# HG changeset patch
# User Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
# Date 1347041414 14400
# Node ID 531f67eec7767ae4b0f13ef56f48517f1f7bb498
# Parent  9c983cbfec17e7387b287ea6d3b4fbe2226f9af4
clojure-lanterna: Update site.

diff -r 9c983cbfec17 -r 531f67eec776 clojure-lanterna/reference/index.html
--- a/clojure-lanterna/reference/index.html	Fri Sep 07 14:05:59 2012 -0400
+++ b/clojure-lanterna/reference/index.html	Fri Sep 07 14:10:14 2012 -0400
@@ -149,8 +149,11 @@
   constant</a> (default <code>:utf-8</code>).</li>
 <li><code>:resize-listener</code> - A function to call when the terminal is resized.  This
   function should take two parameters: the new number of columns, and the new
-  number of rows.
+  number of rows.</li>
+<li><code>:font</code> - A single <a href="#font-names">font name</a> or sequence of <a href="#font-names">font
+  names</a>.  If a sequence is given, the first font that exists on
+  the system will be used (much like a CSS <code>font-family</code> declaration).
+  Will fall back to a monospaced default font if none of the given ones exist.</li>
 </ul><p>The <code>:rows</code>, <code>:cols</code>, <code>:font</code>, <code>:font-size</code>, <code>:palette</code> and <code>:charset</code> options
 are really just a suggestion!</p>
 <p>The text-based terminals will ignore rows, columns, fonts and palettes.  They
@@ -326,6 +329,10 @@
 <li><code>:resize-listener</code> - A function to call when the screen is resized.  This
   function should take two parameters: the new number of columns, and the new
   number of rows.</li>
+<li><code>:font</code> - A single <a href="#font-names">font name</a> or sequence of <a href="#font-names">font
+  names</a>.  If a sequence is given, the first font that exists on
+  the system will be used (much like a CSS <code>font-family</code> declaration).
+  Will fall back to a monospaced default font if none of the given ones exist.</li>
 </ul><p>The <code>:rows</code>, <code>:cols</code>, and <code>:charset</code> options are really just a suggestion!</p>
 <p>The text-based screens will ignore rows and columns and will be the size of
 the user's window.</p>