy " Change case -nnoremap gUiw +nnoremap U gUiw inoremap gUiwea " Emacs bindings in command line mode @@ -1065,9 +1073,9 @@ " Powerline {{{ let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy' -let g:Powerline_cache_enabled = 0 +" let g:Powerline_cache_enabled = 0 " let g:Powerline_theme = 'derp' -let g:Powerline_colorscheme = 'badwolf' +" let g:Powerline_colorscheme = 'badwolf' " }}} " Python-Mode {{{