# HG changeset patch
# User Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
# Date 1718215501 14400
# Node ID 6b5977d517e47ee2a5e6ca0d2cc864f851ea32d8
# Parent  5bb8415faede31f0d3f178f8ee038601b3351410

diff -r 5bb8415faede -r 6b5977d517e4 README.markdown
--- a/README.markdown	Tue Jun 11 12:48:24 2024 -0400
+++ b/README.markdown	Wed Jun 12 14:05:01 2024 -0400
@@ -746,3 +746,28 @@
 * Use `man 5 hgrc` and search for archive for the settings.
 * The `hgweb.conf` you need to edit is inside the `hg.stevelosh.com` deployment repo.
 * The deployment repo and the public repo are not the same.
+## 2024-06-12
+Figured out some interesting things when working on binding a key in IGV to
+toggle a preference.  IGV listens on a port locally, so to poke it we can open
+a socket:
+    (defun send-igv-command (string)
+      (usocket:with-client-socket (socket stream "" 60151)
+        (unwind-protect (progn (write-line string stream)
+                               (force-output stream))
+          (usocket:socket-close socket))))
+The `force-output` was critical there to actually send the command.
+To create a separate keymap that you can hang off another key:
+    (defvar *keymap/igv* (make-sparse-keymap))
+    (define-key *keymap/igv* (kbd "s") "igv/toggle-supplementary-alignments")
+    (define-top-keys ;; alternate maps
+      ("H-i" *keymap/igv*))