# HG changeset patch
# User Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
# Date 1693451948 14400
# Node ID 754d7c8ae5c03b47ed915a0568a35b30e92b6d05
# Parent  476f0aca1a5b709d1398f3df54b2a7c8deb37bab

diff -r 476f0aca1a5b -r 754d7c8ae5c0 README.markdown
--- a/README.markdown	Wed Aug 30 21:07:55 2023 -0400
+++ b/README.markdown	Wed Aug 30 23:19:08 2023 -0400
@@ -349,3 +349,14 @@
 everything just worked even though I haven't touched the site in months, because
 it's written in Common Lisp which never changes.  It's so nice to not have to
 work with constantly-breaking shit.
+Installed R and RStudio for tomorrow's class.  Base R is `r-base` in Debian.
+Unfortunately Debian 12 has only been out for a few months and the RStudio
+Debian package only supports 11, but apparently the `deb` one for Ubuntu 22
+works so I guess I'll just yolo it with that one for now.
+Reading for tomorrow's BS521 class: chapter 1 of OpenIntro Statistics (probably
+also want to real Holm's stats book again as a refresher).  All pretty basic so